Time came to April 1, 1986, which happened to be Western Tradition April Fool's Day. At 0 o'clock in the morning, all the army of Fucha Ila entered a state of combat reserve. And not only that, in Iran and Iraq's HH-01 ghost stealth fighter, it has taken a long time, saying that it is a night navigation training. Although the two countries knew that there might be an accident, they did not dare to reveal to Oman. Everyone can offend Bao Zixuan, at least at this stage. In case the Black Cloud Group does not sell them for weapons and equipment, it is very dangerous. Both countries have huge oil reserves and are often remembered. At the same time, Oman has no deep friendship with them, why must they do hard work! Two hours later, after two hours, they woke up from drunk dreams; the plan was to attack Fucha Ila from four directions at 5 am. I must prepare in advance, and now I am not worried about exposure. They are ready to start, and there is nothing to hide. The time came to three o'clock in the morning and did not know why; the four directions began to launch artillery shells in Fucha Irara, and it was called a tragic, and it was clear that he wanted to launch a total attack. This made the senior generals in the rear inexplicable, who modified the combat plan; how to attack the enemy two hours in advance. And there are four directions, many people are doubting; do they even trust and do so intentionally. As soon as he was attacked, Salad made a speech; he asked Oman to stop the attack immediately, otherwise it would take the most severe revenge measures. In response to this front line, there was still no stopping, and continued to fire in Fucha Irah. Since it is not obedient, we must not blame Fucha Ira to take the initiative to provoke the incident. Based on the previous satellite investigation and the coordinates of the information personnel's school, the missile began to launch the missile. At the same time, fighter planes in the sky began to fight back to Oman and the Shajia army. The missile was like no money, and it was launched from Fucha Ila. Although it is very distressed, this money is definitely worth it. At the same time, all the aircraft are lift off. In fact, there is no need to fight now, because the Air Force of the Army and Shaya's troops are basically eliminated on the ground. Immediately take off to fight against the enemy. The fighters were pulled out of the governing and stopped on the runway, waiting for the pilot to receive. In order to ensure strong energy, the pilot was still resting. In one hour, the two countries radar stations, airports, tank armored troops, and heavy artillery troops were severely damaged. Many troops have basically lost their combat effectiveness. The first website M.9biquge. As for the so -called navy, it was attacked by multiple torpedoes without knowing it. Not only the eight warships were buried in the sea. 3,000 Marine Corps soldiers,

You can only return to the shore by swimming. Combined with the current situation analysis, the possibility of survival is not great.

Not only that, Fucha Ila also launched a missile and bombed a building near the Oman Palace. The meaning is obvious; you can always be fried.

At the same time, super electronic interference allows the entire Persian Bay to lose radio signals. The anti -interference equipment purchased from the United States is just a joke.

After all the fighters returned, cheered and hung up as soon as possible. Although Iraq and Iran don't want to, they know that they can't stop it. Now stopping is to make trouble with each other; and Oman will not remember your good.

Just when Fucha Ila bombed Alman and Shajia, Ben Mohammed in Yemen also delivered a speech. Said that Zafa should be attributed to them, and then issued an order to march to Oman.

Even the team of more than 10,000 people, even if it is the crowd of Wuhe, looks very scary. Coupled with the Oman elite troops, it has been transferred to the front line of Fucha Ira, so that there are not many troops defense in the direction of Yemen. After all, the internal problems of Yemen have not been resolved. In addition, the so -called liberation Oman people's camp is basically disabled, and it can't afford any storms. But who would have thought that they could get huge aid.

Under the commander of the Soviet instructor, liberating the Amman People's Camp and the progress was very fast. Different from the Black Cloud Group, they have a lot of inside in Safa. Just two hours, I occupied three cities. The local defenders were either surrender or were killed.

At this moment, the Royal Palace has been chaotic into a pot of porridge; without understanding, the entire country's heavy weapons have been lost. At present, the war loss has been reported more than 20,000 people.

You must know how to have such a big loss for 2 hours.

In fact, it is also well understood that if you want to attack the enemy; you must put out the shells in advance, as well as the airplane, prepare in advance. The Fucha Irara army was aimed at these places to fight; their bombs may cause more damage.

At this time, the direction of Yemen was happening; this made Cabers feel that things are definitely not so simple.

Cabes Sultan is also a calm person who immediately analyzed it; it turned out that the enemy knew what Oman was going to do. It can be said that there seems to be a plan; there is no secret in front of the enemy.

Then the things in Yemen are well understood. Bao Zixuan must have funded the liberation of the Aman people's camp, otherwise they will leave that person; coupled with the lack of funds and weapons, they can't organize tens of thousands of people; they dare not attack Oman!

I also thought about surrounding Fucha Ila, but now I found out that it was surrounded by myself. The navy has been covered by the entire army, and the direction of the gates has been unable to resist. As for the Facha Irara, the ground forces have not dispatched with air force and remote weapons. It is now discovered that things are definitely more complicated than expected.

Chief of Staff Bader came to the palace, and now someone must come out to take responsibility. This war has not been proceeded. Although it is only a few hours, Oman has basically lost its combat effectiveness. It can only be said that the two sides are not a heavyweight opponent at all, perhaps the awareness of the two sides of the war; not at the same level, it may be more appropriate.

Seeing Bader, Cabes was very angry. What was going on in front of him, he launched an attack two hours in advance and even cheated himself.

Cabes: "Bader, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation. What is the current? Why our army will launch a shelling two hours in advance."

Knowing the responsibility, Bader can only answer truthfully: "At present, I don't know why, it may be the frontline commander to understand the error; it may also be a spy. In short The enemy counterattacked. The opponent has already taken evidence, which can be said that everything and the enemy is clear. "

"But now it is not a time to investigate, and think about how to solve this. Fugu Ila's second round of offensive has begun, and their planes in the sky. All Oman's military goals are in the scope of enemy attacks. Even A building near the palace is also blown up by them. "

"At the same time, Zhafar Province was also attacked by the Liberation Amman People's Camp, and the advancement was very fast. According to the defense report, it was an advanced Soviet -style weapon; coupled with the main force of the main force, it could not resist."

"At present, we can only contact military telephone, and all wireless communication cannot be used. Therefore, what is the specific situation there is unknown."

"Not only can we not contact the frontline troops now, but even the strength of the opponent is unclear. Fucha Ila adopted an anti -radiation missile, which has destroyed all the radar stations in our territory."

Entering modern society, if there is no radar, the war is almost the same as the blind man. Moreover, Facha Ira itself has stealth fighters, and large radar discovery is laborious; small portable radar is even more impossible.

People have not recommended it forward, once the ground forces are attacked; Oman's current strength cannot resist. The most important thing is to launch an attack first. The loss is huge and unreasonable, which makes Cabes very depressed.

At this time, he was not the most concerned about Fucha Ila. The other party bombed a building near the palace, indicating that he did not want to do things. If you really run to you and live, it is not more effective.

The liberation of the Oman people's camp is the enemy's confidant. Kabers itself was born in Safa, and even the land of Longxing could not be kept; then how to explain to the people and even become a joke in the world.

However, the elite troops are in the direction of Fucha Irah, and now they want to return aid to be too late; the most important enemies cannot give you this opportunity. Then you can only call it from the royal guard. In late, it is estimated that Zafa will be independent. At that time, if you want to take it back, you will not be able to do it at all by Oman's military strength alone.

But there is also a problem, if the royal guard is transferred; once Fucha Ila knows, what to do to march to Amman. It is necessary to find someone to reconcile, otherwise the royal family can exist.

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