Since important things have been talked, and everyone basically has no comments. Then I must celebrate, after all, the performance of the Air Show and the United Aircraft Manufacturing Company is worthy of a celebration.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The hand is waiting for us, we don't have to waste time. During the exhibition, everyone always stretched a nerve, which should be relaxed."

"I don't have anything here, but good wine is absolutely not lacking. Therefore, everyone will not be polite, and it is also a few united to join."

For union building, the other three are also happy. After all, this aviation show, all employees are very hard; when they are worked, they still have to worry. At the same time, I also want to experience the corporate culture of the Black Cloud Group; I want to know why it is less than ten years, and the company has such cohesiveness.

In fact, there is a corporate culture in Baozi Xuan. But now a lot of product philosophy is exceeded, can win the market; otherwise it is really not necessarily competitive. In fact, this problem is also considered, but his strength is not managed. You can only wait until John Chabor, and become a group CEO, slowly change.

But John Chambers is still bigger than him, it is likely to wait for that day. Fortunately, the head is still very young, there is time to train successors.

As for the so-called built-in built, it is simply rude. In addition to giving money, it is to drink. However, this time there is not much, plus the venue is large enough, and you can just toss.

When you come over, the venue has been completed. After seeing the wine, the food is placed; under the leadership of Baozi Xuan, four people came to a small stage.

It is a bit similar to the feeling of the chairman, but it is only more than one or two steps than other places; it is an ordinary celebration, there is no need to get so formal, but it is easy to let employees don't stop!

Bunzi Xuan picked up a glass of wine, smiled and said to the five business staff: "Today we can get together, then it is a family. I hope that you can let go of the door, there are many exchanges."

"I don't like what this person doesn't like.

I only hope that you can be happy. "

"But what is the rules still have to be, the first cup will respect everyone together, and you have worked hard."

After all, everyone is exhausted, others are also similar.

Then there was no then, the first richness directly did his position and started to eat. Seeing that he is so free, the other people will not be.

Black cloud employees have become used to the operation of the boss, but it feels nothing. However, several other employees have just started. Especially Japanese companies, the upper and lower levels are very strong. Miyaki is here, how can they be open.

There are many Japanese employees inside the black cloud, and Mitsubishi employees communicate with them.

Mitsubishi employees said to the fellow: "Island Tianjun, do you often eat together with a society!"

The Black Cloud Employee called Island Tianjun smiled and said: "In the black cloud, in addition to the work, other time, lower level concept is not very strong. If the President is in the company, every day will have the past employee canteen to eat, so often can see."

"Black Cloud's restaurant is very good, you can say every day meal, it will never be better than it is now. Don't use us to spend money, but there must be a little must be kept in mind; then it is not a waste. Anyone is true. "

Hearing here, Mitsubishi employees are really envious of the co-robes working in the Black Cloud Group. There is such a good food every day, and you don't have to spend money. As for can't waste, this is the most basic principle; maybe anywhere.

Mitsubishi employees continue to ask: "Island Tianjun can ask you a private problem!"

The relationship between the two is not so familiar, but I have seen a few faces in this exhibition; turn over the hand. This is a very unpryed behavior, but Mitsubishi employees are really curious.

Island Tian smiled and said: "We are all co-rhymes, what problems can be asked. But involve the company's confidentiality, not inform it."

This is normal, selling company secrets; then the next field is absolutely worse, this is very serious in the world.

Mitsubishi employees: "How can this, I am not so shameless; more importantly, I will not pit my hierarchy. Just I want to know, the black cloud group welfare treatment, if it is not convenient to answer, even if it is not convenient."

In fact, this is really a personal problem. After all, how much money is earned, and you don't have much relationship.

However, the benefits of the internal employee of the black cloud are similar, basically, according to the level of salary level. Unless there is special contribution, or patent red; it may be more.

Island Tian smiled and said: "There is nothing is inconvenient, I am a mid-level engineer; a fixed salary of $ 5,000 each month. Of course, there are other benefits, etc., almost $ 13,000 per month. In addition, catching special days There must be some subsidies, of course, there is a payment. "

"Changes to get about $ 200,000 per year, is a medium level. Of course, I refer to the engineer level, and if it is a general worker's salary, it will definitely be lower."

"Mainly in the Black Cloud Group, there is no big spending. My wife works in the Black Cloud Bank, and the other two children are studying in the black cloud internal school; don't spend a penny."

"And our medical expenses, and parental medical expenses, there are groups. That's afraid of life, you don't have to spend a penny. You can say how much money, you can get it in your hand. If you don't go Go shopping It is really a place where there is no money. "

Hear $ 200,000, let Mitsubishi employees are incredible. After all, the wages are different from the wages, but the work content is almost. More infusable is the benefits of the black cloud. The child is free to study, and even the parents can be reimbursed.

It is estimated that there is really no one who dares to do so except Bunzu Xuan.

It is no wonder that the Black Cloud Group has such a cohesive force, and this company is active; it is worth all employees to sell.

Motorola has the most intersection with the black cloud, after all, the cooperation time between the two sides has long been. Plus the record in the recent years also increased the day, but not so big.

As for the McDee, welfare treatment is not bad; at least a strong Japanese company, strong, and the heart is basically balanced. It may now be the most unhappiness is Mitsubishi employees, which is also a follow-up reform of Mitsubishi, buried.

Although Robert Galvin has heard the employee reported, this is also seen. The spirit of the black cloud employee is indeed more than a few other people. Although the heart understands what is going on, a listed company can make a large change, it is really difficult.

Many directors have no feelings for Motorola, and it is to invest in money. Increase employee benefits, meaning that profit decreases. For the speech of the Mali is the investor of the figure, it is unacceptable. But some necessary changes must be there. Otherwise, the gap between enterprises is only getting bigger and bigger, and he doesn't want to end the opportunity to become partners.

Most of the joint aircraft manufacturing companies are newers. For the current welfare treatment, it has been very good, at least more than its original company, it has increased a lot. Plus the working time is still short, have not created the actual interests; I don't dare to expect too much.

Robert Galvin smiled and said: "I have always thought about Mr. Tongbao. The two companies are also the same. But now there is some fear of exchange, the gap is on one aspect. The most important employee will compare each other. In terms of employee benefits; there may be no companies in the world, can be better than the black cloud group. "

"Employees have a big heart, but it will let us be worried about these bosses."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "We are different, the Black Cloud Group has been still short. If you don't take the real gold and silver, you can't recruit people."

"But we can play a respective advantage. More than a few companies, develop some different products."

I heard it here, and the other three people have been interested. Baozi Xuan's head of the child can absolutely see the future economic development, and the technology is going in that direction. If you deepen cooperation, there is a huge benefit for your company.

Not only can you increase the collection point, you can widely widened the product production line. The company wants to grow, and the product update iteration is very important. There is no problem in this area, there is absolutely no problem.

The three express no problems, as long as it is black and clouds, it must be supported.

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