Qatar State, known as Qatar. It is an Arab country in southwestern Asia. It is located on the Qatar Peninsula on the southwest coast of Persia and borders Saudi Arabia south. The coastline is 563 kilometers long.

Speaking of Qatar, many people know this country. Not only has Qatar's impact in the Middle East, it has a great impact in the entire international community. The reason for this is because this country has abundant oil and natural gas resources. With these resources, Qatar's influence has become very great. However, as a Middle East country, Qatar's reputation in the Middle East is not good. It can be said that Qatar almost offended the entire Middle East country, and Saudi Arabia even dug it into an island country.

Therefore, although Bao Zixuan wanted to go to Qatar, although he didn't say anything in his mouth, he was not very happy. Fortunately, there are old -fashioned people on the side, otherwise I really don't know how to explain it.

In fact, Bao's richest man felt that he was investing in Israel, and the Arab country didn't say anything. Why did Qatar have such a big response in the past, and it was not until Prince Surdin's explanation that he understood the truth.

The Gulf area has always been contradictory and complex, and the relationship between Qatar and neighboring countries has continued to be nervous. The crisis of the past life in 2017 was the result of the continuous accumulation of related contradictions.

The contradictions between the two sides generally originate from the two major contradictions; one is the issue of Mu Brother's. Qatar's support has led to the continuous expansion of the influence of Brother Mu, becoming a alien force that threatens many royal regimes of the Gulf and the country. However, Qatar regards it as the main starting point that restricts other countries and expand its own interests, which has made the relationship between Qatar and other countries in the Gulf for a long time.

The second is Iranian issue. Saudi Arabia has always regarded Iran as regional competitors; but Qatar has always had a good relationship with Iran, not only sharing the "Northern-South Pas Natural Gas Field", but also many times to recognize Iran's role in maintaining the stability of the area.

Everyone is the Arab brothers, but you have done well with the Persians. Isn't this betrayal and helping the enemy! And this kind of person is more harmful to the family; it is often greater than external enemies, and of course it is more recruited!

Knowing the richest wealthy of the incident, with Aisha's reluctance, to Qatar. But he already thought about it, invest in Qatar, let's forget it! At the most meaning, after all, you ca n’t make Saudi Arabia feel that the black cloud group and themselves are unreliable. So for so many years of effort, it will be in vain!

Catal's performance has paid enough attention to Bao Zixuan's arrival. The Crown Prince Hamad welcomes the border between the Saudi. You must know that the foreign heads come here, that is, this treatment.

The two had known each other in Paris, so they were familiar. As a crown prince, of course, I know the relationship between Bao Zixuan and Saudi Arabia. Unexpectedly, the boy dared to dare to go directly from Saudi Arabia to Qatar, which is really gorgeous. It is American dignitaries that cannot enter Qatar from Saudi Arabia to avoid suspicion. After all, take care of the emotions of both parties, but whoever wants Bao Zixuan dares to do so.

It seems that it is really necessary to deal with young people, and the thoughts of the older generation have been out of place.

Hamad gave Bao Zixuan a hug, and said with a smile: "Welcome your arrival, friends who come from afar."

The Qatar country is not very large, and the population is only 2 million; it can not hold more oil and natural gas. No company can ignore any enterprise for such a country. And there are no other industries except oil and natural gas.

Qatar's nationwide arable land area is 28,000 hectares, with 7,000 hectares of cultivated land.

Agricultural and animal husbandry products cannot be self -sufficient. Grain, vegetables, fruits, meat egg milk, etc. mainly rely on imports. Only fish and shrimp seafood production can basically meet their own needs.

It can be said that this country has no highlights except for oil and natural gas. But because the reserves of oil and natural gas are too rich, and there are few elementary schools, the life is quite moisturized.

