Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1470 Court Drama Manufacturer

It didn't take long for the team to come to the capital of Qatar. It is not difficult to see from here that Qatar is really not very large.

Doha is the capital and largest city of Qatar State of West Asian, and it is also a well -known port along the Persian Gulf coast. It is an international metropolis; Qatar's largest city, political, economic, cultural, and transportation centers.

It is famous for its abundant oil and natural gas, and has become the economic life of Qatar. Many oil and gas companies are headquartered in Doha. Since Qatar's economic life is built on oil and natural gas, the Qatar People's Government hopes to diversify their economy.

In fact, Doha was originally a concentrated port of a fishing port and beading boat. Deepwater ports, sea water dilute plants, plastic products factories, steel plants, power stations and international airports. There are many residents who are oilfield staff.

At this stage, investing in Qatar is estimated to be that Daha is okay; as for other places, let's forget it! Half of the country lived here and also reflected from the side that Doha's important position in the entire country.

The fleet came directly to the palace because Qatar Emir Harry Fa had waited for him.

Seeing this Emir, I was still very curious in my heart. After all, this one may be the favorite king of Hollywood. Although there is no legendary color, what happened to him was absolutely very bloody. A lot of creative elements have been added to the court coup.

In 1971, Qatar was independent from the jurisdiction of the British; a year later, Harry Fa, then deputy Emir, launched a palace coup and turned from a blogger to Emir.

During his reign, he was the large -scale development of industries in Western countries; the starting stage of high dependence on oil, relying on rich oil and natural gas resources, Qatar became a rich country.

In order to enjoy a luxurious life, Harry France announced the whole country, and all oil and natural gas belong to state -owned. This has attracted the dissatisfaction of other tribes. Since then, domestic protests have continued, but they have been suppressed by force.

After getting a wealthy life, Harry Fa dyed the common problem of the feudal mediocre king -peace of mind, greedy to enjoy.

He began to go to Europe on vacation frequently and lived in the sky; the happy days of the drunk gold fans gave daily government affairs to the crown prince Hamad.

Harry Fa, who relied on the throne, did not think that more than 20 years later, history will be performed. But this time he was a loser, and his son successfully replaced him.

In June 1995, the old king called his son Hamad to entrust military national affairs as in previous years, and prepared to fly to Geneva for vacation to avoid heat.

The son stood next to his father and recorded the matters that needed to be dealt with respectfully. He was restless in his heart because he was brewing a major event -replaced by his father's vacation abroad.

After the bag was prepared, the old king arrived at the airport under the escort of everyone. At the moment Harry law boarded the plane, his son and a group of subordinates stood under the plane and waved goodbye. They watched the back of the old king, and they said in silence in their hearts: "Goodbye, Emir Hali Fa".

The door was closed, and the aircraft engine's loud noise sounded the funeral clock of the Harry Fa dynasty.

Before the official incident, the Crown Prince had been prepared. First, he used his own military power to control the major national departments.

Then a large number of tribal members who were dissatisfied with the monarchy, and won the support of most government members. In order to avoid night dreams, Hamad called the military and political members on the day of his father's departure, announcing that he immediately replaced his father's position as Emir.

When the coup was announced, a few people with objections were objected; either were dismissed from the official position, or the army that seemed to see the strong army had completely returned to the crown prince. It can only be passed through, and the entire domestic regime's handover process is very smooth and smooth.

The new decree was issued, and the new official positions were announced, and all the dust landed; Hamad dialed his father's call in the villa in Geneva. The old father did not feel any difference before departure, and still closed his eyes on the plane. After the plane landed, he lived leisurely into the resort villa, then sat on the balcony to breathe the moist air, watching the greenery in the courtyard.

The rapid phone ringtone broke this quiet picture, and the maid conveyed that the phone called by the Crown Prince from Qatar. He was warm in his heart, thinking that his son came to care for him for a long time, but the other party's words were watered as cold water, making him rush.

