Before leaving, Shen Yu took the purchase order to the Black Cloud Group in the name of HSBC bank. After all, although the price of HSBC is high, it is not so free. And he is not qualified to represent the other two signed contracts, can only bring the quotation back; let them send someone to come.

Still HSBC Chairman's Office, at this time, the atmosphere is somewhat strange. Bao Yugang and Zheng Yu have been watching the quote from Shenyu, it is not possible.

Baozi Xuan is just a two but idiots, and others say it; the one-meter data transmission line is worth $ 100, which is too much outrageous. I don't talk about it, I have to bring this quotation back. Not you pay, don't feel bad! These professional managers are really not the boss.

Don't you know costs, your business is done, you have to go down sooner or later.

Seeing that two are so expressions, sinking is also a bit. This is Bao Zi Xuan intentional disgusting you, with me, but there is no major relationship. But if you can't say this; if you can't get it, it is not a person outside.

At this time, Zheng Yu did not dare to say anything, he has the handle in the hands of the sink. At the same time, Baozi Xuan can buy a device, which is very satisfied. It's nothing more than a lot of money, and there is no big deal.

The boat king saw Zheng Yu and didn't talk, and suddenly understood what the old kid thought; so very seriously: "Shen Sheng, this is the final offer!"

He didn't dare to question the other party. If it is too much, it will inevitably generate misunderstandings. How much is this person, he is very good, it is absolutely not damaged by a little money.

This offer is really too outrageous, and the heart is very uncomfortable, and it is not very thick.

Some somewhat is not so fast, you can't go. Of course, I don't know what I have experienced, how much good, let Bao Zi Xuan. Agree to sell machine equipment to you, now, it is doubtful. Is it so short of sorrow, and it will also earn a difference from the middle. So I said very seriously: "This is the offer listed in the Black Cloud Group. If you have any questions about the king of the boat, you can find Bao Zixuan's business."

"But the other party is very clear, it is to deliberately sell high prices to you. Of course, Zheng Jiahe Bao family can choose not to buy, then don't take too much."

I heard the Bunxuan was so attitude, and the bags didn't know what to say. I can only say that Zheng Yu: "Zheng Sheng, how do you feel."

For the same attitude towards the shark, Shen Yu is still very satisfied. At least it will, I don't doubt him. Now let's take a look, if it is also an attitude towards jade, then it will never let him go. There is no way to deal with the package jade, but the shark is still a minute.

As long as you have a good scale, let the other party are uncomfortable; you don't dare to force the opponent too urgent.

After all, the dog will also jump on the wall. More, you want to make a shock, let you understand, you want to clean up at any time.

Zheng Yu: "Banheng, our relationship with Bao Xuan is then going. Shen Sheng can let the other party agree to sell to my equipment and the ATM machine is hard. So now there is nothing to say, spend more money can only recognize And this thing is not a sterile that you can decide. I will make people signed a contract in the black cloud group tomorrow. "

"Bank acquired, if there is no supporting service, it will continue to be recognized by the depositors."

Zhengyu same answer, let Michael Sandberg very satisfied, therefore, did not care about the same to him.

Pao saw two men, feeling absolutely have secrets between the two sides. Michael Sandberg seems to have the anti-hand, otherwise sooner or later be the two pits.

Michael Sandberg: "I know this thing sink already has the best efforts, but just gas, but knowing that people want to pit you may still want to jump into the pit; business for so many years, had never been so stuck. . "

"But the fact is already the case, say too much useless. I'll also let people past dark Group signed. Blacksmith need its own hardware, it seems to enter the high-tech field, it is also a good choice."

Michael Sandberg Pao is just a temporary feeling angry words, and did not care; but Shark never pleasant to the ear with the other unwilling, that this is an opportunity.

Although the rare earth minerals bonds went smoothly, but the bank did not improve the service and support system; always not a thing, not to compete over other competitors. Hong Kong banks may now than before, no one is any punches either. In addition to large capital before, are few joint. Both of them but is the weakest of the existence, if do not want to point the way, the result will not be good.

What is the status Zheng Bank, Hong Kong banks may have already known. Charter king never asked, and perhaps do not know. But no matter the person know it or not, high-tech investment areas, be sure to pull him. Cheng is currently not dare to invest much money, rare earth minerals bonds received a lot of cash. Some of the money may never be used indiscriminately, in case of an emergency, the consequences could be disastrous.

Cheng short of money, may Pao but very rich. In cooperation with the Rothschild family, necessarily need a lot of money, and even do not understand, clearly high-tech fields; effective slow, tying up funds for a long period. Of course, as long as it is scientific research, as long as money can be waiting a few.

Want to get the part of the right to speak, we must invest more money, or did not speak emboldened. Currently only outside help, charter Wang is definitely a very suitable candidate.

Pao did not know at this time, he was the same to the eye Zhengyu, just do not know that this will not be into the pit.

Now that the two have no opinion, the Group signed a contract like dark past.

Pao Back home, after seeing the second son Peter Woo, said: "Tomorrow you past dark group, with the other party's bank package signed must purchase these devices, otherwise there is no way to gain a foothold in Hong Kong, what not to talk about. compete."

But a good-natured father, also first met him so angry. But looking at the quote list is weird smells.

Peter Woo years of American life is, of course, know the price of some of the computer. And after entering the banking sector, specifically viewed data in computers and related information. Buns Xuan given the price is too outrageous, this is to take them for a ride.

So exploratory said: "buns Xuan not want money like crazy, even given such a high quote the offer to at least about twice as expensive than the market, according to the offer; we have to pay at least 20 million. dollar loan. "

"Money touches Secondly, the most important people will look at how we package home, a problem also have to consider; or else consult foreign manufacturers."

In fact, charter then why Wang did not think, just before Michael Sandberg has been analyzed. Bank office equipment, biotite group is definitely the world. Purchase of equipment from abroad, can meet the performance requirements on the one hand, there is a most important matter of time. Lights when a large number of other banks are laying the ATM machine, do not pack at home doing nothing.

So what is the meaning of the acquisition of banks, and this is still a lost war; Bao Yulang can't afford the person.

The first Xiangjiang Rich is rich, just enter the banking industry, announce bankruptcy. Then everyone will think that Bao Yushang has nothing. More than a white feet is also in the case of the policy advantage.

Bao Yugang: "Although I don't know, it is a professionals in this area. Even HSBC needs to buy equipment from the Black Cloud Group, don't you know from the UK."

"At present, all bank office equipment on the market has not formed a system. Of course, there is a black cloud group. Bao Zi Xuan is seeing this, dare to report such a high price. Now we have no other choice, so this time can only be cultivated "

At this time, it is not possible to transition to the father-in-law. After all, HSBC is definitely a belly.

Wu Guangzheng: "At present, there will be a bank under the package. The future will inevitably have a competition. After all, the Xiangjiang banking industry has limited survival space. If you want to develop, you must expand out."

"Europe and the United States have a short time, but there is also a wide development space in the Chinese mainland. Where is my grandfather waiting for a while, I found the development speed of the Chinese mainland, and it will be very good."

There is no forever enemies in the world, of course, there is no friends forever; everything is for Yongheng's interests. Zheng Jiahe Baojia, in the field of bank, will inevitably face fierce competition, some are what is really going to prevent sharks.

However, enter the Chinese mainland market, you can consider;

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