Hearing Bao Zixuan's mention of agriculture, the two fell into thought. After all, I never thought that the owner of the world's largest industrial group would mention agricultural development. But if you think about it, immediately understand the reason. The agriculture mentioned by the other party is completely modern agriculture. Coupled with the lack of water in Qatar itself, it is necessary to build a light -water chemical plant and other supporting facilities! In the field of seawater desalination, Heiyun Group can be described as exclusive. So if you want to develop agriculture, you must buy products from Heiyun Group. This is also a sales product, but people's means are more clever. And not only water, Saudi Arabia has built many glass greenhouses. These technologies Qatar does not, so it can only be obtained from the Heiyun Group. This can also make the black cloud gain a lot of profits, which is definitely much more considerable than the Qatar beading industry. Although very exciting, I still want to hear what the other party says. Things are definitely not that simple, and with the knowledge of Bao Zixuan and control of the international situation, there should be more surprises waiting for two people. The tacit understanding of the husband and wife is really a spiritual rhinoceros. Seeing this, Bao Zixuan continued: "It is better to develop agriculture or industry; at present, Qatar's most urgent problem is the problem of power." "In fact, to be honest, telling the two of them, I feel that I am selling the products of the Black Cloud Group. At present, Black Cloud still has certain technical advantages in the field of solar power generation and natural gas power generation. Qatar has sufficient sunlight, and natural gas reserves are at the forefront of the world. Therefore, as long as the country is willing to invest; There is no problem. "" At the same time, the traffic of Qatar is not liked by investors. There is no good transportation, personnel communication, and cargo transportation are also troublesome. At the same time All factories are built in Doha; not only will cause urban crowded, but also the environmental index cannot meet the standards. " In the industrial field, Qatar can now achieve diversified operations; it is one aspect of the field of petrochemical industry; it can also develop characteristic industries that belong to their own country. "" Two people consider light industry products, the princess's pearl jewelry can extend to other fields. Of course, this is just a personal opinion, and in the end, two are still needed to decide. When he heard Bao Zixuan's eloquent, the two suddenly understood what. There must be nothing to say about this boy, but this is not important. At least about Qatar's economic development, the two have already had some ideas. The bystanders are clear, the authorities are fascinated by the authorities; this is not a problem. Bao Zixuan was more thorough than them, and I had to reflect on himself from here. But think about it,

This kid is the most successful businessman in the world. The sense of business is sensitive, and it is absolutely very comparable.

The heart has become very balanced, at least not shame.

In fact, many things the crown prince is very clear, but if the country wants to develop, it must take out funds. But the financial power is not in his hands, it seems to discuss with his father. If nothing is provided, then there is really no hope of this country.

He has never thought about the coup. In fact, it is normal, after all, it is a matter of ten years; even if there is ideas, it is only a bud.

In the afternoon, Bao Zixuan wandered around. After sending people back to the hotel at night, Hamad came to the palace. I want to discuss with my father in person, hoping that the country can take out money and support his plan.

Seeing his son coming over so late, Harry Fa didn't say anything. However, except for the second princess, he did not listen to him, and it was okay. And there are two wives, both according to his arrangements. From this point of view, it has already occupied the initiative.

Harry Law: "How did you talk to the Xiangjiang merchant? I heard that this kid is rich and the business has done a lot. And there are many investments in Saudi Arabia, but it cannot be blinded by the appearance. The merchants come to Qatar, all of which are all coming to Qatar, all of which are all coming to Qatar, all of which are all coming to Qatar. In order to make money, they would not really want to help us develop. I had a lot of money before. "

In fact, Harry Fa thinks so much. After all, the Middle East country had not suffered less. But what time is it now, and who is Bao Zixuan. Why not investigate and understand at all!

It seems that this father is really outdated. He only knows how to enjoy it every day, and even look at what the external world develops. However, if you want to develop according to your own plan, you must take out funds. It is impossible to empty gloves white wolves, Bao Zixuan is not a fool. And even if that, it is estimated that Qatar's important industries will be controlled by foreign capital in the future, not what he wants.

Hamad: "Father, Black Cloud Group has a lot of investment in the Middle East. Fulcha Irala has no need to say, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan have a large number of factories. At present, many military products in these countries can be self -sufficient. . Among them, Saudi Arabia can export small -scale land -effect aircraft to other Arab countries; many cars on the Middle East are produced by the Jordan factory. "

"The most important people can also produce tanks, have you not seen these reports!"

"There is also Saudi Grain enough to use the country, and it can even be exported. In terms of seawater, it has also made huge breakthroughs. These are because the Black Cloud Group comes to invest, otherwise I can't invite Bao Zixuan to come over."

"I talked to him today about the Qatar economy, which is very insightful. It is even stronger than previously hired the so -called economic experts. Those economic experts, if they really have the ability; they can drive a regional economy, so they do n’t have to come to work for us; they do n’t have to work for us; they do n’t have to work for us; they do n’t have to work for us; they do n’t have to work for us. Isn't it better to run a company? "

In fact, these Harry law knows some, but I don't want to change it. Now he has absolute authority. Once changes, the country will develop in that direction in the future, no one can predict.

When a person has power and belongs to the vested interest; then it is not so easy to make him change. You can see that your son wants to do it. If you do not support it, there will be contradictions.

Harry Fa thought about it and said, "How much does you feel about this investment?"

It is not easy to hear Dad's willingness to pay. It is necessary to seize this opportunity, otherwise once the hexagram is changed, it will be too late to regret it.

Hamad: "First of all, it should be built with sea water light chemical plants and grain production bases; and large -scale investment in transportation and electricity. Qatar's own area is not large, so it will not cost too much.

"And you can consider two ways. The first is to invite Heiyun Group to invest in. If Qatar wants to master absolute initiative, you can also invest in the equipment from Heiyun Group. The right to choose is always at our current stage. "

"After all, many countries in the Middle East do not lack money. If there are too many choices in Heiyun Group. Even if we want to cooperate with Qatar, we will be ranked behind other countries."

"At present, Saudi Arabia's infrastructure has begun to take effect. If we don't do something, we will be pulled open at that time.

Hearing his son mentioned Saudi Arabia, Hamad suddenly became nervous. If it is opened by Saudi, it is absolutely unbearable.

Besides, building these is also for the development of the country.

Harry Law: "The recent purchase of US Treasury bond funds can be taken out for you; but you have to guarantee that it is worth it. If it is not enough, you can only find a way yourself."

Hearing this, Hamadli came to the spirit. The Qatar royal family buys US Treasury bonds once a year, ranging from $ 30-4 billion.

If you save the funds, you can do a lot of things.

Hamad: "No problem, I will not live up to my father's expectations."

He has already thought about it, and it is a big deal to loan from the bank. As long as the seawater decreases the factory, the power plant can generate electricity. After the benefits are generated, the repayment loan is not a problem.

Bao Zixuan still didn't know that when Qatar came over, billions of dollars were easy to get.

If you know that, it is estimated that it has already come.

When he returned home in the evening, the Crown Prince decided to discuss the matter with the second princess. The beading industry still works by themselves, after all, they also have to make money; and they are already familiar with the car, and they don't need to spend much.

At this time, Americans did not know that after Saudi Arabia, Qatar did not buy US Treasury bonds. This has made U.S. Treasury bonds very unremitting, almost triggering an economic crisis.

However, these will be reflected next month, and now the self -feelings are still very good.


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