Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1463 Panic and Countermeasures

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Although it sounds very reasonable, it is specific to the online society. Saudi officers do not understand at all, so they feel that as long as the computer is still in Saudi Arabia, the software is manipulated in the hands of the Saudi; then it is everything.

As everyone knows to enter the Internet society, computers and system security are the top priority. Even if the computer is in your hands, it is also controlled by yourself. Once you connect to the network, it is not you to say it alone.

Of course, there is no concept of network security, after all, the Internet has begun to set up. There is no Saudi Arabia. Even if Xiangjiang arrives in the United States, the submarine optical cable has not been connected. However, Bao Zixuan didn't worry about this. After all, most equipment was produced by Heiyun Group. At present, Obrak has started drills for network security. Software release firewall is one aspect, hardware firewall; Heiyun Group's network equipment company has also successfully developed.

It's just that these Saudis are not very clear. In fact, not only the Saudis, the vast majority of people in the world have no concepts in this regard. Perhaps it is only the technical backbone of major technology companies and computer professors of well -known colleges and universities.

Although Bao Zixuan knows network security, there is no need to speak now. After all, there is no macro concept, and people will think you are neuropathy.

Seeing everyone nodded, including Prince Surdin. The person who just spoke continued: "As for the drone, Saudi Arabia can be developed independently. In the United States, I have seen drones. Although it is small, the penetration rate is very high; many children are playing."

"Of course, the civil drone is very different from the military drone, and the technology is not comparable. But any technology is mostly used by the military, and then it is popularized to the folk. It can be seen that the field of drones is already very mature. You can develop and develop it yourself. Without technology, we buy technology. The most important thing is that the investment is not high, and it is completely within the scope. "

"If any items want to find the Black Cloud Group or other companies to cooperate. Then Saudi Arabia will never improve; even as a partner, it may not be able to look at us. Therefore, some technologies can be mastered by themselves. Although the early stage will be in the early stage It is more difficult, but as long as it is survived, the future must be bright. "

Hearing this, everyone feels makes sense. Prince Surdan was a person who gave a speech seriously.

I thought that the royal family was still some talents, at least this kid's ability was not bad. It seems that it can be reused in the future. Prince Abdullah didn't know yet, at this time, he was very impressed in Prince Surdam.

Seeing everyone signaled him to continue, Abdullah was not polite, and then said: "Satellite positioning, detection system and precise strikes, many technologies are interoperable."

"Through satellite investigations, discover the target, and then launch a remote missile according to the positioning of the satellite. It is too far away from Saudi Arabia. Anything about satellite has no technical reserve on any matter."

"And it is impossible to let the United States and the Soviet Union help us develop, and then launch to space. In that case, once the two countries move, then the satellite will never serve Saudi Arabia."

"It can be used as a reserved project, or it does not develop projects in the short term.

At this time, Prince Surdin's eyes had changed from appreciation to like. This kid is really a bit level and is very clear about the actual situation of Saudi Arabia. I'm afraid of some people, don't understand what strength it is, and where to make unrealistic words. They are all high -level military, and they still have a weight.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to speech, and now it seems that the situation is good.

Abdullah continued: "As for the hypersonic weapon, see if the Soviet Union is willing to sell. At present, Saudi Arabia and the Soviet Union are still relatively close. The Soviet Union has sold the most advanced weapons and equipment to us. Very lacking money. If you are willing to spend a lot at this time, maybe Lao Maozi may agree. "

"As for nuclear weapons, it is not very suitable for Saudi Arabia. If you have the ability to secretly develop, of course, it is better. But the current conditions are not mature, so you can only give up."

"But several nuclear power plants can be established in China, at least master nuclear application related technologies."

"The fourth -generation fighter can cooperate with Heiyun Group. Let them build the factory in Saudi Arabia, and we can provide some R & D funds. I believe Baozixuan will consider it carefully. At present, it seems that there is really no more suitable place than Saudi Arabia."

"At the same time, talent training must be strengthened. I heard that the Saudi Branch of Yulin Institute of Technology has begun to build. This is a good start, but it is not enough. At least let more children read books. High -end talents are just one one. In terms of, the future soldiers have become higher and higher for cultural levels. At least let ordinary soldiers reach high school levels. Otherwise, buying or developing advanced weapons may not even understand the instructions. "


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