Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1456 Family Sini-Funding Adventure

For a long time to win, there is no problem at all; at least the richest man who has experienced the richest man has experienced it! But in my heart, I am also happy. Fortunately, this woman is not her own wife, otherwise it will definitely live for several years. But the thought of marrying an old man was really a waste. But this is a private affairs, and now it feels good. After an hour, the two started to move again. Angela was lying on the head of the bumper's richest man, and then painted his body with his hands. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You are really a fairy. It is estimated that no man can resist. It's too dangerous to stay with you for a long time, but you can give up and be very reluctant. The answer, Angela Roschild is very happy. It is not difficult to see from the tone that this is the most authentic idea. It may be obsessed with your body or others. But as long as it is reluctant, it is a victory. Angela Roschild said with a smile: "The richest man who was the richest man in the original, how strong you were. It seems that in this regard, it is no different from ordinary men." ; We continue the topic just now. Two Americans have found Joya Dark, and the facts are indeed the case. "" In fact, after Americans, several British adventurers were also impressed by Jerusalem to bribe the night guards with money in advance; in When the night is quiet, quietly enters the temple of the people, pry open the slate on the edge of the holy rock, and digs the soil. Pluck the dug out of the soil outside the wall until it is about to be bright; They slipped away quietly before. "" These treasure hunt have been secretly working secretly for seven nights before being found by passers -by and fled. Afterwards, the angry people used stones to kill the night guards who neglected their duties and strengthened them at the same time. At the same time, they strengthened The guard of the temple. "" The British are based on the map left by the Americans, but they do not have the professionalism of Americans. And among the several British, there is the father of Normana Roschild. "" Two American explorers also came to Jerusalem to find treasures with the funding of the old Normanine Roschild. But in the face of huge treasures, anyone would lose. "" Seeing two Americans wanted to Of course, the old Normana will not be willing. After stopping funding; two Americans alone; in the face of huge wealth, it is also powerless. I have to accept it as a last resort; . "" Old Norman has shot, where can they have the opportunity to return to the United States. The news announced to the outside world is to encounter wind and waves during the return. Na Roschild did it; the old guy was really ruthless, but at this time it was no longer a life.

"All the wealth of Old Normana was inherited by my current legal husband Normana Roschild; including the treasure hunt of Solomon Treasure. Although I don't know if it is true or fake; The existence of authority.

"Grandpa is because of this reason to get me to marry an old man. There is no way to say, in fact, everything is for benefits."

"Before the old Normana came to Jerusalem for treasure hunting, it was all secret. As for the treasure map, he only knew it, but he accumulated a lot of information. If you want to find the entrance of Joya, if there is no roadmap, there must be hope at all hope for all hope. No. After all, after so many years, if the channel is obvious, it is estimated that it has been found. "

"I marry in the past, and the two relationships are closer. Normana Roschild also has a guarantee in hand, plus his strength and physical condition; it is almost impossible to eat solo food like his father. And now the Israeli side is increasingly stricter to the protection of the temple; there is no hope that there is no hope at all. "

Bao Zixuan understands how much it means, but some things still don't understand. With the relationship between the Roschild family and Israel, it can directly show off with the official; just to dig in the cooperation between the two parties, there is no need for such a big deal. I invited an explorer and played in person. This is no different from the tomb thief, not in line with identity.

Even if the old Normana may be selfish, is this the entire family. If you want to occupy this wealth as your own, but there is no shortage of money at all, and it is the risk of becoming a public enemy of the Jewish world? The Roschild family will do such stupid things.

It was also seen that the man's doubts, Angila Roschild continued: "Do you feel that you can tell the Roschild family directly with Israel, and then the two parties can dig the Solomon treasure."

"Things are not so simple at all, at least not in Israel. It is mainly caused by the complex relationships of the Jews. More than 2000 years ago, the Jews had formed three major genres. One type of Jews strictly held Mosica law and various traditions, many aspects, in many aspects, all aspects were in many aspects. Unwilling to compromise with the Greek movement, it has become a conservative in the Jewish nation. "

"The second type of Jews who are keen on Greek culture. They not only accepted Greek words and languages, but even abandoned the laws of Moses and traditional customs. Such people are often loyal to the ruler and are generally not accepted by godly Jews."

"The third category is Greek, which is also deeply influenced by Greek culture; they also give them a Greek name. But they still keep the Jewish belief tradition and are known as the Jewish Jewish. "

"Obviously, cultural differences and conflicts inevitably occur among Jews; and it has been stretching for a century."

"Although for the country, everyone can unite. But involving internal problems, there are no better solutions. Therefore, no one dares to tap Solomon Treasure, after all, he belongs to all Jews."

I also felt that the Jews were united before, and it seemed that everything was appearance. It is still necessary to see the essence of affairs. It is really difficult to grasp the key points.

Bao Zixuan: "Even if you need secrets, you should not send a woman over. This is a dangerous thing. Have you received professional training in this area. Didn't the two Americans almost be buried by sand!"

Hearing a man has been cared about himself, Angela Roschild is very happy. Although the secret is carried out, the industrial strength of the Heiyun Group may develop a suitable tool. If it is excavated by manpower alone, and it must be sneaked, it is estimated that it is impossible to wait until the year of the monkey.

She didn't want to participate, but it was no longer possible to be out of the case at this time; after all, she involved too much benefits, and she needed the interests of her husband.

Angela Roschild: "I don't want to, but there is a family tradition, even if a woman must come over."

"My husband Normana Roschild has a stroke, and he has no descendants. As a legal wife, his seat and voting right in the family can only be representative of me."

"The old guy itself is an important member of the Family Presbyterian Association. In addition, the treasure map must also be provided by him. The right to speak is stronger, but there is no ability to move. It can only be my wife. Must monitor and participate throughout the process. "

"Even so, worrying about problems. After all, in the face of huge wealth, no one can guarantee a normal heart."

"At present, it is too slow to find artificially. I do n’t know what good ways you have, or you can design a machine, you can find the hole quietly and dig at the same time."

If you want the Black Cloud Group to provide technical support, Bao Zixuan feels embarrassed. In his identity, he did not want to participate in the treasure hunting of the grave robbing. It is easy to cause criticism and even seriously damage yourself and corporate reputation.

Poland's treasure hunt is because of the technical drawings buried underground; and it is not very dangerous. This is still caught by Americans, if it wasn't for it, it would not be uncomfortable now.

But now it is the Treasure Treasure of Israel, and it is likely to be buried with a golden cabinet. Although Israeli countries are small, they must not be underestimated by military strength. And it may also offend the entire Jews; even no room for ease.

It was said that it can be supported before, and it is more economical. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money. Whoever let him control himself, just spend money to buy heart!

It's not the same now. The woman in front of her wants to drag herself down. Even at a critical moment, it is likely that the Black Cloud Group is pushed out for scapegoats. The more poisonous women, the more beautiful women, the more dangerous.

At this time, the first richest man in the bag fell into contradictions; in the same time, I really didn't know what to do.

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