Don't say Saudi officers, at this time Prince Surdin feels; Saudi Arabia must participate in drone projects. It turns out that Americans have done so many things. It seems that Saudi Arabia may not even compare to a company in Heiyun Group. This is a very dangerous thing. There are too many places that need to be improved and improved; pulling Baozixuan to the chariot of the Surdam family is definitely the most correct choice! In fact, Prince Surdin also suspected that it may be information provided by the Soviets. After all, Bao Zixuan intersects with each other; coupled with scientific research, there will be many deep -level cooperation between the two sides. Maybe the drone project is one of them. It is also normal to share information. Americans have begun to develop, the Soviets are ready to develop, and Bao Zixuan admires. Explain that the drone project must be promising. Combined with the special national conditions of Saudi Arabia, this opportunity must not be let go. But now that I want to jointly develop drone projects, I have to wait until Bao Zixuan finished the class. There is something in the belly of this kid, and this group of officers have been deterred at this moment. I thought I was amazing before, but now I found that I was far away. Especially when facing the owner of the world's first technology company, it may not only be a technical gap between the two sides, but the concept may be greater. Although the other party is a businessman, it really fights with such opponents. It must be them in the end, there is no doubt. The drone has been basically introduced, and it must be talked about. Want to make the Saudis aware of the gap and get money; it is not so easy. Bao Zixuan continued: "Remote precision beheading becomes a reality, and the combat methods are diversified." "Everyone's face has fixed characteristics, so as long as the photos of the enemy's senior commander are entered into the computer. The missiles of the video guide will attack the enemy's senior general according to the computer instructions. And it will not hurt others. Of course, all this is due to precise guidance. " It takes a certain amount of time, or it can only be achieved under specific conditions. But the precise guidance has become a reality. Through satellites, laser, etc., the missile can accurately hit the target, and the gap will not exceed one meter. Specifies, multi -mode, and multi -target precise blows are possible; and the protracted local war will be resolved quickly; at the same time, the sudden increase in sudden fire attacks will increase unprecedentedly. As for the traditional heavy weapons Large weapons such as warships will become the target of precise guidance weapons. "" All this distance is very close, so we want to win a modern war; The missile was installed with a pair of eyes. "Saudi Arabia just heard of Satellite system. I found out now; there are so many backward. No wonder the US expenses in the United States are very large every year, and there are so many unknown secrets.

If you are curious at the beginning, it is already shocked; it is estimated that it will become numb in a while.

Bao Zixuan ignored it, but continued: "High -speed weapons will definitely break the battlefield balance, and the pace of combat is unprecedented. Hypermute weapons can hit the high -value strategic goals of any place around the world within 1 to 2 hours. Conventional deterrence and crackdown. At present, the Soviet Union has begun to develop hypersonic missiles and has achieved technical breakthroughs. The flying speed is 8 Mach to Mach 20, which will definitely become an important weapon system for polar bears. It is slower than the Soviet Union; but there are absolutely many other countries. At least it has spy on the technical threshold. In the future, the high breakthrough and low interception rate of hypersonic weapons will inevitably become a major weapon on the battlefield. "

The fastest-flying missile now is 3-4 Mach; and it is still purchased from other countries. Bao Zixuan proposed Mach 20 missiles, and felt unbelievable, but also had deep fear. The world's martial arts, but this is the truth. If the enemy really has this missile, there may be no warning time.

At this time, the Saudi people didn't think of how to defend it. After all, there was no weapon at all, and it was able to intercept the missiles with a speed of 10 Mach. Even if there is, the success rate will be very low, even lower than the probability of a blind cat encounters a dead mouse.

They are more about evacuation, and the time is so short. If the enemy really comes like this, then everyone must finish playing. However, since Bao Zixuan said, there must be a measure of response; I still listen to it to see what the professionals are.

