After seeing the Sony released in the afternoon, Bunzi Xuan learned that Philips also had to sell prices. Walkman is more intense than the previous competition, and the profits of various manufacturers will decrease.

In fact, Bunzi Xuan is also very contradictory, and does not want to listen to the patents so easily, but if you don't listen to the patent, the black cloud is what this is the big company.

The answer is "no", then other companies sell patents to you. Comprehensive considerations still have to let this dining, plus anti-monopoly investigation institutions constraints. In order to get the heartmanship technology and equipment Baoxuan only to endure love.

The first day of the show is over after Sony introduces new products, and a total of eight companies have released new products. However, in addition to the black clouds, these companies are outside the Xiangjiang Company, and the rest is almost divided by the United States, RB, German companies.

This is also reality, this era is dominated by the three countries in electronic consumer goods. After returning to the hotel, Hengjing is peaceful and Ma Chenglong began to report the order of the game company and home appliance company.

Black cloud shaver is also a big outstanding head in this era design and technology. Ma Chenglong knows that he has come to black cloud at least a loss.

Ma Chenglong said: "Chairman, our black cloud two shaving knives have been very bright today. At present, Wal-Mart, Germany, and Wal-Mart, have already signed a purchase contract with us. After the exhibition, our shaving knife will be placed here. On the two major supermarket giants. At the same time, we also signed some small contracts. On the first day, our two shaving knives have exceeded 200,000 units. It makes Philips this new product is very unsuccessful. "

Philips did not recommend a new product as a new product, but chose his strength razor. I didn't expect the Black Cloud shaving knife whether they were in design, or they were functioning over their own new products. Let Philips are very depressed, how can I have some basic patents and motor technology of the shaving knife?

After Baozi Xuan nodded, he made a hand gesture against the crossing well.

The horizontal well said: "Our GameBoy has now received 3 million sets, this is still the result of the first customer who can't put it too much, or it will definitely exceed 5 million units. But a lot of today Customers who signed contracts said that I have to sign contracts in the morning. This exhibition we sell more than 10 million GameBoy's handheld game consolences, the president, we have succeeded. "

I didn't think that GameBoy would be so hot, but it didn't blame him. The past has been launched in 1989 and has sold 20 million units in 1989. At that time, consumer eyes are very picky. Nowadays, many classic games have not yet entered the player's sight, can play at home, in the car, play a game console where you can play anytime, anywhere. That is what consumers don't want to think before. The Black Cloud Group can help them achieve, this is the reason why major agents desperately order.

Bao Zixuan: "Other games! Hengjing!"

Just too excited, I forgot this thing, the palace has developed a new game in Xiangjiang. As a game company general manager actually thinks about GameBoy's own research and development products, it is indeed a qualified manager. After all, the game arcade is also managed by himself. However, I have just read a statistical result.

The crossings are waiting for about 1 minute, he wants to recall the data just seen. Said: "The number of sales of the game arcade is not particularly ideal. In addition to the sales of 5,000 units, the rest are around 1,500 units."

In fact, it is a blurred number of starting by Gameboy, which is an arcade, and is the first day. It is already very satisfied with this sales Bunxuan.

The next morning, Black Cloud Group employees came to the exhibition hall early, Bao Zixuan was also carefully dressed today. He wants to explain the new product of the black cloud laptop.

This morning, the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall is still the most hot. Many buyers who have not signed GameBoy procurement contracts have been signed here with the Black Cloud Game Company in the first time.

Today, the two new products recommended, Bunzi Xuan was arranged for the second to play, and the last new product of the entire exhibition was publicly recommended. Then enter the free exchange time of buying and selling. The subject committee will not arrange other products to openly recommend explanations.

Many people are in the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall, which makes the first RB Toshiba representatives in the first day. The audience under the whole platform is not a lot, but it is better yesterday! This is also a kind of imbalance in your heart!

Toshiba has launched a Japanese processor chip that can be programmed in Japanese. It can be said that it is very commemorative. If it is not the United States, it is better to develop Toshiba in Toshiba.

Other countries see programming can be used by Japanese, then German, French! Don't you have to use English? Can any country in the world can program in the country! It is still not reflected in it. If it enters the Internet age, the network is very famous when the network is very famous, and the software written in his own language will be trusted.

Baozi Xuan's past life knows this chip, as for the introduction of the mistakes and the mistakes of Toshiba's own commitments. Also have an indirect relationship with the United States to press the RB software industry.

Toshiba can be with the Soviet Union, and there is a very famous incident in history. Bunxuan will happen in a few years.

In a late night in the spring of 1983, the Soviet shipping company opened to the RB of 10,000 tons of freight wheels, from the RB Chici Pier, traveled to dozens of boxes "five-axis-linking CNC machine tool". According to RB, the Soviets buy these CNC machine tools, in addition to improving the promotion of the submarine, it can also improve the propeller of the new aircraft carrier in the construction. This is a sensation "Toshiba's violation of Batong output events". The consequences of this incident are serious: The US Navy lost the first time the water sound detection of the Soviet Navy Ship. Until today, the US Navy still did not absolutely grasp the new Russian submarine.

On May 27, 1987, the RB Police Department arrested the Minister of the RB Toshiba Machinery Casting Department, Li Village, Minister of Machine Division, Minister of Machine Tools. Toshiba Machinery Co., Ltd. has worked with Norwegian Kangsburg, illegally to the Soviet export large milling machine, etc. Helun, Lin Ming, Hong Ming, accused of being directly responsible in this high-tech smuggling case. The case caused an international public opinion, which is one of the military sensitive high-tech smuggling cases for Western countries during the Cold War - Toshiba incidents.

I know that the Historical Cases of Baoxuan thinks that this thing has almost no change, the only variable is that the Black Cloud Group provides a large number of control machine tools to the Soviet Union, but their body plates are not dare, so don't want to mix in Xiangjiang. The Toshiba company has paid a quite ambient cost.

Since Toshiba is likely to export large-scale CNC machines to the Soviet Union, can the black cloud can use this thing to threaten Toshiba! However, this matter must be carried out, or the Soviets know that they don't want to die. But looking at such a good chip technology, I can't get the Bunzi Xuan's heart is always itchy. I want to find a chance to get the Toshi Japanese processor chip technology, thereby developing Huayan texture chips.

Toshiba representatives didn't know that they had just released the chips that had been hungry.

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