Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1468 Acceleration Process

As the richest man in Xiangjiang, Saudi foreign companies invest in the first person. Coupled with the current special identity, when you come to Saudi Arabia, the king will definitely take time to see it. This is the minimum polite issue. Of course, only if the strength reaches a certain degree can we get attention.

Although I really want to stay in Saudi Arabia for a few days, there are too many things to deal with. And in the future, Fushara is the focus, Saudi is just an important division. After all, no matter how good the construction is, it is also on the land of others. Coupled with this time Qatar, so the time must be strictly controlled. Thinking of the queen of the king, he left for a while for a while; when Aisha gave birth to a child, he came over.

They are all acquaintances and have a special relationship. The king did not choose to meet him in the palace, but his own private villa.

There is also a benefit of doing so, that is, it looks like a family meeting. And Asa also followed, the atmosphere seemed more harmonious. Of course, the Saudi royal family is clear about Bao Zixuan and Aisa. It is precisely because the kid has such an attitude that he sees him as himself.

Saudi women's status is not very high, and it is already particularly valued to make Assa come over. Fortunately, Aisha also knew that there must be important discussions between men. You can chat with the princess, and you can also take the opportunity to learn about parenting experience; it is not boring.

The king said with a smile: "Asa is a good girl, you have to treat her well; otherwise, as a mother, we don't agree."

Some words are inconvenient to say, but he can still say it. And this can closer each other, and may have an unexpected effect.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Your Majesty said laughed, but I dare not, and I don't want to. It will definitely make Asha happily. This is a man's guarantee."

Bao Zixuan's economic strength, live a luxurious life, is simple. You want to be happy, but it is not so easy. After all, if you want a woman to be happy, not only the material satisfaction of money, but also to be accompanied and spiritual. In short, a happy life is much more difficult than a good day.

Whether you can do it, but the attitude must be clear.

Hearing Bao Zixuan's guarantee, Prince Surdin was very pleased. This time I came to Saudi Arabia, and the time arrangement was relatively compact. Therefore, Weng Yue did not communicate in private affairs. Moreover, he didn't know how to communicate; now the king's proposal saves a lot of trouble.

It is said that it is a family gathering, but at a certain level, there is still a housework. So quickly entered the topic, and the two sides began to negotiate the next step.

King: "The day before yesterday, Prince Surdin has reported to me. For the fourth -generation fighter, what do you think, or can you build the factory in Saudi Arabia!"

In fact, Bao Zixuan is also thinking about where the construction of a fighter factory is safer and can ensure the core interests. The Saudi Construction Effect Aircraft Factory is because the main customers are the Middle East. As for the construction of power plants, the big head is still contributed by Saudi Arabia. Heiyun Group provides equipment, and then cooperates between the two parties.

Therefore, no matter how calculated, it will not suffer. But the fourth -generation fighter is related to the right to speak in the next 30 years or even longer. If you put it on Saudi Arabia, maybe the United States will know all secrets. In fact, the intelligence capabilities of Americans in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia; I will definitely know that they can't hide it at all.

If the fourth -generation fighter technical performance,

The pneumatic layout is controlled by outsiders; then it is very difficult to win the trust of customers.

Seeing Bao Zixuan's meditation, Prince Surdin immediately understood what it meant. This boy must have concerns in all aspects, or where you already want to build a factory.

Although it is his son -in -law, in the face of Saudi interests, you still need to safeguard national interests. After all, he is a No. 3 character in Saudi Arabia, and it is likely to become the first figure in the future.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "Is there any concern, or wherever you want to build an airplane manufacturer."

"We are all ourselves, what conditions and concerns, boldly propose it. As long as it can be satisfied, Saudi Arabia will definitely go all out."

Laozhang people have already spoke, and Bao Zixuan must not be silent. So he said directly: "At present, the three -generation machine project has not yet landed, and the fourth -generation machine only stays in the laboratory stage; therefore, the factory is not very mature. If the Saudi side wants to cooperate, the Heiyun Group is preparing to produce three generations with Saudi Arabia."

