Originally planned to leave Qatar tomorrow and go to Focus Ila. But Hamad has received funds, and Bao Zixuan's plan is indeed feasible. So say nothing to leave. Thinking of Qatar is also a big family, he can make a fortune from the other party, and the wealthy wealthy decided to stay for a few more days. It is very difficult to get funds from Dad's hand. If it is not good, then this opportunity is wasted. Many things should be discussed with the second princess. After all, in the field of business, this wife is definitely much better than him. Therefore, when the second princess proposed the beading industry and the pearl deep processing field; when they did it, Hamad expressed its full support. However, other projects are not that simple. After all, this is a national fund; although as a crown prince, too many people are staring at him. Dad asked him to be responsible, but it was estimated that he could not do it. Hamad said to Moza: "I just asked the Minister of Finance and planned to buy $ 4.5 billion in US Treasury bonds. But now this money has been decided to use Qatar's development and construction, which means that it will be allocated to us. "Different from Hamad as optimistic, it was a little worried at this time Moza's heart; Qatar had the strength to reject the United States! Princess Moza said worried: "If it is this money, it is really not too optimistic. After all, whether it can be in the end, it is still unknown." Hearing the princess said, Hamadli realized where the problem was. You must know that the United States and Qatar have extensive energy cooperation; this is also the important actual interests of the United States in Qatar. Qatar is an important oil and gas resource country in the world. Although Qatar's oil reserves are not much, the average daily output ranks 14th in the Middle East. However, Qatar's natural gas resources are extremely rich, and the proven mining reserves reached 25.26 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 20%of the world's reserves, second only to the Soviet Union and Iran, ranking third in the world. Especially when the demand for clean energy in the world is increasing and oil prices remain high, the proportion of natural gas in energy consumption in various countries is increasing. According to the Forecast of the International Energy Agency, the proportion of natural gas in the world's total energy consumption 50 years later will reach 25%. This is a huge opportunity facing Qatar's energy industry; at the same time, it also makes the US government and the energy community focusing on Qatar's strategic position. The natural gas industry in the United States had entered Qatar earlier; and it has been fully operating, thereby establishing a close cooperative relationship; occupying an advantage in the field of Qatar's energy development and production. The United States' investment in Qatar increased from the initial $ 300 million to tens of billions of dollars; most of them invested in the energy field. Therefore, in Qatar's liquefied natural gas development and production, the United States has occupied the main position. In the field of oil; US energy companies are also actively participating in it.

As early as the development of the early 20th century, the Cedames of the United States and California Petroleum played the main role. After Qatar discovered oil in the late 1930s, the United States began to develop in Qatar's oil industry; Dukehan Oilfield and Maritime Oilfield were established. Even after being returned to state -owned by Qatar, the United States continued to invest in the field of Qatar Petrochemical.

Generally speaking, the strategic relationship between the United States and Qatar is based on the prevention of cooperation, and has continuously strengthened the intensity of bilateral relations through extensive development of regional security and energy cooperation. Although there are contradictions and frictions between the US cards, the strategic cooperation mechanisms of the two countries have formed a considerable scale; and they can get a lot of benefits from the two parties. As far as the United States is concerned, the United States attaches great importance to the status of security partners and energy resources with Qatar; it does not want strategic cooperation between the two parties to be impacted.

For Qatar; maintaining and developing strategic cooperation in the United States is a realistic need for the interests of the country. Especially the US military base is like a "morality", which is a security guarantee stuck in the complex situation in the Middle East.

Now that the American Treasury bonds are not purchased now, then Americans can agree; I haven't thought of this relationship before. Now through the reminder of the princess, they immediately clearly understand the powerful relationship.

Hamad: "You mean, this money is not so easy to use; at least we must solicit the consent of Americans."

But when you think about it, Americans will definitely not agree. Looking at the billions of dollars, although it is also his own money; but you can't use it according to your own ideas, don't mention it.

Moza: "In fact, it is not unavailable, just depending on how to use it. Although I don't want to do this, there is no way to do it."

"You can get the previous US Treasury bonds for mortgage. U.S. Treasury bonds are mortgaged in US Bank loans to see what to do with Bank of America. If they do not pick up, then we have reason to believe it; U.S. Treasury bonds are a trick tool."

"If they take over, they will lose some interest at most. It should be within the scope of being able to withstand, and with Qatar's economic strength; repayment of interest, there is no problem at all."

There is a savvy and strong wife, just good!

In fact, Harry Fa did not agree with his son like this, but he could not fight his enthusiasm. So through this means, see if he has the ability to persuade Americans. If he disagrees, he can also come out to play a round field. Finally, I just mean to give some money, it is estimated that there is no movement.

Most funds must be used to buy government bonds, and it doesn't matter as for other.

Hamad immediately called his father, indicating that he only needed a part of the funds for the purchase of US Treasury bonds. After all, this is something I promised before, and it is not good to offend Americans. 2.5 billion US dollars, I believe it can also explain the past.

"But I hope to get a $ 5 billion U.S. Treasury bond, mainly to show Bao Zixuan; or you can use these to be mortgaged to others."

After hearing this, Harry Fa thought about it and agreed very happy.

This boy must have reacted the taste and know that some money cannot be used. But he didn't want to let Heiyun see that he had no money by a crown prince, and then decided to make an article with US Treasury bonds.

Qatar holds a total of more than 40 billion U.S. Treasury bonds. Since he wants to get 5 billion U.S. Treasury bonds, he will go with him. And it has shown that only mortgage can be performed without monetizing. As long as it is controlled, just wait for a certain period of time to return.

Harder, who received $ 2 billion in cash and 5 billion U.S. Treasury bonds, found Baozixuan early the next morning; said that Qatar had to build a sea water light chemical plant, power plant, and agricultural projects; and the national highway network. If the Heiyun Group is interested, you can hand it to Bao Zixuan to do it.

Must be cut into chaos, otherwise the father will react;

Hearing this, Bao's richest man felt incredible; Is there any hidden feelings in it, whether to participate in it, at this time he hesitated.

Seeing Bao Zixuan's doubts, Hamad said immediately: "My father didn't want to have such a big investment, but I felt that I had to do it. At present US dollar US Treasury bonds mortgage loans.

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan immediately understood what it meant. It seems that it can be operated, so I laughed and said, "Since His Royal Highness is so sincere, what about the Black Cloud Group's connection?"

"In the future, engineers will come to survey, and professional designers will plan all projects. In Qatar, as long as they are ready for funds; other aspects, Heiyun Group can definitely guarantee."

For Saudi Arabia, Huaxia workers may not be enough. But how big Qatar is, this wallet Xuan doesn't want to let go. And there are US $ 5 billion U.S. Treasury bonds that can be controlled; then for him, the operating space becomes greater.

Harry Fa was very interesting, and the next day, it was planned to go to Europe for vacation in the past the next day. This makes Hamad very happy, at least not to be stared at doing things.

Several big banks in Wall Street have branches in Qatar. When I learned that the crown prince wanted to use U.S. Treasury bonds to mortgage, I immediately understood what it meant. This is the lack of funds and dare not offend the performance of the US government.

It is also $ 10 billion, and the income of buying US Treasury bonds may be less than $ 300 million each year; but the loan pays $ 500 million in interest. That is to say, Pingbai loses $ 200 million for no reason, and it is still every year. For such good things, but I can't find it under the lantern, isn't it a disguise to send money to the Americans!

Therefore, the loan was quickly approved, but according to the process, it only loaned $ 4.5 billion. After all, they also have to bear risks, although there is almost no risk.

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