Come to the hotel at night and watch the protests outside. I think it is no wonder that the son will launch a coup. If you do not change, you will finish it sooner or later. However, these are not what he cares about. The best way is to reduce the purchase of American Treasury bonds. I never thought of investing in Qatar before. After communicating with Harry law during the day, I may not even find a reason. However, for the crown prince Hamad, I still want to pay well. In the future, this country is gradually open. At that time, it may be the good time of the Black Cloud Group to Qatar's siege. When I came home at night, I was not very happy to see my husband. His wife quickly persuaded: "What's wrong, aren't you meeting with Bao Zixuan with Heiyun Group today! How can you talk about it, or the other party has not intended to come to Qatar to invest." Understanding, this situation should not happen. This person is very purposeful, and he is also a study of science and engineering. The concept of time is very strong. If you do not plan to come to Qatar to invest, with his character, and the degree of busyness, you will not simply not simply do not simply. Will come here. "" Come here, it means that Qatar must have attracted him. You have talked about it between you and talk about each other in Paris. Why do people come here as agreed? Hamad is very pleased. It is estimated that only this is so insightful that he can help him plan in international affairs. However, the second princess reminded him that Bao Zixuan came over and must have come to invest. Hamad said helplessly: "It's not a father, but he hasn't looked at Bao Zixuan of the Black Cloud Group at all. He speaks arrogance and feels like an elder is teaching his juniors." I can't turn my face. "Hearing this, the second princess felt unbelievable; the father -in -law, even at the arrogance, must have a limit. Who is Bao Zixuan and more wealth than the Qatar royal family. No matter where you go to invest, it is a guest of politics and royal family. But isn't this a chance for them! The second princess said with a smile: "Bao Zixuan, as a business leader, can be said to be the richest man in the world. And when he came, he must also be holding the purpose of cooperation. Since Emir does not work, you are the crown prince as a crown prince. , I definitely want to receive it enthusiastically. "" In fact, I also want to see him very much. Many business things you can ask for consultation. Please ask him to dinner tomorrow. I believe there will be much better. " The salad chief of the pull is that he has a different relationship with him. If I promise to chat with salad often,

Even becoming a good friend. So it is also very beneficial to Qatar. "

Hearing the second princess said so, Hamadli came to the spirit. Although there are three princesses, they really understand themselves; the good helper in the career is really the one in front of him.

Early the next morning, Bao Zixuan began to inspect Doha. Seeing the relatively traditional industry, I suddenly felt this country; it was really a chance to change.

At noon, Hamad proposed to go home for dinner. This made the wealthy wealthy, but after thinking about it, I still agreed quickly.

Being able to maintain a good relationship with this one is not bad for yourself.

Bao Zixuan and Hamad came to a villa, which belonged to him and the second princess. However, these Bao Zixuan was not interested. When she saw a woman appearing, she felt incredible. After all, women rarely show up in Arabia. And an outsider is a bit strange to take it to the house; now let the princess come forward, I really don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd.

After introducing the two, Bao Zixuan immediately understood what it meant.

The legendary woman in front of me may also be another reason for Hamad to launch a coup.

When he was young, his father Harry Fa arranged a political marriage for Hamad to reinforce the position of his son's crown prince. The crown prince who advocated democracy and freedom was very exclusive, but when he was young, he was forced to his father's authority; he married a woman without emotional foundation.

One day, the Crown Prince went to the University of Qatar for a visit. The school arranged for the student representatives of each discipline to attend the exchange symposium held by the Crown Prince. A girl who mainly practiced sociology sat quietly under the stage and listened to the crown prince. When the student asked the question, she started from her professional research direction and raised her question: "The factors that affect social stability are economic or political or political. Why is Qatar's protests more than neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia? "

The crowd was shocked by this problem, which is also a question that confuses him; he has a different meaning with his political philosophy, and the person who can ask this question is his inscription.

