The boss has set the tone, and they must implement it in accordance with this plan. Moreover, the current military strength is obviously occupying the upper hand; if they are defeated, they may be in the place where there is no place in the army. Jimitolov quickly took people and began to deploy newly deployed. For these, Bao Zixuan didn't understand. But if you know professional things, you still give it to professional people to do it. As long as he determines the direction and goal, as for the middle process, it is better to fill it to the hand. But at this moment, the richest wealth of the bag must also make some arrangements; the guns have no eyes, and they do not recognize others at all. In case there is a three -long and two shorts, the funeral will be explained. Therefore, put yourself recorded in advance in the premium market; and it has been brought back to Xiangjiang and gave it to Ho Ming City. At the same time, the salad still has to soothe and want her to leave for a while. Bao Zixuan returned to the room and saw salad waiting for him. Just look at the expression, you must know something. Regarding the war, I didn't want women to participate, and I didn't even want them to know. But in her position and seeking her politics, she is not a little girl now. Fucha Ila itself was not too big, Bao Zixuan came over; the atmosphere became tense instantly, and it can be seen that it was not as optimistic as expected. Sara said with a smile: "I know what you mean, I won't leave. Unless we leave together, you can give me a house in Xiangjiang, and the Huaxia continent; arrange a house and wait for you at any time. It is also good to be a rich woman at peace to be a rich woman. "" But you want to stay by yourself and face everything. I definitely not allow it to die together. "When I heard salad Speak; suddenly become a bit superfluous. Still not enough to understand women, even if she never carefully understood the woman in front of her. At this time, any words are not as good as actual action. So soon, the two kissed together. After Yun Yu, Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "The war is coming, and this time it is still very dangerous. Shaya united Alman will attack us from four directions. That is to say, we are in a state of being completely surrounded. It will be a disaster if you can't hold the enemy's attack. " Essence But seeing the man's chest in front of him, he immediately had the backbone. So very domineering said: "I am not a princess or a chief. If there is no you, there is nothing. Perhaps now you have to be in front of an old man and begging for pity. You are my god. I'm so scared, and I believe you completely. "" The man I value will not be disappointed. "Hearing here, I heard here, I heard here, I heard this,

Bao Zixuan really doesn't know what to say. Before, the salad was really left out.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "As you said, it's not a big deal."

"Actually, this time not only wants to protect our own land, but also wants to expand Facha Ila out. It is a pity that Aman's two flying land and handed them to them. There is no depth of strategy. If you encounter a strong enemy, you can't resist it at all. "

"If two flying land is added, and the military base is built on the islands of Persian Gulf; then even if it is fighting with the United States and the Soviet Union, unless they use nuclear weapons, there is no way to take us at all."

Although Salad understood what it meant, it was still shocked by men's courage. Facha Irara has been weaker tribes since ancient times. Never thought that it was able to occupy Oman land. But as this man arrived, all impossible is possible. This is much stronger than my ancestors.

Any country, as the chief or king; the biggest achievement must be to expand the territory. As for the so -called national rich people, it is just a basic premise. No country is poor, dare to fight around, and can conquer opponents.

Salad: "I don't understand these, but as long as it is what you decide, I support it unconditionally."

In fact, Salad said so, but also thought about it. At this time, you must not add chaos to the man, let alone let him be distracted. Moreover, Bao Zixuan has promised how many children in the future; but the chiefs of Fucha Irara can only be born of salad.

As long as there is this guarantee, it is enough. Everything that is done now is to give her son a good job, and there is any dissatisfaction.

Bao Zixuan: "If we take the initiative to launch an attack, before the enemy starts; the main force of the Oman and the Sarage Air Force will basically end. Even if the two of them have the courage to continue fighting, they may not have that. Power. Just like that, we will become an invaders. Internationally can't stand in the world, let alone seek land. It is estimated that that country will not agree. After all, Fucha Ila belongs to invading other countries and actively destroys the international. Convention "

"But let the other party do it first, then even if we overcome, there will be a lot of losses."

Hearing this, Salad suddenly thought of a story. So he said with a smile: "I heard that many troops want to find an excuse for war. They will make makeup into enemy soldiers. Then let the soldiers wearing enemy uniforms attack their own attacks. Not ready, is your own side very dominant? "

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan can be said to be open. Why is it better than a layman? It seems that salad is really a blessed person.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You are really the patron saint of Fucha Ila, and now you can play with them."

Although Salad didn't understand, he also knew that men must think of good ideas. So she didn't disturb, but just lay quietly in Bao Zixuan's arms.

After the salad fell asleep, the richest man in the package came to the Chief Staff and saw that the subordinates were still making a plan, and they were very satisfied. He is not afraid of spending money, he is afraid of some people who do not do anything.

Bao Zixuan: "I thought of a way, let's discuss it together; see if it is feasible."

The boss has a way, but they have to listen well. In fact, as long as the method is similar, it will be basically executed.

Bao Zixuan continued: "First of all, we must investigate the time of Oman and Shaya to attack our time. Then let our soldiers wear enemy clothing. Two hours in advance, we will launch an attack to us. It is best to use the opponent's weapons and equipment You can cooperate with KGB. As long as they can do things, money is not a problem. "

Hearing this, several people present immediately understood what it meant. As long as Oman and Shaya attacked Fucha Ila, then there would be an excuse for counterattacks. Two hours in advance, the other party just started to prepare. Just cooperate with missiles and fighters, and the two can lose the Air Force and heavy weapons in an instant.

The boss's trick is really high, but it also needs great risk. Once exposed, then Fucha Ila will inevitably be referred to by Qianfu. At the same time, it is also harmful to individuals and national images.

It sounds very feasible to feel that the plan is very feasible, as long as there is an excuse; how to fight back is not too much. It is simple to formulate related plans based on this; offense is always the best defense.

Jimitolov said very seriously: "This plan is very feasible. I believe that the KGB cooperation will definitely complete the task."

At present, it is definitely the highest peak of KGB's strength. It has 500,000 compilation personnel. Among them, there are 10,000 people in the headquarters, 200,000 people such as spies, anti -spy and technical guarantees, and 300,000 border guards. Infiltration in various institutions and troops in the Soviet Union. There are nearly 2 million intelligence lines in the Soviet Union, and there are nearly 200,000 intelligence workers outside the Soviet Union, collecting information in various countries. The number of people is not the most important. The most important and terrible thing is that KGB can penetrate the force almost anywhere. Including the six British military conditions and the US government agencies, there are Agent of KGB.

As a Soviet officer, he recognizes KGB's strength very much; he believes that there must be KGB's presence among the Oman and the Shaya army. Even if they are not, they will have it when they need it.

Bao Zixuan looked at Zhang Zhan and said: "After the General Staff Department formulates the plan, no matter how much the cost is spent, it must be completed. For the agents who perform the task, you need money to give money and the house to the house."

For the victory of the war, it is not so much.

Cabers's Oman royal family has a strong sense of defense, and national defense expenditure accounts for 20-30%of the government's fiscal budget; a well-equipped, well-trained sea, land, and air force have been built. Its military strength is second only to Saudi Arabia in the Bay Cooperation Committee. I would like to ask such enemies to fight, if they did not go all out; in the end, they would not feel good even if they won!

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