The Republic of Italy, referred to as Italy, is a European country, mainly composed of Sandan Sicily in Sidal Island in the Islands in the Mediterranean Island Sicily in the Mediterranean. The land area is 30,3333 square kilometers, and the population is 60 million. The Northern Alps is bordered with France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia, and its territory also encloses two miniature countries - San Marino and Vatican.

The history of the Italian peninsula has signs of human activities and can be traced back to the old stone age. The 9th century Iteraski in the 9th century BC has created a splendid civilization. Roman Jiancheng 754 BC. The ancient Rome has experienced the three stages of Wang Zheng, Republic, the Empire, and has a thousand years. In the 15th century, Italy became the birthplace of European literary revival.

At the end of the 15th century, France and Spain competed for the fight against Yabin Peninsula, led to the Italian war for decades. The 18th century nationalism began awakening. In the 19th century, the Kingdom of Italy has risen, and the Kingdom of Sardin is gradually unified. In 1861, the Kingdom of Italy was established in 1870, and the Pope Capital Rome was completed in 1870 to complete the unity of Italy. After the defeat of the World War, the monarchy is abolished and established the Republic.

At the same time, Italy is also a developed capitalist country, one of the four major economies of Europe; the founder of the European Union and the Northern Atlantic Convention; or a member of the Schengen Agreement, the Best Group and the United Nations.

After the end of the built-end, the black cloud employees participating in the show will be two days in France, and then return to their respective jobs. As for the head of the head, there is not so good life, and there is no previous places in the past. But because of the relationship between the Reni family, he came directly from France to Italy.

However, there is no Rome and Milan, after all, not for travel. In addition, there are many partners need to be finalized, and they came directly to Turin.

Turin City, the third largest city of Italy, the capital of Piedmont. Europe's largest auto production, or a long history of ancient city. Save a large number of classical buildings and Baroque buildings, also the main city of Turin Football Club and Juventus Football Club.

For the arrival of Bao Zixuan, the Reni family performance is sufficiently respected. After all, people are now the richest richest, although there is no official certification; but the people around the world are still very recognized.

And come over or negotiate billions of dollars of business,

This is also a major good news for Fiat Group. Although it is the first company in Italy, many times also need to make it. Although it is one of the four major European economies, it is too dependent on petrochemical, automotive manufacturing, household appliances, electronic instruments, metallurgy, machinery, equipment, textile, clothing, tanning, furniture, food, beverage, tobacco, Paper, publishing, printing, building, etc.

It looks a wide variety, but the high-end automotive industry, the whole world is not very booming; the factory in Italy, of course, it is fine.

The car has developed to date, has experienced four stages, new birth, application, personal demand, fiscal period; of course, there is still a intelligent period.

At present, the development of automobiles is in the fuel economy period, has passed the individual demand period. Italy produced cars unless Fiat; it can be basically very personal, the line is full; but the same fuel era, there is no major relationship.

A horsepower of a sports car is more than 300, wants to save oil, and do not do it. Car sales decline, not just a business, it is inevitable to bring to the entire economic chain, so other industries are not very good.

The rest is the luxury industry, and now it seems that the economy is developing quickly. But the 1980s is exactly a transition period, except for the rapid economic development of individual countries, the speed of European economy, is more general.

There is currently not completely developing the Asian market, and business is of course won't go there.

In addition, it is known as the development of SMEs in Italy, is known as "SME Kingdom", and the number of SMEs accounts for more than 98% of the total number of enterprises. Regional economic development is unbalanced, the North is developed in the northern business, the south is dominated by agriculture, and the economy is relatively backward. At present, international logistics, information is not very developed, making Italian companies in the international market; lack of competitiveness, at least more than France and German similar brands, think a lot.

In fact, everyone knows that it is a big problem in the Italian economy; from 1950 to 1984, the national funding fund established in the development of economic and industrial development is small. It supports early land reforms; including land reclamation, irrigation projects, infrastructure to build and provide electricity and water in rural areas; but there is little effect on stimulating economies.

Later, the fund funded the development of heavy industries in the selected region, and the main industrial issues hoped that the main industrial problems can attract satellite industries and lay the foundation for sustained economic activities. However, these items are called "The Cathedral in the Desert". They not only attract other smaller industries, but also problems with high absence of workers.

Italian is free to spread, it is difficult to change. Even if Bao Zi Xuan, I don't dare to come over and invest. However, for some luxury brands, if the price is low, it is possible to buy. But the one-time will not be too obvious, although there is not much money, but enterprise management can be a big problem.

As the President of Black Cloud Motors, John Chambers don't know that the boss wants to exchange Ferrari. This is a big problem, so I said that Bao Zi Xuan said with him, not fully determined. But what is John - Chambers, of course, listening to the road inside. Just don't want to have contradictions, I didn't say anything.

Since it has been handed over to man management, we must fully believe it. Always trying to do things, it is not a wise move, which is more deceal in corporate management.

If the Black Cloud Group has entered Italy, or it is an acquisition of Italian companies. Then it will inevitably bring a strong intensive agent to the local economy, and at least the public will see hope. The Fiat Group serves as the largest enterprise in Italy, and the Reni family is a synonym of wealth and honor. Any of their moves can all affect the entire Italian, as well as the neurons of surrounding countries.

Ni Ni-Rehili did not think that Bunzi Xuan will come directly to Turin on the third day of the exhibition. I feel that the other party will come over, but I didn't expect to be so fast. The second day of the exhibition must have a lot of things to summarize; Joint aircraft manufacturing companies, but there are four shareholders, and the discussion is very normal.

In other words, after the Paris Air Show is arranged, the first stop came to Italy; let the world see the thunderstorms of Bao Zi Xuan doing things.

Jani-Renili laughed: "Welcome Mr. Bao's arrival, your work style, and efficiency, people feel shocked. At the same time, it is clear that the development of the Black Cloud Group is so fast."

The reason why didn't stay in France, that is because it doesn't matter. And this time, there are many countries to go, it is impossible to delay in Europe too long. Italy is a temporary decision, and it is only arranged for three or four days, otherwise it will return to Xiangjiang; if it will be when it is.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "This is what I promised to go, saying that it is the end of the show; the first stop came over Italy, and it is absolutely can't have a good time. It is a good time to go many times, but Italy is still a head. Plus Mr. Renley invited, of course, I want to experience the scenery of Yabinin. "

"And I heard that there is a football match this evening, of course, I have to feel the atmosphere."

As the top of Italy, Juventus football club owner; Radi family is still very confident, at least in the football area.

It is a good opportunity to show strength in front of our partners and customers. Today, this ball is not available. After all, the opponent is the Naples Football Club.

If it is two years ago, Juventus will never put the role of Naples in his eyes. But at this moment, the other party has Maradona, and things become different.

Even if you don't have bottom, you have to go to the ball to see the ball. The bag is rich in this request, is it still not satisfied.

Jiali-Renille said: "Mr. Bao is really time, today is a game. And Juventus's Naples led by Maradona, I believe it must be very exciting."

Maradona contrast to Platini, I didn't expect to see it at the scene. This is something that I can't think about, it seems that the benefits of traveler are really a lot.

As the world's greatest player, it can be said that the totems of the two countries can be said. Of course, because of the Laida after France, Pratini prestige and reputation should be worse; but the highlight performance on the European Championship last year, making him now a greater existence than Maradona.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "That is great, telling the truth, I haven't seen a ball for several years. Today, I just feel the scene atmosphere of the Italian Football League."

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