Bao Zixuan continued: "Tactical -level nuclear weapons have become a preparation method, and the threshold for nuclear war has been further reduced. At present, the United States and Soviet are promoting miniaturization of nuclear weapons. The new Soviet nuclear power submarine can carry 2 million tons of TNT TNT as a nuclear combat department, or even mobile phone can be mobilized To the United States offshore launch. The United States is developing the B61-12 nuclear bomb, which is a tactical-level small nuclear weapon; the crackdown error is less than 30 meters, and the nuclear pollution and attachment are small. "

"Of course, this is just the theoretical data. What is the situation, no one knows. Fortunately, regardless of nuclear weapons, no matter the country; it will not be easily used. But you must understand that everyone understands everyone."

"Nuclear weapons deterrence may be stronger, and no matter which country dare not use it easily. After all, once the Pandora Box is opened, it is a disaster for the entire world."

"In the future, the role of stealth aircraft cannot be underestimated. Air combat will gradually enter the era of invisible aircraft. By then, when large nations will be in air combat with small countries, the small and air force will only be beaten passively. Because they can not find the enemy at all, the enemy can be in the enemy, but the enemy can be in the past Dozens of kilometers away; lock them through the radar and launch the missile. "

"At present, the Black Cloud Group has launched a related R & D, the purpose of which is to formulate standards for the next -generation Air Force combat aircraft; and the following four points must be available. That is: invisible; supersonic cruise capabilities; super motivation capabilities; super information advantages."

"This is definitely a crushing advantage for the current third -generation fighter."

Everyone may not understand, but for fighter jets, there are many experts. Hearing the data indicators and technical characteristics given by Bao Zixuan. Suddenly I felt incredible, after all, every Saudi aircraft could not be done.

At present, the most advanced fighter in Saudi Arabia, the F-15 fighter purchased from the United States. However, the US -export weapons and equipment, especially sold to Saudi Arabia. It can only be a castle version, compared to the same model used by the local Air Force; in terms of technical performance and combat strength, it is much worse.

After hearing that Heiyun Group has begun to develop a single fighter jet, Prince Surdama was interested in. If the aircraft manufacturing plant is built in Saudi Arabia, there is no problem with the royal investment.

The Middle Eastern people are not stupid. Of course, it is not the case for always buying weapons. Several Middle East War, they had a large number of dollars in their hands, but American weapons were not sold, and there was no way to have money. Otherwise, the number of Arab countries will not lose so miserable even if the combat effectiveness is weak.

We did not purchase weapons and equipment from abroad, so their national soldiers could only use original weapons to fight. That's more dangerous, not even the courage to fight.

It was discovered today that world weapons are developing so fast. Many weapons and equipment have been heard for the first time; and the United States and Soviet have been developed. It is not difficult to understand that the United States and Soviet Union can be accepted at least. But now Heyun's company has come to the front. If Saudi Arabia is not changing, it is estimated to go back to the old way.

If so, it will be very painful in the future. The gap is getting bigger and bigger, which means that there are fewer and less voice. This is something that no one wants to accept and must make a change; at this time Prince Surdin has decided.

Bao Zixuan: "In fact, weapons and equipment are just one aspect. If you want to give full play to the greatest power of the weapon, the quality of personnel is very critical. More and more advanced weapons require people with higher quality and knowledge. It is a empty after all, no talents who are proficient in weapons and equipment. "

What is the most expensive and talented in the 21st century. In fact, it is not just the 21st century, but in any era. Saudi Arabia had also suffered a lot of losses before, buying back to advanced weapons and equipment, and found that not many people would use it. It seems that cultivating talents, domestic basic education and other aspects need to be strengthened.

At that time, after the Pu -Prusson war ended, Prussia won the victory. Marshal Prussia Mao Qi said that the victory of Germany was decided on the podium of the elementary school teacher!

The Germans can do it 100 years ago, isn't Saudi Arabia still! Even if you can't do it, you must do it, otherwise you must be unlucky!

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