Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1487 Achievement and Summary

What can I do in two days, I really don't know before, but Focha Ila will tell you. They were able to call down the second military power in the region and lay down, and they had no power to fight back. It can occupy 2,000 square kilometers of territory from military and politics, and it is still the throat of the world.

This battle was so beautiful. It is estimated that the discerning military experts could not find a little problem. From attacked to counterattacks can be described as in one go. Fast speed makes people feel like preparing in advance.

If you are not prepared, it means that Fucha Ila is in a state of combat reserve at any time; but this is also well understood, after all, there are no friends around. Even the chiefs such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai will not treat them as their own. I definitely dare not relax, that is to find death by myself.

It may be even more terrible if you get the message in advance. It shows that a complete intelligence network has been established in the Middle East. It is estimated that any country wants to use Fucha Irara to consider whether the other party knows.

The most important precise and precise application of weapons did not hurt a civilian this war; even if the bomb was controlled on the enemy's battle array. It can be seen that the combat literacy of the Fugu Ila soldiers is very high and the business is very skilled. It has become a soldier in the Middle East, and it can even be said to be a high -tech force.

Therefore, when the world has not responded, the throat of the Holmus Strait has been completely occupied by Fucha Ila. Even signed an agreement with Aman Sultan Cabes, which is efficient and makes people don't know what's going on.

Since things are done and far exceeding strategic expectations, we must reward everyone for meritorious people. You ca n’t always make money and eat meat by yourself; let your men drink Northwest Wind, and the richest wealth of the bag cannot do so shameless.

After seeing the people all arrived, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard in recent days. Anyone who participated in the war, each person was a basic bonus of 10,000 US dollars. Soldiers can get a one -time reward of $ 200,000 per person. At the same time, the monthly family can pay $ 2,000 in a monthly salary until the soldiers are 60 years old. "

"The injury is different according to the situation, and it can receive an additional $ 30,000,000 to $ 30,000 and pay the salary as usual. Even if you cannot serve in the army, you must arrange other jobs. Side to let the brave soldiers pick out any problems with us."

"At the same time, for the residents of the occupation area, if they want to leave, don't stop it; they must follow the rules of Fucha Irah. Quickly receive all docks and facilities to make the Holmus Strait prosperous. At the same time To protect it; must not be destroyed by the cause of war. "

"This will be our property and the foundation of our life."

"People on the island try to soothe as much as possible; and the garrison must be maintained. Public order must be maintained. Foreign ships stop to us, and there must be no problems."

"At the same time, Musradam Province was changed to Hamades,

Use the fastest speed to implement changes. "

"Salad's surname is Hamad, so it must be on the law, as well as other levels; it is completely occupied by the area."

"As for everyone, everyone can get an island that belongs to it. This is my promise to you; follow my bun Xuan, and will never lack money in the future. As long as you can do things well, I still want to share wealth wealth. ","

"As for the construction of the island, you need to find a way by yourself; however, Heiyun Bank will provide funds and can be returned slowly; if it is not yet on, I will not force it. But one thing you pay attention to is Crooked, I hate what my subordinates do not belong to their own. "

"Either Facha Ila, Black Cloud Group! My attitude towards corruption has always been the same.

Everyone was incredible to hear the rewards of soldiers. The boss is really generous. At least, among the army, there are no leaders, and they will be so willing. At the same time, they can get an island; that is, they may become a family territory in the future.

This cannot be described by Guangzong Yaozu, and even represents a kind of inheritance. You know the island is the most prosperous channel in the world. It is estimated that you can make money if you just build something on it. And the boss also shows that Heiyun Bank can provide loans to them, that is, you don't have to worry about funds at all.

Baozixuan has already thought about it. Many islands belonging to the former Musram province, most of which are idle. It is better to give them to their own, let them have their own industries.

Lao Tzu heroes are just a wish; no one can do it. If the son is not serving in the army, how can the family continue. Now with its own industry, I believe that in the future, it will never decline as long as there are no super losers.

For corruption, the Heiyun Group appears every year when auditing. For this reason, it will be fired directly, never use it, and even be sent to prison; it is useless to ask for love. If it is not severe, the company will be emptied sooner or later.

Those who may be corrupted, feel that they only have 1 million, not too much. But it is precisely because of 1 million that it may bring tens of millions or hundreds of millions of companies; even more serious losses. This is even more so.

At present, salads are unbearable. Only Bao Zixuan personally came forward to coordinate. Anyway, internal personnel knew what was going on, but there was no disgusting. And the instinct in my heart believes that things should be done.

After thinking about everyone for a while, Bao Zixuan continued: "At present, our territory is available, and the economic strength is not bad. But the population is not enough. But this time the recruitment of immigration Friends, you can come over. In the future, Fushara's population will exceed 5 million, which is my expectation. "

Regarding immigration, it is not so anxious now. There will be too many elites in the disintegration of the Soviet Union; with the strength of the black cloud group in the Soviet Union, the attractiveness is definitely the biggest existence.

The population should not be too much, so the entire country will be crowded. Fushara must be built into a country with the highest happiness index in the world. At this time, the head of Baozhuo regretted it, and felt that the Heiyun town was so much investment.

But I also know that when there is no absolute strength to protect itself; Fucha Ila may face war at any time. Just like this time, if there is no preparation; then the built house will inevitably be destroyed.

Zhang Zhan: "Boss, it's okay before; but now it controls such a large area. And neither the surrounding countries are very peaceful, do we recruit more soldiers?"

In fact, everyone wants to say, but maybe only Zhang Zhan speaks the most suitable.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "That is your business, but try to focus on the aboriginal people of Fucha Ila. In this regard, you look at it, but the foreign soldiers want to join the principle. Women and parents are both, and they all come over to Fucha Ila. If you can't do this, then it is excellent and not needed. "

Hearing this, everyone understands what it means. With so many scruples, I definitely dare not mess up. If you are really a older brother, then you are unhappy in Fucha Ila, maybe you will leave directly. In case of a paradox, it is too late to regret it.

After all, in their hands, there are guns, no one dares to guarantee; accidents and tomorrow, that will come early.

At this time, Prince Shajah Derrich was reprimanded in his luxury palace. Cabes has clearly stated that the two will not be in the future. The previous life -saving grace has been repaid, and even there is even surplus.

Although I am not reconciled, I also know that there is no good way. After all, Oman's losses were very heavy for this war that should not happen this time. Not only did it lose the ground, but the domestic heavy weapons were lost. Most importantly lost in Safa. It can be said that there is no ability and strength to fight in front of Fucha Irah.

This is not the most important, the key is his nephew, the chief of Shajia; it has issued a statement to dismiss his prince identity.

This is the request of Fucha Ila, and Shaya dare not obey.

For anyone, Bao Zixuan can let it go; but Derricht, twice to find troubles; if you do not give some punishment, you still feel that he has no temper.

In fact, there are not only this, there are also intelligence personnel outside the palace. Their task is to create an accident, which is handed over to professionals in this regard. After a while, Derricht had brain death due to excessive drinking and abuse of drugs. It is considered a end to the incident, but the story is far from over. After all, an emerging force rises, and the old man is definitely not so easy to compromise. It depends on who is more powerful, the world is like this!

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