Knowing that the entire Musdam was occupied, the highest commander Bader died, and the chief of staff Hamid was captured; Cabes Sudan almost did not vomit blood. One day, there were more than 10,000 animals, and the Fucha Ila people couldn't catch it; now that the whole army was overwhelmed, whether the enemy was too strong, or the Oman army was too incompetent.

Now it is necessary to solve the problem, and it is useless to find someone else, you can only find Saudi Arabia for help. Although Kabers was reluctant, he dialed a secret phone call with the Saudi royal family. Radio has not recovered yet, and can only be contacted in this way.

The Saudi Ambassador to the abroad has reported the relevant situation to the country, so the Saudi royal family knows what Eman and Fucha Ila were before. About Oman who wanted to attack the Fucha Ira, the Saudi royal family knew some. Prince Surdan also reminded Baozixuan. Unexpectedly, one day of the war, the party who took the initiative to launch the attack was almost overwhelmed.

You must know that in this area, Oman's strength may be weaker than Saudi Arabia. Is Focus Ila's military strength that has surpassed Saudi Arabia. It is not that there is no such possibility, but people are usually not high -profile. It seems that it really wants to strengthen cooperation and enter the modern war stage, and the model has changed dramatically.

After understanding the seriousness of the matter, Prince Surdan decided to go through in person. As the regional boss, and the other party is still his son -in -law, it is appropriate to be the mediation person.

At present, Facha Ila is the advantage, so he wants to hear what Oman said.

Cabes Sudan hadn't slept overnight and couldn't sleep at this moment. Seeing Prince Surdin's coming, it seemed to grab a life -saving straw. The Musrandham provincial battle has ended, but the two -line pinch of Fugcha Ila and the Liberation Oman People's Camp; coupled with the Air Force and the Navy, and other heavy weapons, they were exhausted. If you do n’t want to do a way, you do n’t know if Oman can exist.

Prince Surdan was polite and said directly: "I want to know who launched the offense first. Only in this way can the next topic be performed."

Although he loses, he can not hide it. And it is indeed Oman's shells of Facha Ila, and people are still normal. I can't just hit you, you can't hit me!

Cabers: "It was Oman's attack on Focha Ila first. For this, Oman had realized the mistake. Therefore, I hope that the Focus Irara should not care about it. The two parties can return to the negotiating table. Divided, we can agree. At the same time, I hope they should not support the Liberation Oman People's Camp. After all, this is an internal affairs of Oman. "

It seems that the old man was really convinced, otherwise he would not speak softly in his character. Before coming, I had understood Bao Zixuan's thoughts; knowing that he was interested in Hassandam province, he didn't know what Aman thought it was.

But now as a mediation person, you must tell what possible things.

Prince Surdin: "I want to know how much can I make a concession for Oman,

Territory, compensation, or other aspects. "

When I heard the territory, Cabes immediately understood what it meant. The relationship between Surdin and Bao Zixuan is not a secret in the Middle East. In the combination of Musradam, the progress of the progress of other directions is not fast. Mundam has basically been sure that it can not be saved.

Do you still have to fight for it and continue to fight; the Oman army is unable to conduct double -line operations. I still felt that I could, and now it seems to be a joke. This is just Fucha Ila, if it is against other big powers; it is estimated that Oman will no longer exist.

Cabes: "I know the meaning of His Royal Highness, and can give up on Musradam Oman. As for other impossible. At the same time, it is required that the Fucha Irara army must exit Amman's territory."

Everyone knows that it is not a time to hesitate now. Because every minute of delay, the enemy's appetite is one point.

Since even the territory can be abandoned, it is a lot of things. As for war compensation, it is estimated that Bao Zixuan really does not lack.

In fact, Cabes can give up Musradam because it was not Oman and his family's inherent territory before. It's just because the other party wants to merge to Amman; it is a pity that it is a pity now, but there is no way.

Prince Surdin did not stop, but came directly to Fucha Ila. I want to see what Bao Zixuan thinks, and at the same time wants to know; what weapons and equipment the other party uses can produce such a great destructive effect.

Seeing Alman's weapon equipment along the way, it basically turned into scrap iron. The burnt flavor can be smelled in the air. Of course, Prince Sultan, a soldier, certainly understood what happened. The boy even used a burning weapon, no wonder Oman's death was so heavy.

Soon I came to Fucha Ila. After all, the distance between the two countries was too close.

Seeing Prince Surdan, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "How to surprise your old man, it really shouldn't."

Prince Surdin knows Bao Zixuan very well, of course, knowing that this kid is not a loser Lord. Cabbs definitely has something, but now outsiders don't know.

But at this moment, when it was not the old, Oman was still waiting to reply. The Strait of Holmz is related to international crude oil transportation. If war occurs, Saudi Arabia will also suffer.

Prince Surdan: "Can I come to such a big movement! Cabers has admitted defeat and can negotiate everything. But you can also be so fully prepared. Otherwise, you will definitely die with you to the end with Cabes' personality. "

Bao Zixuan did not answer positively, but said with a smile: "You always feel what I want, whether it is land, or a compensation."

It is clear that you are cheap and sell well. You have made a choice and let me answer.

But now that the mediation person is promised, he still has to do his responsibilities.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "The two of us here are not hiding. There is no need to say so many customer words. And many things are good. Be careful of their dogs jumping the wall in a hurry. "

"The meaning of Cabers, Alman's two flying ground Musra and Madamha can give you. As for compensation, because you don't lack that money. And don't support the side of Yemen, I feel it feels like Still sincere. "

The other party is willing to give up the territory, and Bao Zixuan cannot be too much.

Bao Zixuan: "Since you all shocked your old man, this is the case. As long as the agreement is signed, the Fucha Ila army can evacuate immediately; as for the liberation of the Amman People's camp, it has nothing to do with me. It has something to do, this can be rest assured. "

It cannot be acknowledged that as long as it is not supported in the future, no one can pick out the problem.

Prince Surdin did not talk nonsense, and he directly signed the document. It turned out that the other party had been prepared for a long time, and it saved a lot of trouble.

But this name, Bao Zixuan can not sign. At least the program is illegal. It was not good to see Surdin see salad, so he could only get it behind, and the bodyguard immediately understood what it meant. After the salad was signed, he took it back again. Prince Surdan did not talk nonsense. He signed his name on the proof of the person. At this point, Alman's two flying land belongs to Fucha Ira.

As for the liberation of the Oman people's camp, it is Oman's internal matters. It has nothing to do with him, whether it can keep the occupation site, it depends on their creation.

Soviet instructors can also leave; I did not expect so smoothly; but they paid their salary at the original price. Although there is no war compensation, so many land and the building above, the oil below; the huge wealth. Of course, the most important thing is the strategic location, which is the existence that the United States and the Soviet Union envy.

After Prince Surdin completed the task, he did not stay too much; he returned to Oman with the signed documents. It ’s not fast now, after all, Oman is already a little unpredictable.

Bao Zixuan also ordered the Fucha Ila troops to stop the offense. Regarding the Shajah issue, Abu Dhabi and Dubai came out to say love, indicating that everything was misunderstanding; they were willing to compensate for the loss caused by Fucha Ila.

In this regard, Bao Zixuan did not make too much requirements, but just a little symbolic. It's not that he is generous, but he doesn't want to make people feel. It is also considered to be peaceful in this area, and there is no plan to leave the UAE at present; so the face that should be given is still enough.

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