As for why Angela Rothschild came to Israel, I really don't know how to explain the same Baozixuan, after all, it is related to the secrets of the family and the entire Jews. But think about it, if you want to be absolutely safe, or protect yourself. Then it must be involved in external forces. Once something is done, she is likely to become a abandoned child. In the Roschild family, this kind of thing is very common. Grandpa can marry him to an old man for this matter. But now you need to sell a pass, which may be better to talk about this topic in bed. Angela Roschild: "I came with a secret task, if I want to know the result; then it depends on whether your performance can be satisfied. After that, I walk towards Bao Zixuan and take off my clothes while walking. "At this time, the richest man in the Bao was a little circle, which was simply a big color woman. But thinking about it, the beauty does not matter, what is a big man who is tangled with a big man. And many things must master the initiative, which involves dignity. Go forward, hold Angila, and walk towards the bathroom. It is better to check it. In case of something hidden, your life is not guaranteed. He died on a woman's bed, then people really lost their hair. Angela Roschild also thought that he wanted to take a bath with her, but did not refuse. This is the case between men and women. Once the window paper is broken, it may not matter if you do anything. So in the bathroom, a scene of Xiangyan was staged, and the picture couldn't bear to look straight. It took more than an hour to take a bath, and there was no one. Then Bao Zixuan hugged the woman on the bed and started the next move. After the incident, Angela was lying on Baozixuan's chest. And the fingers are still drawing around the chest. The man's performance did not disappoint him, and just discovered that the man seemed to be a lot strong. At least the figure has not been shape, which is too rare. In fact, the richest man in Bao is very clear that the body is the capital of the revolution. Therefore, exercise every day. After all, the more rich, the more afraid of death. Angela Rothschild said with a shame: "Don't you ask me why I came to Israel!" "Then you answer me a question first, know the king of Solomon and his story!" Solomon, the king of the ancient Jewish kingdom, Essence David and his son born. About 971 BC- 931 BC. The Old Testament contains its deeds. Solomon's father David created the Jewish dynasty,

And seeking to build an empire from the Egyptian border to the Euphrates. After Solomon inherited the throne, he destroyed his political opponents and inserted his friends in the positions of the army, government and religious institutions. Solomon also strengthened his status through marriage. He met with the daughters and sisters of the kings from all over the world, one of which was the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh; the Pharaoh captured and burned the Casta of Canaan people and gave it to Solomon.

Like all the founders of the Empire, Solomon also maintains his territory with force. In addition to infantry, he also has amazing chariots and cavalry. Solomon's trading station network later became the core of Jews in the crowded area.

The Solomon Empire is mainly commercial, and all government agencies serve trade. He built a museum in the main foreign trade mission in Israel around the capital Jerusalem. And the city walls and temples of Jerusalem are built. At the same time, he is also a energetic administrator. He divided the 12 originals of Israel into 12 administrative regions. Each district was appointed by the king by the king, and the 12 governors were controlled by a great governor.

King Solomon is also known for his wiseness; he is also a famous poet who has written more than 1,000 poems. During the political period, the peak period of Israel and the Jewish kingdom, the army was strong and commercial prosperous. The Lord Temple and Gorgeous Palace were successively built in Jerusalem.

The greatest king of ancient Israel may not only be familiar with the Jews, it is estimated that the entire world knows his existence. Although the richest man in the bag is not studying international history, he has also heard his name.

Suddenly mentioned Solomon, a character 3000 years ago. What does this mean, is it related to Solomon. Solomon is the most mysterious and the most crazy thing that can make the Jews the most; it is not only his great achievements, but also the huge treasure treasure. Of course, the Jewish relics are more important; the golden cabinet is also among them.

Seeing Bao Zixuan falling into meditation, he should know what he was talking about.

Angella Roschild continued: "Solomon inherited the throne in the hands of Jewish King David in the past, and it took nearly ten years to build a huge and luxurious palace. The "Temple" on the Zion Mountains in Jerusalem. The most precious in this temple is the "Golden Cabinet" placed in the rock hall of 30 meters in the temple. "It is stored in the" Gold Cabinet "created by pure gold, and it will always be inherited as the treasure of the country."

"At that time, Jerusalem was the birthplace of the Jewish religion. Therefore, there were countless domestic and foreign religors come to this holy place to worship every year. Since it is worship, it is natural to offer a lot of tribute to Solomon."

"Before the end of Solomon, all the treasures were hidden in a dark road under the" Holy Rock ". Later generations called this dark road" Joya Secret Road ". Following Solomon, dozens of rules on the land of the ruler Like him, all the gold and silver jewelry who converged his life was placed in this secret. "

"So, the long -standing" Solomon Treasure "refers to the collection of a monarch, but the common treasure of the ruler of Jerusalem in the past. In a fire that lasted three days and three nights, the Babylonians failed to find this legendary secret in the ashes. "

Therefore, this wealth disappears in Shihai as the Jewish kingdom, and no one knows it.

"Fifty years ago, two explorers from the United States Steven and Richard rushed to Jerusalem. Their goal was the legendary lost treasure. Because they carried advanced detection equipment; Sure enough, in the hidden road under the altar, two Americans searched a staircase to the unknown place. Due to the age, the stairs have been blocked by sand and soil. "

"So, the two concluded: there must be treasure below the sand. They started the day and night with a shovel and planned to make the treasure under the sand as their own. Destiny, the quicksand was filled with the dug tunnels, so that the two returned without merit. In the end, the two encountered a large storm during the return of the country; so that they were buried in the sea. "

The Golden Cabinet has something to do with the Jews, but it also mentioned what the two Americans mean. Is it because the American adventure is funded by the Roschild family. It's not that there is no such possibility, but Bao Zixuan doesn't want to participate in so much.

Although in the construction museum, there are some things that do not belong to him. If you really get the golden cabinet, it will be unclear and unknown. And you must pay it back to the Jews, otherwise people will be desperate with you. Even Solomon Treasure has nothing to do with you.

The strength of the Black Cloud Group is not weak, but the Jewish strength is more powerful; the most important is the United States and Israel. It may not matter if you make some money, but if you want to occupy the holy things as your own, it will inevitably become the enemy of life and death.

Bao Zixuan: "So you come for treasure. As Jews, you should know the weight of the Golden Cabinet in the Jewish heart. This matter is really difficult to participate in this matter. Forget it! "

"But I can't figure it out a little bit, why are men in the Rosechild family dead? Is it too much to let a woman come to take risks?"

Hearing the man in front of him was unhappy for himself, Angela Roschhael was very happy. After all, this is concerned about her, indicating that in his heart, he still has some status. At least not being used as a recruitment, and lingering to that kind of woman.

Angela Roschild said with a smile: "Since you have already told you, you will definitely say it. But if you want to get more answers, you have to satisfy me. You can unlock more content, let's continue!"

Bao Zixuan is also weird. I really don't know what the woman's body is doing. But the words have been said in this portion, and they must not be admitted. This matter is about men's dignity, and he does want to know the purpose of sending this woman.

The Roschild family will definitely not such a child's drama, especially when it involves the entire Jewish relic. In other words, this woman underneath is definitely indispensable; or it has the secret that others do not know.


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