At this time, the atmosphere has been blown to this point, and it will be fine in the next step. But whoever becomes, the phone is not suitable. While Liang Fengchun is depressed, it has to pick up. In case there is an urgent matter, it must be handled. Any country and region has a good job, it is not so easy. Although it is a company executive, he also needs him to handle it. In case of the treatment is not in time, the Empresso is absolutely to dig him a big pit.

Although there is no implementation, it is still very high. If it is not a bit of power, it is estimated that it has been squeezed off.

The phone is called Yuan Tianfan, since the boss meaning is very clear; then as a subordinate, of course, it is necessary to do things well. Yuan Tianfan's identity may not be suitable for coming to dig ordinary employees, and the meaning is not very big. As the Director of Harbor City, there must be some mental abdomen. If you can bring it, it is best not to build it.

If the boss is efficient, the speed must be fast.

My classmates, suddenly calling; Liang Fengchun feels inexplicable. Since the other side of the past, the relationship between Bao Yugang and Bunxuan, the two are basically not intensive. And the identity and status have already opened the gap, and it will be embarrassed frequently.

My girlfriend heard that Yuan Tianfan went out to drink, and suddenly didn't seem to know what, said directly: "Hurry and go."

A woman who would rather get married to her family; it is absolutely not harmful to him.

Liang Fengchun girlfriend smiled and said: "Husband, your chance is coming, Yuan Tianfan is what people are. You may be a classmate, but what is the identity of people now. The general trek of Black Cloud Group is very good. I heard that Bank affairs, he said alone. "

"Bun Zixuan is the river of Xiangjiang, but there are too many companies need management. It is itself a boss from an engineer. It is not very keen on business management. Does the media reported? Time to laboratory every day, possibly More than the office. "

"He has just held a press conference, announced that it is necessary to increase the value of increasingly, and will invest 200 billion Hong Kong coins to Huaxia mainland, build more than 50 and Huang Square; this is not your chance!"

"As the Operation Director of Harbor City, plus the relationship between Harbor. Yuan Tianfan recommended you, very good explanation. He has just entered the field of CBD plaza, and it is certainly necessary for professional talents in this area. The graduates of the University of Chicago are not much. Can enter Baozi Xuan company work, isn't it better than the king of the boat! "

"Bao Zixuan has just become a family, only two daughters. There is no relative at home, even if there are, so many companies, casually arrange. And this person is not much interesting in business management. Strive to let the managers are free to play freely "

"Although I have to work in Huaxia Continental."

But you can show your one you talent. Black cloud companies, for the high tube, but have a lot of care. We can live in China in China, I heard that there is a fast economic development. "

Fireworks, the authority fans. This is true, what is Yuan Tiangan, how can I get a drink at night? It seems to be a chance; not paying salary. Can you follow your own ideas, operate malls, isn't it the goal of his pursuit!

After listening to my girlfriend analysis, Liang Fengchun did not hesitate to come directly to the agreement.

At this time, Yuan Tianfan is already waiting for him, and the wine has also been good.

The two sits down, and after a few words; Yuan Tianfan said very seriously: "This time I came out, but I was not only the old friend. More importantly, I want to invite you to the House."

"We are classmates, alumni; for your ability, never doubt. But the location of the director of the Harbor City is so attractive! Wu Guangzheng can also, the ability is not bad, do things is also just a fair. But The package family and other people are not so good. I think even if I don't say it, you are clear. "

"Now, it is the same, but the truth is the case, no one can resist. As a friend of the same window, of course, I don't want your talents being depressed. And Huang Square in the Chinese mainland, prepare 50 large CBD business center. This is you Strong, absolutely large.

"Although and Huang is not completely boss, but all black cloud groups are all. In the future, you will also become the company shareholder, this is the guarantee of the birthplace."

My girlfriend really didn't guess the wrong, I really want him to join and remember Huangpu. I have already been given to relatives and Wujia's relatives, and I have a first-time work, but all the people who take care of the workers in Xiangjiang!

Liang Fengchun wanted to say: "What is the position of my past and remember Huangpu, how is it?"

It is now more than one person, you will be married, and it must be considered for your family.

The attitude of the other party Yuan Tianfan is very satisfied, so I laughed: "He is the head of Huaxian's China mainland China, and also serves as the general manager of Huang Square project."

"This is what I recommend to the boss. If your husband is not doing well, we will leave together." As for the salary, there is no talk, but reached out without root finger.

It can be said that this is a position that anyone will be satisfied, but the salary is really not high.

Liang Fengchun: "The position is ok, but the 500,000-Hong Kong coin; with me now salary is almost, there is no need to take risks."

I heard here, Yuan Tiansili laughed, and said: "What is it! Give you this salary, how to recruit. 5 million Hong Kong dollar fixed annual salary, the project is successful, there is also a bonus and dividends."

"And in the Chinese mainland, you have absolute rights. But there is a little, I want to advise the old brother, some money can earn, but some things are absolutely can't do. Birth is most annoying, corruption, with a good behavior. If this happens Everything can't save you. In fact, it is not that you, it is estimated that I will also be implicated. "

The annual salary of 5 million Hong Kong dollars, let Liang Fengchun don't know what to say. During the buns Xuan, it is equivalent to doing ten years under the boat king. The most important thing is not to be charged, you can say no one can reject this.

As for Yuan Tianfan's reminder, he will certainly understand what it means. Any company will not tolerate corruption, especially the boss of the head of the head is unforgettable. As long as it is discovered, it will never be light. Even if you kill chicken monkeys, you have to show your blood.

At the same time, as the boss from the engineer, for product quality, the requirements of building quality will be high. After all, this is the professionalism of the boss, and it is also the foundation of life. If you dare to play with others, it is estimated that you don't know how to die.

Liang Fengchun: "Your old brother, I will write down. I will submit a resignation tomorrow, and I have reported the fastest speed."

The girlfriend has helped him analyze clear, plus the other party sincerity; if you are holding, you don't want your face. Can be able to serve as such a high position, Yuan Tiansil is inevitably guaranteed to the head of the head. As a classmate, it is not an obligation to help you; now do it, of course, you can't get it.

Hearing here, Yuan Tianqing took out the 200 Hong Kong dollar check, smiled and said: "This is given to your prepaid salary, which will be deducted from your salary every month."

Nothing, you can get 2 million Hong Kong coins. What is this, it is no wonder that the Black Cloud employee has always given a very happy feeling. Single, the general boss can't do it.

Liang Fengchun did not pick up the check, but said with a smile: "You are not worried, I will run away today."

Yuan Tianfan said with a smile: "First, I believe that your old age is; secondly, 2 million to see a person; especially a person who is about to become a yellow hero, this sale is not lost."

"Now I feel 2 million, I have the same idea three years ago. But now, I have n'thing. I have a daily income, it is estimated that I added a zero after it. The ability of the two people, that is Between Bozhong, you can get eight years of annual salary in the morning and evening. So I have something to worry, I have to worry about your brother, you are worried. "

"Can you do this job, live a life that everyone envies. This is the money you should have, boldly accept it, which is equivalent to the security expense to give you in advance. The younger brother has not married, there are too many places need Flower. "

I have said this, if I don't take it, it is too much to do. The girlfriend's home does need to appease, this money can just relieve the urgent urgency.

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