After hearing Lao K finished, Zhang Zhan's back was a little cold. In order to drive the Black Cloud Group and the boss out of Fucha Ira, Shajia was really willing to take off. However, it is not difficult to see from here that Abu Dhabi and Dubai must be the default behavior. In fact, it is normal, and Fucha Ila will only be stronger and stronger; coupled with the United States and the Soviet Union, it is enough to buy so many naval equipment. I don't need to know, I definitely want to be the boss of the area. It would threaten their position, but the two countries could not make trouble with the Black Cloud Group. After all, there are too many cooperation, in case of this matter; Fucha Ila is independent, then it is not good for anyone. Therefore, when Shaga proposed to make Oman appear, and then the plan they responded from the side, Abu Dhabi and Dubai did not oppose it. Although Oman openly attack the Emirates Chief of the UAE, for the entire country, his face must not be dull. But if Fucha Ila is bigger, they will not only lose face. After hearing a report, Bao Zixuan realized the seriousness of the matter. After all, Oman is different from Shaga, and its military strength is not bad at all in the Middle East; it can also attack Fucha Irah from three directions. At that time, if you want to do something, it is too late. Bao Zixuan made a phone call and called the head of the Soviet Union, Minquanov. The other party said that he would cooperate with all his strength to retire four conventional power submarines directly from the Navy, and the combatants were retired. It can be said that this operation mode is estimated that only the United States has done it when the founding of Israel was supported. Not only the four submarines, just to restrain the Aman situation from the direction of the south. Black Cloud Group through the Soviet KGB and contacted the Arima area of ​​the Almanzohar; that is, the so -called liberation of the Oman People's Front. In June 1965, the Safa Liberation Front was established in the province of Zhafal, southwestern Oman. Since then, the line has established a stronghold in central and eastern Safa and launched an armed struggle for British colonialism and fighting for the independence of Safa. In September 1968, the Said Front held a representative conference, resolved through the liberation of the entire Arabian Bay, established the People's Democratic Republic, and renamed the front to "the Arab Bay People's Front that was occupied by the occupied". In 1971, he merged with another nationalist organization to liberate Oman and the Arab Bay People's Front. In July 1974, it was renamed the "Liberation Oman People's Front" and expanded the armed forces participating in the front to about 3,000 people, which controlled Zafaer Most rural and mountainous areas and several coastal towns and road trunk lines. In December 1973, with Iranian military assistance, Aman Sultan Carbus began to suppress the Arenjan. By December 1975, in the large -scale suppression operation launched by Cabes, the Aren Quan finally disintegrated. The few armed personnel fled to Nangyemen, and the independence movement of the Zahar was over. Although they do not have much power in Oman, they have at most intelligence personnel. But in Yemen, they have their own base. No one saw them before, after all, no one wants to be because of this.

Surgery Oman. But for Bao Zixuan, it is not a question of offense of Oman; and people want to find you trouble.

Then you do n’t have to be polite, spend some money to support it; for him, there is really not much loss. And even if the opponent fails, as long as it can effectively consume Oman's military strength; then it is a victory for Fucha Ila.

Ben-Mohammed is the leader of liberation of the Oman armed front. Today, for him, it is definitely a lucky day. Because the Soviets found him, they said that there was a trading and selling. Now they are like dogs; no one is willing to take care of them at all.

The Soviet Union is the world's two strongest existence, if it can be related to it. Then there may be great hope to recapture Safa, but he is not stupid. Knowing that there is no free lunch in the world, people must ask for you. But now they really have no courage and strength to talk about conditions. As long as they can be aid, any condition can be agreed.

Bao Zixuan didn't want to come forward with the Black Cloud Group, just to worry about these people's lions opened; at the same time, he was afraid of trouble. Facing Lao Maozi, it is estimated that this group of people did not have that guts.

The Soviets said directly: "This time it will give you a big military support, but there is a condition. If necessary, go to attack Oman. If you have the strength, you may recapture Zhaerl from the new."

