Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 129 Shocked the audience

After the Toshiba representative is introduced, the Black Cloud Group employees began to arrange the stage. This makes the audience can't touch the mind. After all, everyone is the stage of borrowing the subject committee. It is possible to introduce the product, and there is no big flat banner to arrange the stage. What is the black cloud group? This is the idea of ​​many people.

In fact, it is a simple arrangement, and the Black Cloud Group staff puts a table in the center of the stage. Then put a projector above, and there is something that covered with red cloth.

Hanging a white cloth behind the stage is used to make the projector. After the wires and other items are connected, Bao Zi Xuan went to the center of the stage.

To be honest, the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall has come to the lobby from the outside of the security person. No one talks about business, many buyers can only come to the hall together. This leads to a lot of people in the hall, it can be said that this exhibition is recommended to recommend the new product.

Baozi Xuan said to the following: "Hello, I am Bao Zi Xuan, the Black Cloud Group CEO, this time, I will bring an epoch-making product, laptop computer."

I heard the product of Bunxuan said the era of the era, everyone thought it was a great thing! It turned out to be a computer! Nothing is! The Black Cloud Group began to say something.

Baozi Xuan then said: "The computer is commonly known as the computer. It is a modern electronic computing machine for high-speed calculation. It can perform numerical calculations, but also perform logical calculations, and have a storage memory function. It is possible to run, automatically, high speed processing according to program Modern intelligent electronic equipment for massive data. "

"Computer inventors John von Noyman. Computer is one of the most advanced scientific and technological inventions in the 20th century, has an extremely important impact on human production activities and social activities and rapidly develops with a strong vitality. Its The application field extends from the initial military scientific research application to society, has formed a large computer industry, which has driven a global technological advancement, which has triggered a profound social change. The computer has spread all over the general school, enterprises and institutions. , Enter the usual people's home, become an indispensable tool in the information society. "

"Why do I say so much, what is the difference between the black cloud computer and these computers! Just let everyone witnesses the difference between the black cloud computers."

After finishing the table, I opened the red cloth on the table. Everyone saw a square box on the table, and the vectors made of metal gloss with metal shine, very science fiction.

Next, let everyone shocked, I saw Bao Zixuan turned the small box. At this time, everyone can see this metal box.

Bao Zixuan said: "This is a laptop, I will open it now."

When you finish, press the boot key, because the computer is now a link projection device, the viewer can see the boot mode in the back of Bunzi Xuan.

After the black cloud logo appears, the computer enters the desktop mode.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "This laptop, the black cloud gives it an appropriate name, laptop. This laptop Black Cloud is numbered a magic 400."

"The magic 1100 laptop has a length of 42 cm, a width of 26.3 cm, a thickness of 3.6 cm, and 2.7 kg weighing. It works around 2 hours in the case of electricity is fully charged."

"The screen is a 12.5-inch color TFT LCD display. The CPU uses the Inner 8086-16 microprocessor. The floating budget per second is 8 times the speed of Apple 2-generation computer computing. It uses 1G hard drive, the software is black cloud Window 1.0 system, and equipped with a few black cloud office software. All commercial needs can be met. "

At this time, I saw Bunzi Xuan opened the PPT software.

After that, move the mouse to the PPT software, double-click the two down, the PPT software has appeared on the screen.

At this time, I have prepared this Berlin Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition PPT file played on the screen.

Bao Zixuan then said: "When we meet, we can solve most of the problems with a black cloud laptop and a projector."

"It is also very simple to make PPT files, as long as you will be black, other two office software will basically use PPT software. And we will write more business office software in the future."

"You want to know the company's data is very simple when you travel, you can solve a floppy disk."

After the floppy disk is inserted into the magic displacement, a password instruction has occurred after the floppy disk read is completed. The data in the floppy disk will begin to display after the encryption code.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If the data is important to set a password for the floppy disk, then even if the competitors get it, don't worry, it is the internal delivery is just a person who knows the password to open."

This laptop can meet the vast majority of business people, as long as you have a laptop, you can buy few laptops.

Next is the question time, which reporter has a problem.

Many reporters raised their hands, Bao Zi Xuan saw a beauty said: "On you, the beauty of the German native."

The beauty reporter is very excited. After all, she is the first question to ask the reporter, see this laptop really wants to have, so he is very concerned about the price.

Beauty reporter said in German: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I am a Berlin Daily reporter Lawn, I want to ask Mr. this laptop how much money. If the price is not expensive, I think many people want to have it."

Bao Zi Xuan did not wait for translation to speak, directly replied with German: "This laptop body housing uses a large number of titanium alloys to increase intensity, and the chips used are best, the price may not be very close. Price 8888 Dollar. "

In fact, it is not Bao Zi Xuanxin, this 7-year laptop performance than Toshiba is also high than Toshiba 1100 laptop, you can reach Apple's first business laptop performance. And in some ways, it is reasonable and advanced than Apple's laptop. Single cost price is about $ 4,000, Black Cloud gives the dealer price of $ 6888.

I heard the interpretation of Baozi Xuan, everyone's expression is better, or really want to spray him, what is going to be so expensive!

At this time, a French reporter asked: "When I just saw this laptop playing the PPT software, it was manifested with Chinese characters. Is it that Black Cloud has already mastered the technology that can input Chinese characters into the computer, is it not? Also. "

Still not waiting to speak, Baozi Xuan replied in French: "You observe very carefully, it's right. Black cloud has mastered the technology of entering the Chinese characters, we have written five software. Use the Chinese characters to first combine text. As for the French you said, we are also doing this effort. Just Black Cloud Group knows that French engineers are too small; current progress is very slow. "

After I heard Bunxuan, many audience were very excited after all, after all, their country's text has no way to enter in the computer. The Black Cloud Group can say a big problem.

There are two Asian faces in the crowd very excited, which is a technical problem that solves the technical problems entered in the computer; be sure to report to domestic reports.

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