In the early morning of the next day, the spirit of Bao was full of wealthy spirit from the bed. As for salads, I still want to sleep more for a while, and it is really difficult for him during this time. Men are not there. It will never be easy to support this small country alone. Now Bao Zixuan comes over, as if in his heart with a backbone; coupled with physical exercise last night, he slept sweetly. Yesterday, the boss came, and Zhang Zhan knew for course. However, as a subordinate, I understand that the boss has important things, so I did not come to disturb. But it is also clear that the boss gets up early in the morning. The bodyguards for so many years are not white dry. It can be said that it is just right, the time is just right. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I'm still used to it here!" When I heard the boss directly ask him if he was used to it, he didn't ask the work progress, which made him very moved. After all, with the improvement of the wealth of the wealthy wealth, it seems that their previous distance has become farther and farther. Now that I heard the boss said that, it seemed to return to the previous state. Zhang Zhan said with a smile: "I am the elder brother alone, the same is the same. Although the climate is dry here, but the others are very good. And I did something in Fucha Ira, I dare not think about it before, I feel like life. It becomes more meaningful. "This is true at all, if elsewhere. Zhang Zhan's ordinary veterans, where can he negotiate billions of dollars in military purchase with US military fire giants. It is estimated that even dreaming, dare not have such a dream. But now it can be achieved. As a man who is pursuing, everyone cannot ignore the achievements. It is estimated that you are old, and you want to tell stories to your grandson. Hearing this, Bao Zixuan was also very pleased. Just know how to be grateful, although you do n’t doubt Zhang Zhan ’s loyalty; if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it. People will change, especially as power increases; desire will increase with it. This thing is difficult to control. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You and Yi Fei were the first person to follow me, and now there is no daughter -in -law. This is not possible. See if Fucha Ila is suitable, or try to find one." In fact, for In this regard, Bao Zixuan didn't know what to say. After all, the two people work places and often change; and in recent years, it will basically not be fixed. Peng Yifei looked at a Chinese Kyoto girl before, but left; now there is basically no news. It stands to reason that the income level of two people is definitely the category of Diamond King. But I was also worried that it could not last a long time in one place. And with the current value, there must be requirements for girls; at least it takes a period of time. But before the inspection was over, people had been transferred. So in the end, it will inevitably end with a breakup, plus a lot of jobs arranged by the boss; the task is particularly heavy, but you dare not delay. But today the boss asked him to find a Fucha Ila girl as a wife,

Is there any hidden feelings here. In other words, it has been decided to let him look forward to it in Fucha Ila. It is not that there is no such possibility. At present, the small town of Heiyun is the main body of the group, but in the future, it must be that the status of Fucha Ila is more important.

From the scale of construction now, including the use of materials; it is not difficult to see that the boss wants to build it into a steel fortress. For so many years, I have also seen many markets. However, I never thought that the construction of ordinary housing was used so many steel bars and concrete. It seems that it does not want money, it is estimated that only the boss will be willing.

In fact, Facha Ila is only building ordinary houses, and commercial buildings and factories have not been fully planned. I am also worried that too much investment will be unbearable. The black cloud town is a golden beast swallowed; one day is incomplete, and the pressure of the Black Cloud Group's funds may not be relieved in one day.

And there is a problem with the construction team. After the wealthy wealthy, he wanted to let Huaxia workers get enough experience in the Heiyun Town, and came to build the core building of Fucha Ila. The high -rise buildings built in this way must be more perfect than the Black Cloud Town.

The boss didn't say it, he didn't ask much. As long as you always adhere to a principle, you need to pass it where you need it; and if you do n’t have the right to love, I believe that there will be food forever.

Zhang Zhan: "I really didn't consider this matter now. I thought about it while being young and did more things with the boss. But since the boss said so, I tried to find it."

The boss cares about you, one aspect; but the core purpose of the coming is to report the work.