On the other side of the phone, the Crown Prince used the notification tone to convey his ascension: "My father is safe for vacation. I have announced today that officials and people at all levels have replaced my father to become the new Emir."

Everyone's performance in the face of bad news was the same. Harry Fa had just begun to think that the fake news he heard in a dream; then it was burned to the five inside, and finally the overwhelming news made him accept the reality.

After calmness, he informed that his followers returned to the country to restore the situation; only to find that his son was decided to freeze his account, frozen his account, and his former king was like the earth;

There was no force conflict, no blood sacrifice; Qatar's usurping coup, seemed to be successful overnight.

In fact, if you want to cooperate, it is more reliable to negotiate with the crown prince. The centralized thinking of the central government of Harryfa has belonged to yesterday's yellow flowers. The people have continuously broke out to protest against the country that the country needs reform and realize democracy; the old king advocates absolute power and refuses to decentralize power.

Economically, young Chu Jun proposes that oil and natural gas are non -renewable resources; one day, the national economy will once again move towards poverty because of the exhaustion of resources, and need to develop a diversified economy; refer to the development of modern industries in Europe and the United States, and establish a new pillar industry.

The old king complied with conservative development strategies and refused to introduce successful experience in foreign countries. Fighting in front of you enjoy, he ignored these proposals. Looking at the international, although it; Qatar is very rich, but does not belong to a developed country. Because developed countries' judgment standards require the development of industrial technology and advanced science and technology, Qatar is at a backward level in these two aspects, which makes the young crown prince indignant; the deed reluctantly instills the road of a strong country to his father.

Therefore, Harry Fa was not very enthusiastic about meeting with Bao Zixuan. In his heart, foreign wounded people came to invest, and they must want to make money from Qatar. However, foreigners do not come and rely on Qatar's own strength; even if they have money, they have no technology; it is not so easy to develop.

Harry Fa just said politely: "Mr. Bao, hello; welcome to Qatar!"

After that, there was no following, listening to the tone and looking at the expression; I knew that the arrival of the wealthy wealth was not so welcome.

But Bao Zixuan was no longer Xiaobai when he was just doing business, and had seen many national politicians. It ’s not so angry because of this little thing, so he said with a smile:“ Hello! His Majesty. I have heard your name long ago, but I have never seen it. I can see you today.

It stands to reason that the performance of the first richest man is low -key, and even some of the identity. If you are familiar with people, you must feel strange, is this person in front of him?

But the king felt nothing, only thinking that the other party was a businessman who wanted to make money from Qatar; it was no different from others.

Harry France: "Although Mr. Bao is young, it is good to have this knowledge. Heiyun Group is a good company that can trade with Qatar."

Hearing Dad said that, Hamad was speechless for a while. As the world's number one industrial enterprise, UU reads www.uukanshu. COM said it was good in the eyes of Dad. After finally inviting, it was to enhance Qatar's industrial strength; let people come to invest. As a Bao Zixuan's status and status, not everyone can invite it.

How many countries in the Middle East want to invite people's houses; they can come to Qatar, but they have given face. But now he is just a crown prince; the country has major decisions, and he still needs his father to decide. So I could only worry about it, thinking about the same in private in the same Bao Zixuan.

However, I did not expect that Bao Zixuan was not angry, but said with a smile: "Thanks to His Majesty for his recognition, Qatar is a wealthy country; no businessman will give up this opportunity."

Bao Zixuan finished, making Hamad feel incredible. No wonder people can succeed, don't look at him young, but the city is definitely not shallow. You can even reach the point where you are angry and unsatisfactory, and you may not even do it yourself.

I really have to contact such people, and I can definitely learn a lot.

Two people can say that they are not speculative, but the richest man in Bao can still talk about more than an hour. Without deep skills, you can't do this.

Harry Fa has already stated that Heimyun Group can come to Qatar to do business. It is also a harvest. After all, ordinary companies are still looking at it.

It may be what I know, or it may be the performance of Bao Zixuan, he is very satisfied. It is still very face, and the first richest man in the packets will have dinner together in the palace; for this king, it is not easy.

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