Now that you know where the enemy comes from, then you must find a country with evil with the enemy; after all, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

The Republic of Yemen is located at the south of the Arabian Peninsula, adjacent to Saudi Arabia, Oman, on the Red Sea, Aden Gulf and the Arabian Sea. The coastline is 1906 kilometers long.

If you open the map of the Arabian Peninsula, you will find that there are two areas at the southernmost point of the Arabian Peninsula, and they belong to two countries with neighbors: Yemen and Oman.

And Yemen and Oman are against Saudi Arabia to face the Arabian Sea.

In principle, the development of these two countries should be almost right, but due to some realistic reasons, the gap between Yemen and Oman is greater than the gap between North Korea and South Korea.

The first reason is that the oil storage in Yemen is poor, and the population is still very large; this also makes it difficult for Yemen to develop.

Due to the terrain, although it is on the Arabian Peninsula with rich oil, oil resources in Yemen are very poor.

In addition, the domestic population in Yemen is about ten times that of Oman's domestic population. This has led to the same resources even if Yemen and Oman have the same resources, and the per capita distribution lags a lot behind Oman.

Although the land area is not much different, the population of Yemen is about 20 million, while Oman's population is only about two million.

This extra 1 million population is a heavy burden for Yemen.

The second reason is that the domestic drugs in Yemen are serious, and it can even be said that it is comprehensive, so it is unexpected that it is not comparable to neighboring Oman.

Due to historical factors, there are many raw materials grown in China in China, and natural people who have drugs naturally have a huge group.

Coupled with poor government control, drugs are similar to rice white noodles.

Therefore, even if Yamen wants to develop the economy, there is no basic condition, and he can only sink slowly.

The third reason is that Yemen's war continues, which also makes Yemen's economy not only fail to develop, but even more and more backward.

Although they are all facing the Arabian Sea, next to the Gulf and the Red Sea are next to Yemen. Since ancient times, it has been a strategic place for soldiers.

Therefore, the domestic situation in Yemen is very bad; there is not much life pulse that can support the development of the country, and it will be destroyed by the war; of course, the gap with the neighboring countries is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, the Oman people are very uncomfortable to see Yemen. Although they belong to the Arabians, they instinctively exclude Yemen outside the system.

Two countries in history, but war often occur.

In fact, Yemen is not only not dealing with the Oman people, but even in China, it has not been unified in China.

But this is a good thing for Bao Zixuan.

Because of this only, Black Cloud Group has the opportunity.

Let Yemen people put pressure on Oman, so the plan to siege Fucha Ila will inevitably end.

The reason why Yemen will definitely go according to his own plan is because of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was in the Yemen area, and a lot of investment.

Many military instructors are Soviets.

Therefore, as long as it is connected with KGB and want to do anything in Yemen, it is easy.

Let them provide information for us. Then through them, with the South Yemen side, Oman's relationship was not so harmonious. "

Hearing this, Zhang Zhanli understands what it means. However, there are still some concerns in their hearts. After all, Nanda Gate and Oman have the "Normalization Agreement of Relationships", and it has not been long after signing; plus many Arab countries reconcile. Between the two countries, it is not easy to turn their faces.

On October 27, 1982, Nandamen and Oman signed an agreement to achieve normalization of relations between the two countries in Kuwait. The main contents are: the two countries stop attacking each other; establish a normal relationship on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and interfere with the harmonious and neighborhood cooperation of the internal affairs; stop border hostile activities; ; The two sides agreed to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with each other.

Although the agreement is simple, it also shows that it is impossible to make trouble in the short term of the two countries. After all, it is not good for everyone.

Bao Zixuan saw Zhang Zhan's concerns, so he said with a smile: "This time Nantongmen didn't need to do anything, only we need to interfere with us."

"I heard that the Liberation Oman People's Front has a stronghold in Nanye Gate. But they lack medical medicine and have not strong weapons. They must not fight against the Oman army. But I pay for the Soviet Union to provide them with arms; Do you have energy to attack Ila!