Hearing the Soviets' requirements, Ben Mohammed couldn't believe his ears, and there was only one condition. And for them, they cannot be regarded as conditions, and even say that benefits are similar.

Seeing Ben Mohammed, who was still in his stun, members of the Soviet Kberg felt how this person became the leader; how was it so calm. But now they can't consider so much, they also collect money.

Heiyun Group has always been generous, and it is very reluctant to include the rich and rich. Therefore, the Soviet Cog Middle East participants, each of them had a basic hard fee of 20,000 US dollars. It can be said that this cost alone has exceeded $ 5 million. After all, some leaders still have to treat them special.

If you take so much money, of course, you must work hard.

The Soviet intelligence staff continued: "How many people do you need now and how much weapons you need."

After hearing the specific number of people, Ben-Mohammed played a heart, and said very seriously: "There are 1200 people at present, but there are many young people here. Most of them have touched guns; if conditions permit, tens of thousands of people teams Not a problem. "

Hearing 1200 people, he also organized tens of thousands of people; the Soviets were almost not happy. Isn't this boy talking nonsense! I really do n’t understand anything, I ’m waiting for the grievances here.

But if you think about it, it is the Black Cloud Group to pay. If they can really organize tens of thousands of people, they are also an explanation for the Black Cloud Group. Coupled with the more arms sales, the higher the commission.

One is really dare, the other is really dare to give it. It is enough to hunt the weapon and equipment of a regular division and send it directly to the hands of the Aman People's Front. And this time the Soviet Union dispatched aircraft transportation, and the efficiency was very high. Just one night, all arms were in place.

At the same time, there are military instructors, all of which are retired soldiers in the Soviet Union and are responsible for training and command of the army.

The costs of these Soviet instructors are all paid by Heiyun Group. However, it still feels worthy of this rich. If Fucha Ila is severely attacked, the loss will be greater.

At the same time, the stealth fighter at the Iraqi Air Force Base has been standing. Then there is nothing to say, directly to his hard steel to the end.

At this time, Mohammed couldn't believe why the Soviets were so generous. There were so many weapons and equipment and were also equipped with military instructors.

Do they want to expand their influence in the Middle East and increase their influence in the Persian Gulf. It is not without such possibilities. After all, this is the largest energy origin in the world, and any country will be excited.

But for him, as long as someone supports it. Now it can be described as a bird's gun to change the gun. Even in the face of Oman's regular army, it has the power of World War I.

Although there are no heavy weapons, there are many single -soldier missiles. And Oman's military is not weak, just for several countries around. Driven the Liberation Oman People's Camp that year, still relying on the Iranian army. But now Iranians do not dare to act lightly.

After all, they were sanctioned by the world. At this time, they were too late to recuperate. Why dare to provoke Arab countries.

In fact, the Soviet instructor was also very interesting. They received orders and came over to train soldiers. But what disappointed them was that they turned out to be a group of black people. Many soldiers are as thin as firewood, the most important addiction. How can such a troops fight?

But when I saw daily subsidies, no one dared to question. And everyone understands that it is definitely not the money in China, otherwise there will be so much.

They are all veterans who have a mouthful, and their income in Yemen is equivalent to half a month in China. I would like to ask this good thing, where to find, and how dare to question.

If this treatment is announced, it is estimated that domestic soldiers will come over. Therefore, Soviet instructor trained soldiers were still very serious. It is one aspect of military literacy, and the most important thing is not to do money. In the future, there will be such a good opportunity, and they will definitely not turn them.

For a week, more than 10,000 people who temporarily organized were really trained. The Soviet instructor is really ruthless.

Seeing this, Ben Mohammed wanted to take the initiative to attack Oman and recapture Safa. Of course, it is also known that the timing is immature, but it is also reflected from the side; at this time, he is arrogant and even expanded.


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