Since the fire has been fired, it cannot be abandoned halfway. Most of the second batch of bomb -mounted bombs in the Facha Irara Air Force were coagulated gasoline bombs; it can be said that the power is very amazing, and the destructive power makes people feel scary. Bomb equipped with solidified gasoline is called solidified gasoline bomb. This bomb can produce high temperature flames when exploded. The colloid made of gasoline and other chemicals is usually thrown with aircraft. After the explosion, a layer of flames were splattered in four weeks, and high temperatures of about 1000 ° C were emitted, and it could stick to other objects for a long time. In order to attack the target in the water, some are also added to the gasoline bomb to add lively metals such as calcium, , , etc., and the hydrogen released by the metal and water reactions burns again. The solidified gasoline splashed on the person after the solidarity gasoline bomb exploded is like lard cream; If people shoot with their hands, the bigger the fire, and if it is rolling on the ground, it will make the whole body fire. And once a lot of fire on a person, the people on the side should try to stay away from the fire, because the fireman struggle, it is easy to throw the burning oil block into others to form a second kill effect. If it is for humanitarian considerations; it is recommended to end the life of the fire with a gun. Because of the victims of solidifying gasoline bombs. It can be said that death is the greatest liberation. The victims sent here were lifted in a coma, even sometimes only a bit of burns on the hands. Because they are poisoned. Although a few years ago, relevant international departments held a meeting in Geneva, based on humanitarianism, international law, restrictions on the use of burning weapons, and held a member states meeting to pass the "Protocol for Banning and Restrictions and Burning Weapons". However, the previous life of the United States did not use less in the Iraqi battlefield, it just changed a trick. At this moment, Bao Zixuan is to let everyone know that if you want to play Fucha Ila, you must see that you can bear serious consequences. The satellites in the sky and investigating aircraft have made Oman and Shajia military deployment; for Fucha Ila, there is basically no secret. Even using solidifying gasoline bombs will not cause civilians. As for the soldiers, the two sides are in a state of fighting; Therefore, when the fighter began to bomb, the front line of Shajia and Oman instantly became a huge fire. Cooring gasoline bombs has been widely used during World War II, so for soldiers, it is no stranger to soldiers. In just half an hour of war; Shaya and Oman's front lines have basically no living people. In fact, don't say people, even the animals and plants are dead and injured. The news quickly passed to the palace, and Kabers knew that if it was not resolved, it was estimated that the entire country would face danger. Seeing the time mature,

Jimitolov quickly ordered the troops; he attacked in three directions. As for the sea, the Fucha Irara Navy is not enough to participate in the login battle, so it is not necessary.

Still solve the things on land first, as for some islands; it must be occupied, but it is not now.

In the direction of Mustidam, Hamid saw that the front line was tragic and knew that the general trend had gone. In fact, not just him, almost all living soldiers; I hope that the war will end soon, and it can be said that there is no fighting spirit.

At this time, don't say that continue to fight with the enemy; if you do not solve your mind, it is estimated that taking care of yourself is hard. Therefore, when the Fucha Irara army entered, the Oman defending army cooperated very well. All living soldiers were disarmed and surrendered, and it can be said that there were basically no deaths; the frontier was occupied.

The army kept advancing forward, as long as it encountered resistance; first of all, it was calling for air support, and a bombardment was bombarded. Then there is the target of the tank armored vehicle. In short, there is no surrender; there is only one result, that is, death.

As for the Madama Historiography, the first time of the war was occupied by Fucha Ila. And there is only one company defending, more symbolic resistance.

The promotion speed of Shajia is not very fast, because considering Abu Dhabi and Dubai; it is not possible to turn his face. And this time I really didn't think of the land of Shajia land. After all, I got a lot last time. You can't eat too much in one bite, so as not to be choked to death.

It is believed that there are more than 2,000 square kilometers of land in Oman Munamham. If it succeeds, the area of ​​Fucha Irara can be doubled in an instant. This is something that I dare not think before, and the most important thing is the side of the Holmus Strait. But as long as there is no conflict with Iran, how much money is made is really unimaginable.

Iraq and Kuwait's large oil -producing powers want to export oil and natural gas. But it is all to build service facilities along the coast through the Strait of Holmus; the shipping is stopped at the base, and it is enough to collect money. This is to seek benefits for his son, and it is still in place.

As for the troops that attacked Oman, the progress was slower. Fucha Ila has limited military strength and can't take advantage of everything. Alman's capital Maskat is also a coastal city, and it is not far from Fucha Ila.

Logistics supplies are on the one hand, mainly worrying about the arrest of the Alman royal family with you. Attacking the capital of a country is not a joke. Powerful strength, if the strength is not enough; cannot completely deter each other, then the two parties will inevitably be endless in the future.

The commander of the Oman defenders in Musanidam, the highest commander Bader; his name is the same as Chief of Staff, and the two sides really have a little relative relationship. This is normal in the Middle East, after all, the name is just over and over. As long as it is a nobleman, there is basically a little relative.

However, the teacher is very embarrassed now, and the headquarters was fought at the first time of war. That is, he ran out of his life. But it is also seriously injured. If it is not treated in time, it is estimated that it will not live long. But now he knows that he can't die; he must be arranged, otherwise it is not responsible for the country.

Hurry up to find the chief of staff Hamid, if he is alive; hopes to lead the army and continue fighting. If unfortunately sacrificed, then Musram is in danger!

Hamid knew what was going on, and left the position after finishing the task. Because he knew that with the strength of the Air Force of Fucha Ila, the artillery forces would not have a living mouth. He didn't want to stay and wait for death, and he would have to enjoy it in the future.

Hearing Bader's injury made him feel a chance. If you lead the defendant to resolve the capture and then push all the crimes; then to Bader, then he will have a good future when he returns to Oman.

So he immediately came to Bader and deliberately made himself very embarrassed; he was all blood on his body, but most of them were other soldiers.

Bader saw Hamid's state, and it was clear that the front line must be worse. But be able to live, at least there is hope. It seems that I said in the last breath: "Now I can no longer perform my duties, and the chief of staff of Hamid will replace my position. I hope you can obey the order, and the victory will belong to Oman."

After speaking, he closed his eyes, and breathing and heartbeat stopped.

After everyone sorrowful for a minute, Hamid first said: "Now I ordered, immediately gathered the troops, we cannot be broken by each."

Hearing this, the following people immediately acted. The commander is right, after all, the army is now fighting each other; without unified command, it does not play any effect at all.

This is a taboo of the soldiers. No wonder the teacher asked him to take over the command. It turned out that there were two sons.

In fact, what they don't know is that Hamid did this, but he didn't want to make the Fucha Irara troops work hard. Do it well, otherwise how to talk about conditions with others.

Tens of thousands of troops, a fighting; less than 3,000 people who can still get a gun, and the loss cannot be described by heavy.

It was found through investigation that the defenders even shrank together. This is huge news for the Fucha Ila army with absolute air power and heavy firepower. It can save them from house to house to catch people, and they can be a pot.

Therefore, heavy artillery, missiles, and bombs began to say hello. This made Hamid's soldiers before and wanted to hit people. This guy is simply a pig's mind, so why not understand why so simple.

In the end, there is no way, only representatives can be sent out to negotiate. This is how Facha Ila is like this. Through the cooperation of the internal personnel of Anatman, he can easily win the whole territory of Mustahamm.

The site has been taken down, and it is definitely impossible to spit out. All the aborigines were concentrated together. Fortunately, there are only tens of thousands of people in this place; for civilians, they allow them to take their luggage and softness and leave with the merchant ships with the road. If you still want to stay, the military will not force it.


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