Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1481 is unavoidable when war

Sudan has spoken, and the men are executed.

Therefore, the General Staff of the Alman began to formulate plans to use minimal casualties for the maximum victory.

And they all think that Cabes Sudan analyzes very reasonable, at least they can't find any problems.

If you can quickly occupy the entire territory of Fucha Irah, then the Middle East; it will definitely not provide airports for Black Cloud Group, so that the fighter can take off at will.

Although many Arab countries have interests with the Black Cloud Group.

But no one is willing to help a foreign company fight against himself.

That will inevitably be unavoidable by the Arab world, and it will not be supported by the nationals.

As for Fucha Ila, he is also actively preparing.

The richest man in Bao did not expect that he had caught up with the war in the Middle East.

However, this is the process that the king's creation of hegemony, which must be experienced and inevitable.

Fighting with Oman, I dare not hold it big; a total of 8 HH-01 ghost combat bomber was mobilized.

Four of them are in Iraq, and there are four other; no one can think of it in Iran.

This once again reflects the capabilities of Bao Zixuan and Hei Cloud Group. The two countries that are hostile to the Iranian war can help him at the same time.

In fact, it is also conditional to put the bombers in Iran.

The daily fee is $ 100,000 per frame, and the maintenance fee is stopped.

And other costs need to be calculated.

Iran not only collects money, but after the war is over; two will be left directly, and they will also discount.

I never thought of delivery so fast, but the plan could not keep up with the change.

There is also no way, who makes Fucha Ila has no suitable airport.

As for the other Abu Dhabi and Dubai, it is easy to expose the target.

Bao Zixuan will not hang on a tree. If necessary, Fucha Ira can still park the fighter.

And now the local area already has the Tu-22M reverse fire, compared to the population scale and site; Fucha Ila can be regarded as armed to the teeth.

Not only that, Heiyun Group also temporarily rented two Soviet military satellites.

It is said that the purchase price is actually the same.

But there is no way now, as long as you can defeat the enemy, it is worth spending more money.

Bao Zixuan and Hei Cloud Group could not bear the consequences of losing Fucha Ila.

In that case, he can only be a businessman, and it is difficult to turn around in the future.

But blind defense is not the style of the richest man.

After spending so much money, if you do n’t take back some benefits, you are sorry for the original nature of the traitors.

And already have the goal, and even admire yourself.

At the same time, I was still feeling that God was really helpful; if Oman couldn't afford a moth; Fucha Ila was really hard to do.

Oman's land is not a complete piece, but has two flying land. One of the flying places is Musram province in the northern part of Oman. It is not far from Oman's homeland, but the hardcore is given to the Fugu Irara. Trim.

The province of Mustidam covers an area of ​​about 1800 square kilometers, with a population of only tens of thousands.

However, the geographical location is very superior, just to keep the world's most important oil output channel "Holmz Strait"

It belongs to Madeha, which belongs to Mustidam, covers an area of ​​about 75 square kilometers. The population of the entire state is only thousands of people, surrounded by the UAE territory. What is even more amazing is that in the area of ​​such a small area, a piece of land belongs to the UAE, called "Nahewa", which is a flying land in the flying land, which is very rare.

Oman is one of the oldest countries on the Arabian Peninsula. As early as 2000 BC, there were already prosperous land and maritime trade, and it was also a shipbuilding center on the Arabian Peninsula. Later, with the development of history, the nomadic industry rose on the Arabian Peninsula, forming many large and small chiefs centered on the tribe. Choose to form a nested situation.

At present, Nahewfei belongs to the Fucha Ila. After the Fuga War last time, it was occupied by Fucha Ila. But for Mustidam and Madeha, the richest wealthy wealthy is still very thoughtful. The big deal gives some interests; it is estimated that the Soviet Union exists, and Americans dare not do too much.

If Oman does not do it, there is really no chance; now everything is blame by himself, it is no wonder that he is ambitious.

If this one can control this piece, then Fucha Irah will inevitably become the most important country in the Middle East. It is estimated that Americans and what to do need to give Facha Irah.

The security personnel who secretly cultivated before came to Fucha Ila for standing. However, it is a secret operation that can not let Oman see an attempt. It took so much money and did so much, I was really worried that the other party would not attack.

Of course, we have also considered the consequences of failure, and have long been built; they can go straight to the seaside, and then leave the submarine. Of course, this is the last means. Within a last resort, the richest wealthy wealthy still wants to do so.

Colonel Jimitrov, Chief of Staff of the Faccha Irara Defense Force, began to report the deployment of the army.

Jim Telov was just a Soviet Kidfund carrier cruiser, a lieutenant -level commander. Since coming to Fucha Irah, he participated in the Fusha War, and was only the Chief of Staff. Because of its excellent performance, it has now become the chief of staff of Fucha Irah, and the rank is Colonel.

But now it is not Colonel Soviet, but Colonel Fucha Ila. At the same time, the child also lives in Xiangjiang, and his wife teaches Russian in Heiyun Middle School. As a soldier, fighting is his favorite. And with such a high salary such as Fucha Ila, if you don't do something, you feel sorry for your current life.

Not only did he himself, his comrades -in -arms lived in the Soviet Union in the Soviet Union, but all came to Fucha Ila. Therefore, some armys will be desperately desperately attacking Fucha Irah. No one wants to continue to return to the Soviet Union to be poor, but it is not possible to let a good life.

Even if there was no worries about the death, the Soviet soldiers who sacrificed last time. Family people can choose to live anywhere around the world, and Heiyun Group will pay living expenses. Although it is glorious for the death of the national war, it will not make the family live so happy now.

Jemitolov: "According to information, the Shatha Army has begun to gather, and this time their army scale exceeds 10,000 people. It is equipped with heavy weapons. Fortunately, they are all old -fashioned artillery and armored vehicles. But they have in their hands 24 helicopters, even equipped with 6 fixed -wing aircraft. "

"It is still the F-16 of the United States; the strength should not be underestimated. However, this is not the most worrying. The Oman army has begun from three directions, with a total force of more than 30,000 people. At the same time The special hybrid fleet will launch an attack on my position from the sea. "

"The Amman Air Force has a typhoon and the F-16 fighter, which will be a big threat. Two armored brigades in the army and an infantry division will participate in the offense.

"As for us, the current force that can fight is 3,2400, which are veterans who have experienced war. The Navy has four submarines and can launch an attack on the enemy at any time. -22M anti-fire fighter; and 36 Jacques-31, and several helicopters. Of course, 6 flying saucers have been transported secretly; if necessary, it can be used as a fighter. "

"At the same time, we also have 2 missile battalions, deploying the most advanced air defense missiles and ground missiles. It can attack Oman throughout the territory. As long as we think, we can directly fight the Aman Palace."

"This time, we will face four siege, and the defense pressure is very high. Therefore, the General Staff plan, once Oman has an offensive situation, should be sent to make people first."

"First of all, send hidden fighters, combine air -bodilated missiles, and ground missiles to destroy the Oman and SAL Air Force fighters on the ground. If they are let them take off, it will be much more difficult to shoot down."

Bao Zixuan also thought about the premiere, but he couldn't do it. Once that, it is almost impossible to occupy two flying land. The righteous defensive war, the most of the land, also said. Active invasion, even if they have a good relationship with the Soviet Union, they will not help you speak.

That is something that the international treaty cannot tolerate, whether it is strong or not; it has nothing to do.

Bao Zixuan: "It is absolutely impossible to make a pre -making person. Fucha Irara must stand on the righteousness. This time not only keeps the site, but also the occupation of Mustyam and Madaha. Pull, you must not make a sale of money. "

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