Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1337 Internal Conference

Remember [New] for a second,! About the head of the house in the house, more like a combination of the office and residential; internal facilities can be described as a whole. At this time, Peng Yifei has been waiting for him in the study, there are many things, but also need to report.

When I saw the boss, Peng Yifei stood up. Bao Zi Xuan said: "Don't be polite, sitting." I have finished doing a gesture.

However, Peng Yifei did not sit directly, but waited until the head of the head is sitting down, he sat down. This is a rule, also polite. It is good to pay attention to the owner, but also pay attention to the main servants; even if you lose your little loss, people say that you don't understand the rules.

Bunzi Xuan: "The British thing is very beautiful, although we pay a lot. But some objects, if you don't want to do way, you may not get it in this life. And the technology is developing, as long as it is willing to invest, you will have to develop better. But the cultural relics are not copied, and there is no way. "

"It's all the testimony of history. It is a nation's treasure. The future black cloud museum is built, I think you will have a sense of accomplishment. Yes, you are not in Xiangjiang, there is no purchase and yellow stock. Inside to help you with 40,000 Shares, 100 US dollars per share will be deducted from your salary. "

At once, it is 20 million HK $ 3, and the future has a huge appreciation space; the head is in the world, very generous. And from this aspect, it is not difficult to see that in his heart; Peng Yifei's components are higher than the general engineer level.

Learn about Peng Yifei, who is characterized by the boss, is also free, directly collecting the stock document. He is now engaged in this job, if you don't want to get a reward, or the money given by the boss; that is very dangerous. Only if you see the boss, you can get the benefits from the Black Cloud Group, and you can rest assured that each other.

The last time Black Cloud Group exchanged the cultural relics with the UK, and now I still have to lose anything. But Bun Zixuan has confidence, it is inevitably the British suffers. UFO technology is only the first generation of products, more of the test model; and after the air show returns, the new UFO R & D plan will be launched.

The Germans have left several design drawings, and they can't waste it. Some products do not necessarily require much production, but must accumulate enough technical reserves. Only in this way, the future is available. Technical research and development, need to be class, if there is no foundation, it is difficult to have too high achievements.

Eat a fat man in a breath, not to say complete, but it will become harder and harder.

Peng Yifeng said with a smile: "Both is the boss, I am just an executive, so I can't say what is credited. And I didn't think it before, I have a veteraine to make so much money. I can say that all now all It seems that life is in the dream, I am really afraid that one day dream will wake up. "

"So you must don't say this, everything is work, I can't talk about hardship. Many comrades who have been in the middle of the year, there are still more than 300 Huaxia coins in China. Now think about it, they How to live. It can be said that I have a lot of money in an hour, more than they a month. "

Know grateful,

I am afraid that some people will make money and start to expand. I don't know if I have a few pounds, then this kind of person is really not suitable for staying in the Black Cloud Group. Peng Yifei knows too many secrets, if he betrayed, or leaves; can't stand your mouth, then Bunxuan will be very passive. Single Argentina is enough to drink a pot.

I can think so now, the description is still very self-known, then you can arrange the next job.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Don't say this, I never won the wrong hand; what is the current situation in East Germany."

When it comes to work, Peng Yi flew horses. The boss called him to come to Dongde, just started to implement an ordinary task. After all, although the black cloud has a lot of cooperation with Dongde, but more from the East Germany to recruit engineers and technical workers to Xiangjiang. It's still uncomfortable to recruit workers so simple. However, the absolute trust of the boss, and loyalty, let him not dare to have any complaints. But I found out for a while, Dong Dezhen is really possible. If you are really like the boss, the future two Germany will be merged; the two de marks are one more than one redemption, so profit can be very horrible.

Peng Yifei: "Currently, it has taken contact with the relationship of KGB, and it is really needed to assist in the East Germany."

I heard this name, Bao Zi Xuan suddenly understood what, really did not look at the wrong person. Peng Yifei may be born to the intelligence work, but there is only no discovery.

Stasi, the Former Diversion National Security Department, once a strong intelligence agency in the world. Its official name is the Ministry of National Security, and the full name is the "National Security Department of the Democratic Republic of Germany". Founded on February 8, 1950, Headquartered in East Berlin. Stassi is recognized as one of the most efficient intelligence and secret police institutions in the world. The purpose of Stassi is to serve as the political police of East Germany, responsible for collecting intelligence, monitoring monitoring, anti-intelligence, etc.

During this peak, there was an espionage organization of nearly 100,000 full-time employees. In the periphery of official employees, there are nearly two million "informal cooperative lines". In other words, there is a person in East Germany, one is serving Stassi.

Although their reputation is not good, they can cooperate with them; they will be more convenient for the next job.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "You are grazing, don't be caught in the handle. At the same time, for Stastas elite, see if you can absorb in. But not now; wait until two German mergers, they don't have other choices At the time of it. "

"Different East Mark exchange, have been very busy recently; I am relieved to say your ability, plus it right away, I haven't come to the report of Germany. I want to listen to you. And what plans are available in the future. "

The boss is a good thing to trust yourself, but some things will definitely can't do the master, especially the exchange of exchanges such as such a big amount. After all, Dongde Maark is not recognized in the international market.

Peng Yifei: "As of last night, we exchanged a total of 12 billion to Demark, because the amount is too big; can only be carried out slowly, otherwise it will lead to the shortage of Dongde Mark, rising exchange rate. Good to implement The exchange rate, and they just stared at Sid Mark; that is to say, the same redemption is always exchanged. "

"But the East Germany is only a quarter of West Germany; workers' income is only one-third of West Germany; technology is more backward after Side for at least 20 years. And Dong Germ will have a lot of people to run a lot of people every year. West Germany, but few people ran from Side to Dongde, only about 250,000 people in Side this year. "

At present, the redemption ratio of West Germark in the international market is 1: 4.4; transfer is more than 4 times profit. And this is just the official exchange rate. If in the black city, Sid Mark can even reach ten times more of East Germac. "

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "The annual control is around 10 billion or so, it can't be too much. The German is not a fool. If we exchange too many East Demark, although the reputation is very good, it is also worried about them."

"You can also acquire some of their national bonds, with German character; after unity, it should be able to redeem."

Hearing here, Peng Yifei Musi mean. As a World War and the World War II, Germany has issued a lot of national debt. It can be relied before, saying that it is two countries; it can be pulled with each other. But after the unity, it will inevitably be redeemed, which can be a national reputation issue.

Peng Yifeng said: "Now there are still many national debts in the hands of the East German. The price is very cheap, because no one can guarantee, can be saved. I will arrange the secrets later, and I can't expose our purpose. "

Hearing here, Bao Zi Xuan relieved. This kid is doing intelligence work, it is quite professional.

Baozi Xuan said very seriously: "What is your own, how convenient, how convenient, how is it safe? Now I am very powerful, but I also hide the murder. Before you return, you can't expose it; I hope you have a heart to prepare. "

"Waiting to return, I promise that your price can reach 100 million US dollars."

Starting from the work of the intelligence, Peng Yifei knows that it will be this result. It is also prepared to have a long time. There is no hesitation, I directly agreed.

After the two communicate some details, Peng Yifei quietly left; did not stay. The main work is working in Dongde, where is his stage.

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