Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1336 Interior Conference 2

Remember [New] for a second,! Employees do things well, the task of the boss is very simple, as long as you are ready for money. But spending money, it is also a skill, it can be said to be an art; not just give money, but also let everyone feel very comfortable. Polytechnic men have their own pride, and the average person is really indifferent. This is also a root cause of a lot of people's loss after many companies.

As a general engineer of Xiangjiang monster, Mike Brryfen has been working in Saudi. At present, the surface version of Xiangjiang monsters have stable; whether it is capacity, or speed, and practicality, it is possible. It is absolutely enough before the development of the ultra-large product.

Therefore, engineers are now mainly attacking the desert, the molar version of the role. Although the sea is complex, it can be used for engine; in addition to moisture, it is not high to prevent salting over high acceleration engine aging. But the desert version of the role aircraft has to face a more complex environment. After the aircraft takes off, it is still very appropriate to use dust. If the engine does not do anti-sand measures, the consequences are unimaginable.

At the same time, the marsh floor is very complicated. If there is no detection, it will drop directly; if you want to fly, you don't say it, but it is not so easy. All this is higher than the technical level of the ocean version, saying that it is not from new research and development.

Mike Brifen: "The current desert, the molar version of the role is successful. Mainly in the desert and swamp, etc., the flight is 54 meters long; the wings is 26 meters; the weight is 160 tons; the maximum takeoff weight 480 tons 220 tons of goods can be loaded; the maximum flight height is 44 meters. Assemble 4 black cloud triglert 2-type vortex engine; the maximum flight speed is 480 km / h. "

"Because of many new materials, titanium alloys will be reduced, making costs only 35% of the monster role aircraft in Xiangjiang."

Hearing here, Bao Zixuan is still very satisfied; although the speed is greatly reduced; but it is flying, it is much more complicated than plundering the sea, and the speed is too fast to destroy. Therefore, the speed is absolutely impossible to be too fast; the normal cruise speed is 300 km / h; at least enough to respond to the pilot.

The price of the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft is $ 80 million, and now the cost has further decline. But the price is absolutely not cheap, otherwise the previous customer will be dissatisfied.

If you compare with Xiangjiang monsters, then the desert version of the role aircraft price should be set to 28 million US dollars. This price is also reasonable, at least the capacity is absolutely enough. And this aircraft is mainly for the Middle East and other Middle East countries, and there will be no big sales in other places.

You can't try the price too much, otherwise the Middle Eastern is a more money; it will definitely have a big opinion.

Driving a desert version of the role aircraft, doing anything in the desert, it will be very convenient;

Bao Zixuan: "So price is $ 28 million / Taiwan,

The Lord wants to let Saudi to see the sincerity of the black cloud, as for sales, it is not a matter of tight. "

"But then the Middle East is the mid- to the country, you should have a surprise."

After the head of the bag, several engineers were laughed.

Wang Quan Ming knows, finally turned to him. As the unusual department of the Black Cloud Group, the pressure of the passenger aircraft manufacturing company is very large. At present, the absolute hegemony is non-Boeing; Airbus and Mai Tao are a lot more than compared to. In addition, there are Brazilian Airlines, Bombardi, etc. Airlines manufacturers, while the Chinese people will buy aircraft from the Soviet Union. Make the market competition is very intense, the black cloud is the next show, and there is no technical and cost advantage.

If it is not because the design concept is exceeded, the aerospace engine energy saving is good, and it is really not necessarily available. Business belongs to business, watching only a time to success; want to work for a long time, the quality of the product must be too hard.

This is also the reason why the bag is rich in need to cooperate with the same cooperation;

Because there are Mai Mai and Motorola who make the native market, it will not be crowded. The joining of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, enters the channel of the Japanese market, and also opens.

The existence of the Black Cloud Group makes Asia and the Middle East market, it has not blocked.

It is produced in the UK, so the UK will inevitably support. That is, the starting point is very high, and next is how to see the product quality. Since the first two prototypes are assembled in the US Mai Tao, the other three engineers have passed in the past; have not learned how much. After all, Mai Mai has too many US military projects; the confidentiality is very high, really is not so convenient.

If there is an engineer being put in a seat, I finally arrested the espionage, I can't cry. What is the US military does it, but it can't be avoided.

Wang Qi Ming has recently been upgraded to the black cloud 919 medium-sized passenger aircraft, as well as other extension modes; as for oversized passenger aircraft, wait until the British factory construction is completed, in the past

Wang Quanming: "Passenger Aircraft Company is mainly for subsequent extension of 919 models. At present, the 919H firing aircraft has been successfully developed. Single fuel consumption is 15% from passenger planes, the market is absolutely competitive."

"At the same time, it has also been developed for 136-144 passengers, but this exhibition can only be introduced, follow-up to go to the market."

The passenger aircraft manufacturing department, the starting time is not long. And there is not much experience to be drawn, after all, the technical side needs to be in line with international.

People will walk into a misunderstanding, and if the Black Cloud Group can develop a role aircraft, stealth fighting strokes, as well as a flying saucer; passenger aircraft for them, is simple meaning, simply.

However, the above three products have all the German technical drawings. It is said that R & D is a bit blush, after all, only the engine is self-tech. That is because the head is rich in engine research and development directions in the next few decades; use imitation to call it more appropriate.

And about passenger aircraft, all countries are very strict, single standard case is a problem, light against the Black Cloud Group's own strength; I want to get it is really not easy.

Black Cloud 919 passenger plane, because the outer shell is the old man production, the pneumatic layout has been reviewed by Europe and the US. Plus the black cloud in the engine field, it is indeed unique. It is the Americans amazing, and I don't dare to deliberately.

They also have to consider that they should pass through the Soviet Union. If the little thing is deliberately a difficult Soviet Union, then the character of the old man will never be used to them. Thinking that there is no need to pick a bone in the egg, it is also to find trouble yourself.

Baozi Xuan said: "Very good, about aviation; especially the passenger plane, our foundation is too weak. Can have the current achievements, still very satisfied. Don't worry too much, as long as the black cloud itself The products are good enough, the price is affordable. It must be orders, I have absolute confidence in this point. "

"Engineers' bonuses are absolutely not less."

"Everything, although Xiangjiang native can produce a passenger plane, aircraft and other major objects. But the production capacity is limited, so the future is only the R & D site; and the emergency production plant."

"I want to be large, batch production aircraft. Especially the passenger aircraft, I must have a new plant. Wang Chuan Industry is an expert in this area, see where it is more appropriate. The Group has many land in Huaxia, can go back to turn. "

"UFO and HH-01 Ghost Fighter Factory, I am ready to set the factory in Imagin Ira. I hope that you can overcome difficulties, complete the task. As for the role of the aircraft factory, the capacity of the local cultural capacity of Xiangjiang; plus Saudi production The swamp version is absolutely enough; it is not used to consider others. "

The passenger is not necessarily, where is the construction of the factory, and Western countries will not say more. If you put the flying saucer and the stealth fighter factory in the Chinese mainland, can people agree to be a thing; Western countries, especially the UK, inevitably can't let this matter. At that time, the Black Cloud Group will fall into two difficulties. Not as good as one step, put the strategic factory; put it in advance to your site.

What is the relationship between Fuji Ira with the boss, as a black cloud, of course, clear. And even if you object to it, it is useless, it is better to make the boss to do things well. Today, I get a lot of benefits, not every boss give so many stocks. And and remember the stock of Huangpu Company, this is a rare country who can't buy money.

After hearing a few people's statement, Bunzu Xuan was very satisfied; again, I was going back to my own room.

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