Zhang Zhan continued: "At present, some soldiers have been transferred. In the past, the operation of warships and submarines in the United States and the Soviet Union systems. The soldiers sent to the United States all have family; and they are basically old people in the group."

There was no request for why the soldiers sent to the Soviet Union, and Zhang Zhan dare not ask more. The boss does this, it must have any truth, as long as he is executed.

In fact, Bao Zixuan cannot tell him that in the future, Soviet soldiers may not even find the country; where can they be bought. But for Americans, it must be guarded. After all, the penetration ability of the CIA is not tolerated.

Bao Zixuan: "Very good, but you also have to learn some naval knowledge. Although you don't need to go to the warship command in the future.

Although Zhang Zhan is very easy to learn, the starting point is a bit low. Bao Zixuan asked him to be responsible for him, the most important thing is absolute loyalty. And Zhang Zhan is a bit good, that is, very self -knowledge. Last time with Shajia war, I saw that the level of Soviet officers was much higher than himself; he handled command power. Not that person can do it, it is very rare.

Zhang Zhan: "I understand, please rest assured; you will not let you down."

Bao Zixuan: "I left this time, what did Shajia do."

Salad just knows about one. After all, many things do not want women to know, lest she worry. If you are frightened every day, you can't do anything well.

Talking about key issues, Zhang Zhan was officially rose; very seriously: "Sarage has been contacting several other countries in the UAE. Recently, they have been in contact with Oman frequently, although they do not know what extent it is; but the Oman army has faced it Ten kilometers in the direction of Fucha Ila. "

"I have asked the front -line troops to enter the second level of combat reserve to prevent the Oman army from suddenly invading."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan's face became a little dignified; after all, Oman's geographical location was very important.

The State of the Sultan of Oman, referred to as Oman, is located in West Asia, a country on the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula; it borders the United Arabia in the northwest, adjacent to Saudi Arabia to the west, and the southwest near Yemen. The south of Oman's coast and the east are facing the Arabian Sea, and the northeast is Armana.

It guards the world's most important oil output channel -the Strait between the Persian Gulf and Aman Gulf. Oman is one of the oldest countries in the Arabian Peninsula. It has extensively carried out maritime and land trade activities in 2000 BC; and became the shipbuilding center of the Arabian Peninsula.

Alman's society belongs to a traditional agricultural society. About 40%of Oman residents are engaged in agricultural fish animal husbandry, and most people are self -sufficient. The main products are barley, dates, gold, petroleum, copper, iron, etc. Elimination of oil has begun in the 1960s, although natural resources are abundant; but due to the late start of the economy, the economic foundation is very weak. Development is relatively slow, but it is still a richer Arab country.

Economic strength is not important. UU reads www.uukanshu. COM, the most important Oman and Fuzhara bordered, and because there is a flying ground relationship, Facha Irara is in the middle. If Shajia really contacted Oman, and the complex relationship between Oman and Funcha Irah in history, the problem would become a bit tricky.

True Heiyun Group as fat sheep, the family business that is difficult to build will be destroyed. In fact, this is why Bao Zixuan did not build other buildings; with the current military strength, it is not enough to ensure that he can stand in the Middle East.

An Oman let him have a headache. If it is a military power, it is estimated that it is even more important.

Bao Zixuan: "Closely monitor Oman's trend, and Fucha Iraq's strategic depth is too shallow. There is no natural defense barrier at all; now the navy has not yet formed combat effectiveness, and the process must be accelerated."

It is always uncomfortable to think that the enemy is impossible to attack. This kind of fate to the hands of outsiders is really uncomfortable.

Zhang Zhan also saw the pressure of the boss, in fact, it would be this way to change. Now Facha Ira is attacked by Oman, Abu Dhabi and Dubai may not necessarily come forward. But Oman would not agree to the land of Fucha Irah, and they would not agree. Rocking Baozixuan and salad is definitely in line with everyone's interests.

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