Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 131 Shocked the whole audience

After hearing Tamada Zhaof, Bunzi Xuan knows to do it. What is black cloud making can't make it, I didn't tried how I know. However, it is unrealistic to exchange lightning machine technology with cross keys, and Shengtian Zhaofeng has agreed that the Sony's Board will definitely pass. It is the Sony lightning machine department has not sold out when the loss is lost. This is a strategic supplies and techniques that are related to the national level.

Baozi Xuan hopes that you can lay out in advance in the moment, now you don't hurry, it is useless to pay again, and the core technology is impossible to export to you.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Nothing, I will slowly study it first, can not sell what technology and patents to Sony, while Sony's technology is completely blocked! This is not a cooperation, this is to win. And you I know that Black Cloud does not lack money, why should I authorize such a good patent! "

I heard the Bunzu Xuan said so, Tamada Zhaofe thoughtfully said: "This thing is discussed inside the Sony. We will discuss this issue next time."

After returning to the exhibition hall, I actually saw that many buyers personally experienced this computer performance in the laptop area. Everyone now knows this young boss, and he took the initiative to greet him.

At this time, Baozi Xuan once again saw three acquaintances. He was not intended to come over to participate in the Berlin Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition, but since it gave two small sons, one knight had a knight, all Rockefeller family dew. Yi Fila - Lockefeller's brothers are all looking for Phil Hawkins, this guy is coming to Europe.

In addition to the newly married wife, the bridesmaid, Lockefeller, which is married, in addition to the newly married wife. Three people are mainly to be dissatisfied. I know that Berlin has an e-exhibition on this side to go shopping.

Phil Hawkins gives Bunzi Xuan, a hug: "Bao, just talking about it is great, this laptop you have no shackles, I actually want to see the conference, I know, I am really sad."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Soon after research, I didn't have a full grasp. In case it is not very shameless, isn't it? Right, how did you come over Berlin, last time you don't say it!"

Phil Hawkins: "Not your good thing, the last time you gave me the car, it hurts a lot of trouble. I didn't bought two yourself for Dai Yi silk two younger brother! You don't know The Lockefeller family Dimi is a very many brother, the quantity exceeds you. Everyone wants to have a car, that is not good, can only come out to hide, or you have to die every day. "

"You can give me some part of this laptop, I am going to buy it Wall Street. This financial elite can be very purchased. How!"

In fact, after the success of laptops, Bunzixuan considered sales issues and purchases. Wall Street Financial Broker is his very valued customer group. After all, where is the product price!

Bao Zixuan: "I have been prepared for you early. The first batch gives you 3,000 sets, I believe enough for you to sell for a while."

Phil Hawkins: "I know that you can be my friend, I have n'thing to do at night, and I can see which game machine and computer can't ,,,,"

Bao Zixuan: "I am exhibiting! You will really look for it! But who makes us friends!"

After I took a magic 1100 and a GameBoy handheld game console gave Phil Hawkins. Seeing this guy can take the product from the pavilion directly. Who is this! Everyone is shocked.

In fact, Bun Zixuan also knows this is wrong, but this computer and game console are herself, not exhibiting products. This guarantees the Filcher Hawkins, and will not have a bad impact on the company's employees.

Phil Hawkins did not expect Bunzi Xuan to let him take things away, but this is very faceful in front of his wife, but also to let Diana Rockefeller know the relationship between him and Bunxuan.

I saw some customers came over, Bao Zi Xuan patiently introduced the company's products. Each detail introduction is very in place. With the more and more people around you, Bunzi Xuan suddenly focused.

At this time, Luok-Rockefeller said to Diana Rockefeller: "How, now not before, the family is almost zero to this new technology industry and enterprise investment. At present, it seems that this help is in the future development direction. People, you really should consider it seriously. "

Diana Rockefeller: "What is the relationship with me, and this person does not understand business. The exhibition is actually taken from exhibiting products, how to see the company and the company; the future achievement is limited."

Phil Hawkins: "The package is a technical boss. Business negotiations have indeed lackless. My request is excessive, but this is not to reflect whether he is more empathless! But if you have you join, maybe you can create A family. "

The speaker is unhealthy, but Diana Rockefeller is interested. Talking about the three people to watch other products.

This is just a small episode, Baozi Xuan's current task is to sell black cloud products. Xiangjiang black cloud factory is waiting for rice! Once the workers are recruited, the training is qualified. It is not overlocked in the world.

After returning to the hotel, the Black Cloud Group staff didn't want to move. Two products launched this time are very attractive. Gameboy has now sold more than 10 million units. Let the crossings will finally bring ahead!

Two razors have also sold more than 1 million units, and the laptop is not much orders. However, many large companies have the intention of buying, sales should not be too bad, at least better than Bunxuan estimated.

The next morning, all media have reported the news of the Berlin Electronic Consumer Products, especially the design of the black cloud magic 1100 laptop, which does not belong to this era is to make the public feel the power of technology.

Berlin Daily: Change Human Technology - Black Cloud Video 1100 Laptop.

Times: Maximum Treasure of Xiangjiang - Black Cloud Group

Washington Post: Massachusetts Institute of Technology leads world science and technology development.

Tokyo Daily: When can RB companies produce their own magic 1100.

Wall Street RB: Black Cloud Group now is now $ 3 billion, who knows the future!

All the mainstream media in the world reported a magic 1100 laptop and a praise of the Black Cloud Group. Even the Soviet Truth News reported that: titanium alloy can not be used to produce weapons, and high-tech products are also his development direction.

Since the Black Cloud Group uses a large number of titanium alloys, this metal is slightly flying in the international price. The Soviet Union has also incorporated a lot of foreign exchange, now weapons, oil and titanium alloys are important export products of the Soviet Union. But this is not a good thing for the United States.

Xiangjiang Media also reported the news at the Berlin Electronic Consumer Products, and the magic 1100 is really in Xiangjiang? Tell people with a question mark that our Xiangjiang has this strength.

Not only the newspaper reports the content of the magic 1100 laptop, even the major TV stations have reported that the magic 1100 developed by Baozi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group has the promotion of the entire technology.

However, some people are happy, Apple and Microsoft's two buns Xuan enter the stocks, there is no management, but now I want to find a black cloud talk about authorization issues. After all, there are some patents for the Black Cloud Window 1.0 system to be what they need.

The Black Cloud Group has shocked the world with a laptop, and Bao Zixuan has become the most innovative entrepreneur of the new era.

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