"And it is already a mature product. Heiyun Group has a full set of technical materials and design drawings with Dasau Group. As long as the factory is built, it can be put into production immediately."

"But the fourth -generation fighter, who wants to take service, can't do it at all for ten years. And there is no experience in the three generations of aircraft, and you dare not rush to Malaysia Four Generations Project."

"Even if it is built in Saudi Arabia, technical workers are a big problem. I mean that you can first cooperate to build a three-generation machine production line with an annual output of 24-36.

"While producing the third -generation machine, the fourth -generation machine project can also develop in an orderly manner."

"But there is still a problem now, which is more worried. It is mainly a matter of confidentiality, the fourth -generation machine project; it involves the issue of the right to speak in the sky for the next 30 years. If it cannot be kept confidential, then our products; It is likely to be the live target of the enemy. "

I can't eat a fat man in one sip, everyone understands this. Saudi Arabia has no ability to produce jet aircraft. It is already a qualitative leap to go directly to the Malaysian Third Generation Project. And 30 annual output can basically meet the domestic needs of Saudi Arabia. After all, there are many Saudi fighter jets, and the existing combat aircraft service is not very long; it can fully cope with the current situation.

Although I do n’t know to what extent the research and development of the fourth -generation machine project, it will take a while to serve. And establishing a R & D center in Saudi Arabia, a factory will inevitably be built here in the future.

As for the security issues mentioned by Bao Zixuan, the members of the Saudi royal family also understood. However, in the Middle East, some things are difficult to make guarantees and can only be avoided as much as possible.

King Saudi Arabia: "Just do what you say, how much you need to invest in Saudi Arabia, discuss with Prince Surdin. As for the confidentiality issue, the project can be closed. Saudi participants must ensure the innocence of history. At the same time The engineer, no permission can not go out. Even if you go out, you must be accompanied by security staff. "

"At the same time, internal security issues are handed over to the Black Cloud Group. Don't worry about anyone's face. Even if I want to visit the project, I will get the consent of the black cloud."

This statement can be described as sincere. If you disagree, then you can't say a bit.

Bao Zixuan: "His Majesty's sincerity, Bao Mou is grateful. In terms of black clouds, he will definitely come up with the greatest sincerity; to strengthen cooperation with Saudi Arabia, no company in the world will refuse."

Both of them stated that things would be better. The Saudi royal family is not worried, because the special relationship with Baozixuan; Prince Surdin will sell Saudi interests. The first is to understand him. The second is the member of the royal family, and only Saudi Arabia has become stronger; for him, when he cooperates, the waist pole will be hard. I was afraid that this person would be his son -in -law.

Bao Zixuan continued: "His Majesty, the current projects we have cooperated, although the funds are sufficient. However, the construction efficiency is a bit slow. You must speed up the process, after all, every day of the delay; for both parties, it is huge for both parties. loss."

In fact, the royal family is clear about what the workers in Saudi Arabia are. I also thought about the introduction of workers from abroad, and even negotiated with Huaxia, but did not reach an agreement.

Bao Zixuan now asked, it must be solved properly. Cooperation must be satisfied with both parties, otherwise it is difficult to last.

King Saudi Arabia: "It has planned to open up restrictions on foreign workers, but it can only be gradually advanced; after all, national security issues and guarantee issues of life items need to be carefully considered and properly arranged."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan thought, he took it for granted. Hei Cloud Town is a Chinese worker. Even if you rest, you will not go out. Naturally, it will not affect Xiangjiang's law and order. As for life supplies, the group is mobilized from all over the world, so there is no need to worry about it.

But Saudi Arabia is a big country and is still under construction in multiple places. Personal flow and living security supplies need to be considered. It is really not in its position, and some things should not be too ideal.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "The thoughtful consideration that His Majesty was considered, but I was too anxious."

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