But this is an important market for the richest man. Fucha Irala is smaller and has a less population. As for the Black Cloud Group, at best, it is a company. Perhaps it may be said to be a rich country, but you want others to truly recognize you as a country; unless you have your own territory.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Promise to His Royal Highness, then you must come over. I am a businessman who has always pursued neutral; things between the country never participated; and did not want to participate. Qatar is a rich resources, economy, economy, economy, economy, economy. A highly developed country. Hei Cloud Group has no reason to see it. Even if you can't cooperate, you don't have the opportunity to invest. You have to investigate what is the reason. "

In fact, Qatar has always pursued a neutral and unopened foreign policy. But some things cannot be allowed to decide at all, so to other Arab countries, some are incompatible. When Bao Zixuan said these words, Hamad was still very happy.

It is really a pure businessman, and may be biased towards Fucha Ila. But how big that place is, if the Black Cloud Group really moves, it may not be able to install it. As an entrepreneur with factories in various continents in the world, Qatar can use the Black Cloud Group to develop its own industrial system.

The Middle East countries are clear that oil resources may make them wealthy; But before the United States and Europe, I just wanted to mine oil with them. As for the investment industry, I am embarrassed. Find various reasons to refuse, but Bao Zixuan has invested in many industrial enterprises in the Middle East and has built many industrial enterprises.

Although Qatar is worse than European and American countries, there is no industrial foundation. But the investment environment is much better than Iraq and Israel. Both countries can invest, and there should be no problems in Qatar.

After seeing the car, the richest man in the bag wanted to laugh. Wherever you go now, you will use the black cloud car to welcome him. However, this can also be reflected from the side, and the influence of Heiyun Group is getting greater. Otherwise, so many countries and institutions, why do you want to cater to you.

Looking at the scenery along the way, the richest wealthy of the bag fell into thought. Although the Middle East country is rich in oil and natural gas, this makes them live very rich. But in terms of domestic infrastructure construction, it is really not so concerned. Although the road was built, the land on both sides was wasteful.

Perhaps it was to see Bao Zixuan's thoughts, and Hamad said with emotion: "Do Mr. Bao feel, Qatar's economy is a bit backward."

This kid has been studying in Europe and the United States for many years, and of course he knows the gap between the country before. It may not only be industry and economy, the most important ideas and vision, but also the level of developed countries in the world.

Bao Zixuan: "I was born in Xiangjiang, where can I say that it is gold. In the past few years, Xiangjiang's house prices have reached more than $ 3 per square meter. I feel a bit unfortunate to see such a large area of ​​land."

Of course, Hamad also understands what's going on. Although Qatar is not big; there are fewer land that can be used. This is a great waste. If the royal family can find a way to solve it, this should not occur.

But now he is just a crown prince, and he can't make the final decision. However, I also want to go back to discuss with Dad. If the country wants to be strong, it must make changes, otherwise it can only give people a feeling of a lot of tyrants and silly money.

Qatar has a good relationship with the United States and is a country that purchases a lot of US Treasury bonds. If they are allowed to increase the construction of domestic infrastructure, Black Cloud Group can make money. The number of US Treasury bonds will also be reduced accordingly. This can also play a role in restricting the development of the United States. Although not big, even mosquitoes can bite a little blood.

Hamad: "Although Xiangjiang has a small area, it is less than one -tenth of Qatar, but the population is three times that of us. As for the total economic volume, it is far more than Qatar. . If it has conditions like Qatar, it is really hard to imagine what kind of miracles will Xiangjiang people create. "

"This is inseparable from the hard work of the people of Xiangjiang, and it has a direct relationship with the great entrepreneurs like Mr. Bao. It is with the purpose of learning and hope that the Black Cloud Group can come to Qatar to invest. Only invited Mr. Bao to Qatar to inspect, and I hope this time can bring you a good impression. "

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I am doing business, the geographical environment is one aspect; the most important thing is worthy of cooperation and whether it can cooperate for a long time."

"Therefore, it is more important to look at people and the economy is backward; as long as the governors want to change the status quo, and their ability and courage are not short of; then this place is still worth investing."

"I am very fond of His Royal Highness of the Crown Prince. I believe that Qatar and Hei Cloud Group will be able to cooperate well."

Bao Zixuan's attitude made Hamad happy. As long as the other party recognizes his ability, everything is good to say!

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