Seeing Qatar is so sincere, the richest man in Bao has extended the time in Doha again. People who have made money from the real gold and silver, he can't collect money, and he doesn't do anything. It can also accumulate experience through the Qatar project; then it will definitely build Fucha Ila more beautiful and reasonable. Just after Hamad left, the person in charge of Goldman Sachs Bank of Qatar Branch and the person in charge of Citibank Cataram met with the person in charge of Citibank. 4.5 billion US dollars, although a bank can also eat it, the current funds in Qatar are limited. In addition, no one dares to eat alone. The person in charge of Goldman Sachs Bank said with a smile: "This crown prince is also aggrieved, and the lack of funds will not dare to sell the US -based national debt; it can only be mortgaged and then from our two loans." Essence If Qatar's strength is strong enough, there is no need to do this at all; directly selling U.S. Treasury bonds, I believe the US government dare not say anything. But now there is no way, you can only pay for interest yourself. It is necessary to ensure funding demand and not offend the United States. It's just a bit of suffering, and normal people really can't do such a thing. The person in charge of Citibank Qatar said with a smile: "Isn't this good! If he doesn't do this, how can our profits guarantee. This is the least risky loan, and Qatar also has oil and gas resources with rich reserves. No matter how counted Don't suffer, "" But one thing made me understand, what do this kid have so much money to do. "In fact, he knew that he didn't want to say more. The two are partners this time; but in most cases, they are competitors. If people know that you are powerful and the intelligence network is strong, isn't it okay to find something! The representative Xiao He, a representative of Goldman Sachs Bank, said: "You just pretend to be confused, it is really boring. I heard that Bao Zixuan came to Qatar to inspect that with the ability of this kid, it is estimated that he can flickering everywhere. But in this regard, it is indeed necessary Admire people, the country in the Middle East really believes in him. "" I don't know if the Black Cloud Group has a loan in spending money banking. There is no loan. "" It can be said that the strength of Heiyun Group is hard to imagine. I have not understood how much money he has made in recent years. "As one of Wall Street's largest financial institutions, Goldman Sachs in the financial field Ability is not bad at all. Even compared to the Central Love Bureau, there is no time to be, of course, limited to the financial field. But even if such institutions have not been investigated clearly; how much money Bao Zixuan made is enough to explain the degree of funds. Representative of Citi Bank: "In fact, it's not just Goldman Sachs, just

The cooperation between Citi and Black Cloud Group is also poor. But you don't feel it, is it a good opportunity now! "

"Qatar must be constructed, and the Black Cloud Group is still the main contractor. We can act as two bonds, and interest is definitely enough for us to eat. If we can convert it into a shares, then it must be a steady earning sale."

Hearing this, Goldman Sachs Bank represents very exciting. After all, this is a good opportunity for thousands of years, not at any time, see Bao Zixuan.

The two said that they were doing it and went directly to the hotel where Bao Zixuan stayed.

Bao Zixuan came to a place and prepared to invest and cooperate, so the intelligence network will definitely bring it. So when Hamad was negotiated with two banks, he had already received news. The representatives of the two banks of Goldman Sachs and Citi have come to find him. It seems that the commercial smell of China Street Bank is really much more sensitive than the average person.

The visitors are guests, maybe it is also good for the Black Cloud Group.

It is estimated that he wants to unite him, counting the Qatar royal family. This is not what you want, but you can make money; and let US Treasury bonds reduce credit. So for the richest wealth of the bag, it is absolutely possible to do.

After the introduction of each other, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I don't know what the two are coming to visit.

They are just a person in charge of a bank branch, and Bao Zixuan is a man who has the strength to compete for the world's richest man. Its wealth is definitely not bad than their backstage bosses or families; even more. It's so polite now, but it is flattered by the two.

But people are polite to you, you dare not kick your nose on your face.

The representative of Citi Bank hurriedly said: "Mr. Bao said laughed, where do you need us to take care of us. Knowing that you are in Qatar, so you want to come to visit it. At the same time, you also want to pull some business from Heiyun Group. You need to take care of it. "

Representative of Goldman Sachs Bank immediately echoed. Bao Zixuan's strength is not right with them. Being able to see them is already particularly face. In front of Crota Prince, maybe you can still brush the presence, but the wealthy wealthy will not be used to you.

Bao Zixuan: "Two polite, you have lived in Qatar for many years. For the doorway here, it must be clear than me."

"Today there should be business to come to the door, otherwise I won't come to find me."

"Everyone is the same to make money. Therefore, you do n’t have to be polite.

It must not be for the old, and I didn't know it before. It is better to say the purpose, which can save time.

Who is Bao Zixuan, the smartest person in the history may not be successful. But the smartest person in the world is definitely a strong competitor. Do n’t hide, where to play deeply. Directly, it may be better.

The representative of Goldman Sachs said very seriously: "Today, His Royal Highness of Qatar Prince Hamada holds $ 5 billion in US Treasury bonds for mortgage, and from our two banks, loans of 4.5 billion US dollars. Such a large -scale capital transfer must be a large project. . At present, companies that can control billions of dollars in projects are really not many. "

"And you happen to be in Qatar again, then things become very clear."

"Combined with the strength of the Heiyun Group and the rich product line. Presumably, it must be a comprehensive cooperation, otherwise there is no need to mobilize the funds of such a huge amount. The two of our banks want to have the opportunity to participate."

The merchant is profitable, and the bank is even more so. The Wall Street Commercial Bank of the United States is not a charity; and it has always been cake when there are many cake, and there is almost no charcoal in the snow. Hei Cloud Group cooperates with Qatar, and there is almost no possibility of the project failure.

If you can participate in it, you will inevitably make a lot of profits. At the same time, the influence of the two in the bank can be increased, after all, even the headquarters; no one can be on the line with Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan.

Hearing this, Bao's richest man understands what it means. This is smelling the taste and wants to share a share. So I said with a smile: "I can't decide on this matter. After all, the Black Cloud Group only collects money and does not participate in investment."

"The two are so interested and can find Qatar to cooperate. As long as they have no opinion, there is absolutely no problem in the dark cloud."

When I heard the Heiyun Group collect money, the two immediately understood what it meant. It seems that Qatar only wants to buy equipment from Heiyun Group and let Baozixuan help to build. I didn't want to work with each other, which was not so perfect. After all, no one will doubt the business vision of Bao Zixuan. But thinking about it; this may also be an opportunity. As Bao Zixuan's status and status; if the project is not good, it will not participate.

After all, the strength reaches a certain degree, and its reputation and prestige reach a certain height; they will not deliberately destroy goodwill in order to make small money. He dares to take over, indicating that the project itself is not much problem.

Since Bao Zixuan has no opinion on the participation of the two banks, is it just that the question of Qatar is not done!

So the two immediately found the Crown Prince Hamad. I heard that the two banks wanted to participate in the project and fully supported the project.

The Crown Prince did not agree immediately, and he could not decide after he went home to ask his wife. Fortunately, Princess Moza is very optimistic about Qatar's future construction and development. Everyone knows that as long as oil and natural gas are still constantly mining, this country will not have a big problem.

The crown prince is also courageous. Since foreign banks are willing to loan, it will increase its efforts. Earlier construction of a seawater light plant, now doubled. Anyway, Saudi Arabia already has successful experience and is not worried about failure.

In fact, not only the seawater light chemical factory, many projects are doubled; even the roads have a few more lanes than before. All this is to let the Heiyun Group; and the two banks of Wall Street make a lot of money; it is definitely a situation of joy.

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