Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1488 The change of Americans

The war between Fucha Ira and Alman has brought a lot of shock to the entire world; even if the United States is incredible, it is incredible. What magic Bao Zixuan has, can solve all problems in just two days. There is no reason or excuse for participation and intervention now.

But at this time the Americans felt that Aman Sultan Cabes was really a table; it was even a little bit. The initiative to launch an attack was so embarrassed by people, and at the same time questioned the education level of the British military academy. This is the best military college in the UK. The students trained are simply using war as a play.

If you want to win the royal family members of the Middle East, you can let them come to the United States to study. West Point Military Academy is much stronger than Royal Military Academy in the United Kingdom. But this is all the words, and now we still consider how to solve the problem.

William Joseph Casey came to the White House again. The director of the CIA, who came to the White House for the last three times, had two direct relationships with Bao Zixuan, and had an indirect relationship. The largest intelligence agency in the world, the most important intelligence unit in the United States; as if it was nothing to do in a day, he stared at Bao Zixuan and Black Cloud Group.

Reagan is also a little depressed. He is the president of the United States, not Bao Zixuan. Now because of this boy, he summoned an expert, and let the director of the CIA come to report the work. It now seems to be limited to it. If you don't care about it, let it develop; it will definitely threaten the core interests of the United States in the future.

Seeing the director of the CIA, Reagan was polite and said directly: "Director of Casey, I hope you can give me an explanation. Why can Focus Ila can occupy the province of Muzandam so quickly; Every day, you can let Oman Sultan Cabes compromise. "

"Now both the agreement between the two parties has been signed. Fushara has expanded the territory of 2,000 square kilometers because of a war. It is also the throat of the Holmus Strait."

Fortunately, before Director Casey came over, he did a lot of preparations, otherwise he couldn't answer. After all, things were too sudden, and it didn't respond to the entire world. And the Persian Gulf channel has no impact at all. Even because the staff of Fucha Ila entered, the efficiency was higher.

Where is this war? It is simply the company's replacement of more efficient management teams.

William Joseph Casey: "President will be taken; the war itself is the first to pick up, and they will not take advantage of themselves. And the first time in the war, Fucha Ila made a favorable attack. They borrowed Iraqi Iraqi. With the airports of Iran, using stealth combat fighters, a carpet -type bombing on the Oman army. At the same time, the ground missile force seems to have mastered the coordinate information of the Alman army. A miracle. "

"At the same time, Bao Zixuan seemed to be funded by the Liberation Oman People's Camp in Yemen. After the next side, Omanzo Faer was also attacked. It can be said that everything was carefully planned; Soviet -style weapon,

And Soviet instructors are training and command. "

"Oman Sultan Cabes is born in Zhafar Province. Where is the land of Longxing in the Royal Royal royal family. Therefore, there must be no problem; if a king, you can't even keep his hometown, how can you convince the people."

"In addition, Musradam itself was not an Oman's inherent territory, but because the chiefs at the time wanted to rely on a big tree. In addition, they were closer to Abu Dhabi. Irah, Dubai and other sharing resources, so they absolutely join Oman. As for emotion, it must be not more important than Safa. "

"And compared to Fucha Ila, it may be liberated Alman's camp, and this Sudan is even more jealous. Fushara is also the royal family. In addition, there are some relationships between the royal family of the Middle East, so as not to kill them. , Listening to the name, you know that the other party is not good; it is an organization that resolutely opposes the existence of the royal family. "

"Compared with the lightness of the two harms, it will naturally choose to compromise with Fucha Irah."

"In this battle, Oman has lost all heavy weapons. The Fugu Ila army with the most advanced weapons and equipment fights, and in the end, it will inevitably end in failure."

"Therefore, both sides have made concessions, and Oman let Muzamidam province; Fucha Ila gives up war compensation and other rights. At the same time, it will not support the liberation of the Oman people's camp; coupled with Prince Saudi Saultan coordinated from it, This incident will be so fast. We have not responded to that we do n’t know what to do with most countries around the world.

Although Reagan is an actor, he still knows very well in international affairs. But no one, like the Heiyun Group, and Bao Zixuan, pose such a serious threat to the United States.

Now that the other party has developed so big, it cannot continue.

Reagan: "It seems to restrict the Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan, otherwise it will inevitably threaten the United States in the future."

Hearing this, William Joseph Casey felt that the president was not very clever; not only did not sanction, but also let it develop.

William Joseph Casey: "President, in fact, I don't feel necessary to sanction Baozixuan and Hei Cloud Group now."

"At present, the other party has stabilized the foothold at Fucha Ila. If the sanctions at this time, the other party will definitely fall to the Soviet Union. This is very unfavorable for the United States. I was worried about the Black Cloud Group before After the return of Xiangjiang, it has the economic and technological bonuses of the Black Cloud Group; it will inevitably fly, and even it cannot be stopped at all. "

"Bao Zixuan already has the right to the chief in Fucha Ila, will it still support the development of other countries! Compared with the great power, Fudcha Ila is nothing. At least the threat to the United States is minimal."

"And they dare not do anything about the United States. If we really worry about us. It is estimated that the entire Fucha Ila will no longer exist. After all, the land area is too small and cannot afford a large -scale war at all."

Hearing this, Reagan felt his cognition, why couldn't he keep up with an intelligence personnel. Compared with the Black Cloud Group, the Soviet Union is the enemy of the heart. It seems that his previous strategy is not right. Fortunately, someone reminds it in time, otherwise it will cause a big mistake.

Bao Zixuan has absolute autonomy, will he still be restricted everywhere! The answer is yes, and everyone wants to develop Fucha Ila better. Because where it belongs to him, even if it does not belong to him, it is for future generations.

When you are strong enough, you can even open the mountains. It is estimated that anyone's view of you will change; Americans are no exception.

Reagan said with a smile: "It's still thorough, I don't want to return to Xiangjiang."

After speaking, both of them laughed, which was a end to the incident. At least for Bao Zixuan and Black Cloud Group, Americans have no plans to sanction. At the same time, this is also considered for the US economy. The largest tax household in the United States is not a virtual name.

However, Bao Zixuan didn't know these things, but he also had a strategy of responding; he had decided to find an American company to invest. As long as the weapon input is strictly controlled, there will be no major problems.

So he immediately called the McCD Donna and Robert Calvin. The meaning is obvious, if the two are interested; they can come to Fucha Ila invest in building islands. The construction of the two families is fully built, and all the income and property rights will be attributed to them in the future.

Of course, Iwasaki Hongyi is also within the scope of the invitation;

The three of them expressed their strong interest in the invitation of Bao Zixuan; but it was not time to be clear. After all, the war has just ended, and there is still doubt about whether Fucha Ira can keep the site. In this regard, Bao Zixuan feels indifferent, after all, this is also the long -term feelings.

However, the three have clearly stated that they will come to Fucha Irah's local investment; The headquarters of the three companies in the Middle East will be built in Fucha Ila, which shows that the three are still afraid to refuse Baozixuan. As for the island, no one really dares to build. After all, the Persian Gulf itself is a place of affairs; the opponent's Iran has always looked at it, maybe it will be fighting someday. In case of pond fish, no one is uncomfortable.

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