The more I want to feel the program is feasible, you can turn yourself into the play. Many things can not completely have except, but at least not exposed; even if it is excessive, there is also a mitigation room. When Anjira-Rooselide came, I said that I want to fight with the Rosenian family, and I have to cultivate forces.

It can be used with Huang Square to put everyone together, and you will drink it in Xiangjiang; don't say it, it will never be cold. As long as you can do this, it is enough.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Since the business is so passionate, and Huang Song will inevitably give them a location. If the funds are not enough, the Black Cloud Bank can provide loans. But the brand and goods must be strictly reviewed; absolutely can't make reputation Good, very poor quality, enter and Huang Square. This must be strictly checked, there is no luck. "

At present, the products of Xiangjiang are as long as they have passed China; basically all the forefront and fashionable existence, so there is not much problem in design. But some people feel that the Chinese mainland is so good, then you can't tolerate, quality must strictly.

As for the business brand and reputation, Bunzi Xuan believes; no one who dares to give him a moth. If so, the days will not be better. However, the previous period is still strictly demanding. In the future, as long as it is a Huang Square in the Chinese mainland, it must be synonymous with high-end people. At least in terms of service, it is absolutely unable to pick out the problem.

Huo Jianning: "There is no problem, but it is not much experience in the project investment field in the project; so I want to recruit a professionals in this area."

Hearing here, Bao Zixuan suddenly thought; Bao Yugang is not always to find it in trouble! After retaliating shark, I really didn't want to clean up him. Now the opportunity is in front of you, then you are also welcome.

The head is said to be said: "In this regard, you can do itself. In the past, the Chinese mainland is still some. After all, the foreigners are different. And the premime investment is mainly for Xiangjiang brands, see if there is any suitable in Xiangjiang The candidate. Our group's wages should be poor than other companies. "

"Is the harbor city not very influential! In the past, some talents came over, giving more salary, and the benefits have nothing to do. As long as it is talent, I am still very reluctant."

Looking at the expression of the boss, combined with the special circumstances of Harbor City. Huo Jianning and Yuan Tianfan know that the boss is ready to start with the package of jade family. As for Yuan Tianfan, I have long been watching the bag, and this old kid can be bad. The last time Black Cloud Bank broke out, he and Zheng Yu were planned behind.

Three young people, of course, can't swallow this. I still have a chance before, it seems that it is not reported.

Huo Jianning said with a smile: "Harbor City Operation Director is my classmate; I want to convince him to join the Yellow Plaza project."

Have acquaintances to do things,

This time, it is not to let the Harbor City management are paralyzed; but at least let Bao Yu just know that the war has begun.

If it is another tycoon company, the head is really not doing this. If you look up, you don't see it. But for the package jade family, it doesn't matter. At least a little bit of sense of sin, even very happy and enjoy.

Bun Zixuan: "Jiulong Cang only has a harbor city, and remembering Huangpu in the future in China, but there are more than 50 projects than Harbor City. I believe that smart people know how to choose, if I need me to come personally, there is no problem. "

"You both are the group executives. How many troubles from Cheng Yugang and Zheng Yu have given us a few years. It must be very clear. The last time I have made the sharrk to lose weight, this time, let the boat king know, we Prepare to counterattack. But nothing else, we only need those managers who have the ability. As for the relatives of the jade, still leave himself! "

After that, the three laughed.

Unlike Bao Zi Xuan, Baoyang has been in Shangji for many years, plus the package family is famous. Many family members, and some of the seven big aunts, eight big sorrows, or even the relatives who can't be caught in the eighth rock. Rich in the deep and distilled, poor is in trouble, saying that this is the truth.

Let's mention the front of the Asian economy in the Asian economy; as long as it is able to deny relatives, I want to come to discuss the benefits. The Chinese pay attention to feelings, and the family came over, and it must not be pushed out. Fortunately, there are many companies, and you can arrange your position to them.

For the so-called Queen's country, let them go to the boat; definitely can't, the most important thing is not that anyone can eat it. The highest shopping plaza in Haigang City, of course, is the first choice for relatives and family. So in the harbor city, there are many packages and Wu family relatives.

Repelly understand the relatives and relatives of knowing. I am afraid that there is no ability, and there are too many people who like to say hand every day. The overall operation status of the Harbor City is still good, but the internal situation is also very complicated. Truely capable of people who want to complete the hands and feet are not easy.

I will know that these bags have long been known, since I want to pack the boat king. Of course, we must investigate and see the specific situation of each other. There is no need to enter the field of shopping malls before, and this intelligence is not used. It is of course not polite, so that Harbor City is within three years.

Learn about the boss intention, the following people do things well. And they two, I have long seen the boat king very unhappy. The two are prepared to combine the analysis of intelligence personnel and begin to urgently.

Liang Fengchun is the Director of Harbor City, 33 years old, graduated from the University of Chicago. It can be said that this age can be able to get this position, can only be considered not bad. After all, the University of Chicago in the United States, even the rankings of the world are not low; there are few people in the whole Xiangjiang to achieve a degree in the University of Chicago.

Yuan Tianfan is his classmate, although it is not a professional. It is now a general head of the Black Cloud Bank, and the actual person in charge. In the Xiangjiang business, it is absolutely important people; even with many super typo equality dialogue.

If Yuan Tianfan came over the Jiulong Cang, he didn't say that the boat king personally received, at least Wu Guang was accompanied by the whole process. But it is very different from it. Perhaps Yuan Tiangfan is better than him, but it can be admitted to the same school. He can get it again!

Before HSBC, the two positions were not too much; at least the wage level was basically quite. It can be accompanied by Yuan Tianfan with the head of the bag, and the status of the status is reflected. Although it is also good to work in the boat king family business, although it is not bad; it is almost. Wu Guangzheng's ability may have no problem, and do things is relatively fair. But some relatives, it is very disintegration.

There is also a little bit of headache, that is, the contradiction between Wu Jiahe Baojia. There are a lot of relatives in the Harbor City, and Wu Jia is the same. Bao family believes that everything is now the boat king, and the bag family should have taken care of it.

Wu's family believes that Wu Guangzheng plays a very important role in the process of acquisition in the Kowloon. And it is not only the harbor city, and even the Kowloon Cang, you must surname Wu. Wu Jia took over to take over, and the internal consumption between the two sides was very powerful.

When I returned home at night, my girlfriend had already dinner. According to this age, you should get married. I don't know why, causing the women's home to not be particularly satisfied. Looking at this girlfriend who has followed himself, Liang Fengchun has a sense of guilty. He did not get a recognition of parents, is it that the woman's request is too high.

The girlfriend is also a small value. In the harbor city, it operates business, and is not only a harbor city, and there are also stores in other places. Although the woman's home is very respectful, Liang Fengchun knows; the heart is deep, they seem to have some look.

Indeed, in the harbor city work, there are some sleep, the position is high, but there is no implementation. The old man finds him to do something, it is not so convenient. You must know that you are the Operations Director, even if the door is security, you can help what is taking something. But he fell, essentially of a transparent person, there is no sense of existence.

Liang Fengchun girlfriend said very seriously: "I will get married tomorrow! I have already broken my family, and I like you. So no matter what, I will fully support you. We are not small, many things absolute Can't drag it. "

The meaning of girlfriend, Liang Fengchun, of course, what is meant. I said very firm: "I will give you happiness."

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