For a long time, Nanda Gate and Oman have a tense relationship; the main reason is that Nandimen has always supported the "Liberation Oman People's Front". After several suppression of the organization, it was not much affected in its country, but it still maintained the base and radio station in Nanyemen.

Hearing the boss said so, Zhang Zhan admired it. Although people are not in the Middle East, they can be described as right in the Middle East affairs. This is strength, maybe I can't learn my life.

Later, the construction of Fucha Ila was reported. These buns were seen through all the reports, so they were not very concerned. And when I came here yesterday, I also took a look along the way; basically it was similar to expected. The main reason is that there are not too many unstable factors, and they dare not build too fast.

But compared to other parts of the Middle East, it is also a miracle. At least three links and one level, and road construction has begun to take shape.

At present, the Heiyun Group can contact the Moscow KGB headquarters. Therefore, when the head of the Central Eastern KGB knows that Zhang Zhan, the person in charge of the Black Cloud Group in Fucha Ira, wants to see him, but dare not neglect.

After seeing the coming, Zhang Zhan couldn't believe his eyes. After all, this person is too ordinary. And with a pair of eyes, it doesn't look like an elite agent. However, he also knows that the more such a high -level agent, the more flat; the appearance is too good, and it is easy to attract the attention of the enemy. It is estimated that without acting, it may be connected to the pot.

The coming person said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang Zhan, hello! You can call me old K, I have received an order from the headquarters of Moscow; I will cooperate with you."

Even if the agents register, it is estimated to be a pseudonym. It is also good to use a code, at least the two sides will not cause misunderstandings.

Lao K was very strange to see Zhang Zhan. He knew that the Heiyun Group could be resistant and had face. But I did not expect to reach this way. The KGG Moscow headquarters issued orders directly, saying that as long as it does not harm the interests of the Soviet Union, it will fully cooperate with the Black Cloud Group's actions.

You know, as a regional person in charge, his status in KGB is not low. In case of exposure or defect, it will bring a lot of losses to the organization. However, the KGB headquarters would rather risk this risk; it also wanted to come forward to negotiate, which shows the relationship between the Black Cloud Group and the Soviet Union.

The old K is not excluded at all for serving the Black Cloud Group. Bao Zixuan's hand is famous. As long as it is done well, it is definitely not a problem to do things well and make money. It's just a lot of problems. Zhang Zhan did not expect that the boss would have so face, and the person in charge of the KGB area came directly. Since it is equipped with such a good helper; if the task is over, then there is no face in Duanheiyun Group's bowl of rice.

Zhang Zhan: "Mr. K, hello! This time, you come over, mainly there are several things that need KGB help. After all, the Black Cloud Group has not been established for a long time, and you know the situation of Fucha Ira. Therefore, information in the Middle East is therefore. Net, there are almost no. "

"First of all, I want to ask you something. Recently, why amman has added troops to the border of Fucha Irah. After all, this is related to our safety. I hope you can tell truthfully."

Sure enough, it was for this matter, but it was normal to think about it; Fucha Irara was the site of Bao Zixuan. The relationship between his and the female chief, I am afraid that the entire Middle East knew.

Now seeing Oman's soldiers on the border, combined with Fucha Ira's poor land area, of course, he will be nervous.

Old K said very seriously: "If Prince Salog Derrich found King Oman, he exchanged some interests; the other party agreed to send troops to Facha Ila at a critical moment."

"The most important one is part of the land, all of which belong to Oman. At the same time, a fast oil field in Shaya is also developed by Oman. Of course, there are some other aspects, mainly for men and women; People really don't understand what's going on. "

"As for why they didn't do it before, it was incorrect and uncomfortable. The whole Middle East knew that Mr. Bao Zixuan arrived in Qatar, so you don't need to think about where the next stop."

"Therefore, the Black Cloud Group will condemn the Fucha Irara on the grounds that the Arab country's internal affairs are interfered. After all, it is an offense.

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