After arranging Qatar's matters, Bao's richest man came to Fucha Ila full of joy. Want to look at urban construction and economic development on one aspect; more importantly, I want to see salad quickly. As one of the most important parts, there are no problems.

Even if Salad has a different mind now, with the strength of the Black Cloud Group in Fucha Ira, it can still control the situation. However, the name is incorrect and unheard of, and it will inevitably leave a hidden danger to the future. After all, salad is a heir, and it can be standing from that perspective.

At this time, Fucha Ila seemed to be a huge construction site. It is a city that is actually a city. The entire city is built almost every corner, after all, designers have planned the entire city. However, the core area is still controlled by the richest man.

Fucha Irara can be said to be a model of three -dimensional construction. There is huge underground space under almost all buildings. In the future, it will also be equipped with a complete power generation and water system. After all, the country is too small and once there is an enemy attack; if there is no protection measures at all, it is irresponsible to themselves.

After seeing the salad, I feel a little different. Before, it was just a princess image, and now it looks more capable. Bao Zixuan is not in these days, and she often inspects all places; no one is deep in Facha Ila's feelings.

The new palace has not yet been built, so I still live in an old house.

Seeing Bao Zixuan over, the salad finally put down the strong woman and lay directly in the arms of Bao's richest man. Although studying in the United States, he has never regarded himself as a strong woman. It's a bit of a last resort, but it is much better than marrying an old man who doesn't like it.

Bao Zixuan comforted: "Recently, you are really hard! Rest assured, I'm here, you can take a good rest."

The salad is in the eyes of the man's efforts in front of him. Although people have not come over, they have never stopped.

Salad said with a smile: "I don't work hard at all, and I don't need to work; just for a long time, I haven't seen you, I miss it."

This tone is not like what a chief should express. Maybe there is still a little girl's mentality in the bones, or to let the rich wealthy know that he is just a little woman.

Bao Zixuan: "I miss you too, and after speaking, they kissed together."

Lonely men and women, ****, the story behind it can be imagined.

The two were lying on the bed, reminiscent of the remaining temperature just now.

Bao Zixuan: "Are you still going smoothly in the recent period! Are there any other people who are embarrassed?"

After all, the UAE is composed of seven chiefs of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Shaya, Fullara, Umgawan, Azhi and Haymar Horn.

And the dominant position is Abu Dhabi. Fucha Irara did not say the weakest, but it was almost the same. Making a woman a chief is openly provoked. Coupled with the support of the Black Cloud Group, the development speed of Fucha Ila is too fast.

Not only the other, but even Abu Dhabi can feel the threat. Although they have a cooperative relationship with Heiyun Group, they are also worried that Bao Zixuan will become bigger and stronger in the UAE. It may not be possible to deal with the richest man in the container, but there is still no problem.

And recently, Fulu Irara often reports to buy submarines at the Soviet Union; it is also buying warships in the United States. If there is no restriction, it is estimated that the entire country will be dangerous.

Of course, there is the war of Fucha Ila and Shaga, which gives other several scruples. But after all, salad is a woman, and it is the Arab region, and there may not be anything on the surface, but they will definitely not be convinced.

And according to intelligence, Shaga has not been very stable recently. Since the last defeat, he was very dissatisfied. Continue to engage in small movements below, but there is no good communication with several other houses; of course, it may also be afraid of the strength of Heiyun Group, and does not want to travel to this muddy water. Everyone is nowhere to be in peace, and no one wants to get angry.

In short, the salad is still under great pressure. Before, he was just a little girl's mentality; he never thought of becoming the chief, and the culture of learning from childhood did not cultivate in this regard. Therefore, it is still not possible to deal with national affairs.

Salad said with a smile: "They didn't say anything, and I have been listening to your advice. I never expressed any views, as long as it does not involve the problem of Fucha Ila, never participated. ; It's just that the Shajia people always do small movements, which is annoying. "

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan immediately understood what it meant. Sarage is a small action, and is there any support from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. With Shajia's strength, he lost some of the oil resources, and he would definitely not dare to fight hard with Focus Irah at this time.

They want to get revenge, but it depends on whether the strength is allowed. Based on the current strength of the two sides, unless there is a miracle; otherwise, it is a victory at all to fight for Fugu Ila alone.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Shajah I dare not happen now, and it is estimated that it has given them the courage. I will be here for a while to play with them. And you are the chief of Salad. ","

"I have told you before that I bought a large number of weapons and equipment in the Soviet Union and the United States. After two years, Fucha Ila will have the most powerful navy in the Middle East. When competing; you must also see if your strength is enough. "

It is indeed a bit embarrassed to let a woman bear everything. Although she gives great support in funds and force, as a chief, some things still need to face it by herself.

Salad: "My sister accompanied his father and had been recuperating in Switzerland; and both of them signed an agreement to give up the position of the chief. I took a funds to them, you would not be angry!"

Hearing this, Bao's richest man understands what it means. This is to make himself not worried. At this time, the most legal heir of Fucha Irara can only be salad. After all, the other two have given up, and others may be qualified, but the position is definitely not enough.

Although it is now the chief, he is also worried about the night dream. To deal with his father and sister directly, the salad must not do it. Let them go to Switzerland in this way, they can see a doctor; and where the environment is good, the living standard is very high. Give them at most, which is nothing at all for Bao Zixuan.

I didn't give the salad this idea, was she thought of itself. It seems that everyone is changing and growing. This is to reassure yourself, but it is good to save trouble in the future.

When Fushara was built into the richest and most beautiful country in the world, someone suddenly came to compete with you. It is not known that it is not necessary to compete, but after all, it will involve family members, and then it will definitely become the focus of major media for reporting.

No one wants to be famous for this kind of thing. It is estimated that the salad is also considered a possible problem, and then think of this method.

Bao Zixuan was very relieved, so he said with a smile: "That's good, I will make people arrange everything in Switzerland, in short, ensure that food and clothing for a lifetime will be worry -free. It will also allow my sister to receive the best education. After graduation OK, or want to do anything else; it is determined by her own. "

Although Fucha Irara is small, it has not happened that the royal family is fighting for power; it is really good to solve and deal with it now.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Now Fucha Ila is only a royal family member in China, isn't it a bit lonely? We must work hard to add some fun and popularity to the new palace."

Salad is not an active type, which is just the opposite of this. So as a man, you must take the initiative. And in the hearts of the richest wealthy, the status of salad may be the most important.

Because once there is a problem with Fushara, there is no retreat now. Although the husband and wife are stable, there are no children, and everything may happen. Besides, the two are not couples, and the probability of problems is even greater.

It is necessary to kill all the instability, and he is not idle to come to build Fucha Irah. He wants to make a wedding dress for others. Serving your own children is nothing to do; if it is someone else, it will not work.

Salad certainly understands what it means, and he is also a big girl. Similar to this age, children in Arabia have already run. I also want to pass the child to make the relationship between the two people closer.

So the war was on the way, and the two enjoyed it!


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