Look at this girl's tall figure and beautiful face; black -painted eyes staring at her, very thirsty to get the answer. It reveals that she is a person with a story, and suddenly feels good.

After the meeting, the Crown Prince asked the girl named Moza from the school and called her alone; through contact, she knew the girl's story.

When Moza was a child, his father participated in the rally that protested by Harry's rule. The slogan of the rally was "oil and natural gas, and the people enjoyed equality." This completely touched the bottom line of Harry Fa, and finally captured the participants into the prison permanent detention.

After his father was imprisoned, Moza, who was young, endured the pain of lacking father's love, and was also carrying the bullies and isolation of the "prisoner's daughter" as infamous.

What's even worse is that the dictatorship of Harry Fa believes that the protesters are punished too lightly and ordered their family members. Moza and his mother were deported and flowed to Kuwait; they had no relatives in other countries and suffered.

This extraordinary girl has not been defeated by a series of unfortunately. Instead, he became strong and independent, and rely on his unremitting efforts to enter the University of Qatar with excellent results.

Her appearance is beautiful, her thoughts are deep, her experience is bitter and sad; such women best arouse the desire to conquer and protect success, and the crown prince is such a man. He fell in love with Moza deeply, and started a warm pursuit and successful proposal.

Qatar implemented a polygamy marriage system, and the married crown prince marry a favorite woman as a wife; It is also common for the royal family, but the implementation process is difficult.

After hearing about it, Harry Fa launched an investigation on his son's confidante. After the investigators read the results to him, they jumped up and resolutely opposed it.

I absolutely do not recognize a daughter of an opponent, if she agrees to marry her home; it is to question that she punish political orders against the opponent and blaspheme her sacred authority.

In order to stop his son's idea, Harry Fa proposed that Mozan was a civilian woman without noble ancestry; the royal family members had never marrying civilians. And she is a prisoner's daughter, married to the royal family with a humiliation of the country.

The love of adults was not a moment of love, and Hamad's feelings for Moza had to be at the same time; she said she would never give up and launched a tug -of -war with her father. Finally, he won his father's consent based on the abandonment of the Crown Prince, but Harry France also proposed a condition: Moza's family was not allowed to attend the wedding.

Although Hamad was distressed by Moza, he could only take a step back. In 1977, the two were married. At the wedding, except for her husband; Moza looked at them at a glance; the indifferent father -in -law said only one word to the daughter -in -law: recognize your position, you are not the first princess, not here, not here hostess. At this moment, she understands that she has a thin power, and only has tolerance and grievance; first walk into the royal door, and then seek development.

After the marriage, the crown prince loves Moza very much: he only brought Moza with a large and small party, without his big wife. On the road with Moza, the kingdom in the big court was Mozyti skirt, and it was in a state of a little fans.

For a while, his wife's madness image became a hot report of large and small media; the public also widely spread the love story of the couple as a beauty.

After Moza's marriage, she did not make a comfortable "golden bird" like the Cinderella who was marrying into the giants; her talent began to show slowly.

At that time, the domestic pearl business in Qatar was mainly for the acquisition of rare boutiques, and large and round beads were sold as valuable jewelry; and she opposes it and specializes in the small pearls that have been affected by the market. It is used to decorate furniture and crafts to earn a lot of profits; the heels have stood in the business community. Later, the royal investment group was established, and he was the president. In addition to strengthening the traditional pearl industry, we are involved in the investment industry, and wealth has skyrocketed; this solves the financial pressure of the Crown Prince coup.

It can be said that this one is definitely a virtuous internal assistance, and its ability is better than most women. And after becoming a princess, he was loved by the people. It seems that Hamad is still very purposeful, and it is clear that he wants to cooperate with the Princess Company and cooperate with Heiyun Group.

For these things, the richest wealth of Bao did not want to participate. But now people have come here. If Hamad refuses, then there is no chance. Thinking about one more allies in the future, I still listen to what the place says!

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