After Fucha Ira, it remains for nearly a month and arranged everything; Bao Zixuan knew that he had to leave. The Italian Commodity Exhibition is about to be held. As the head of the enterprise hosted by the exhibition, it was so promised so well; it must be participated in person. At the same time, this is also a good opportunity to increase its own influence. Of course, I also want to advertise Futa Ila.

In the future, if you want to be restricted, Fucha Ila must have all industries; but because of the area restrictions, you can only take high, fine, and sharp lines. In this regard, Italy has many experiences worthy of reference. Light industry must be owned, otherwise once it is sanctioned and blocked, where can only be blind.

As for why the first stop chose to be in Japan, the richest wealthy is also careful.

Since the 1960s, Japan's economy has continued to grow; in terms of science and technology research and development, industrial manufacturing, mineral development, agricultural and fishery growth, service and cultural industry revenue, etc. , Medicine, Education, etc. have gone at the apex of the world.

At the same time, with the great prosperity of the Japanese economy, the Japanese people have also begun to indulge in the desire to consumer. "Crazy" has become synonymous with the Japanese at that time.

Not only on the Japanese malls and streets, but also in New York, Australia and even the world's shopping malls and tourist destinations, almost all Japanese are buying and spending crazy. It is said that black people who are waiters in Fiji hotels must learn Japanese.

At that time, the Japanese, who was extremely carnival, had a strong but negative impact on the material view and money view of young people. "****" once became a popular way for Japanese women to get money, and they were not ashamed of selling their bodies; instead they preferred whether they had a new handbag. Such abnormal concepts eroded the Japanese for a long time.

However, compared with other countries in the world, Japan in the 1980s did have such capital.

At that time, Japanese house prices were coaxed very high, and the average house price in Japan was more than 30,000 per square meter; and it was necessary to get a lottery to be qualified to buy, but the price of Huaxia on the Shanghai and Shanghai house at the same time was only about 1,000 yuan per square meter. GDP is equivalent to the world's third, fourth, and fifth economic powers, Britain, France and Germany.

It can be said that the Japanese at this time are rich and quite rich. This is the main reason why Bao Zixuan puts the Italian commodity exhibition to Japan. Italian goods, especially the field of clothing and shoes, and the field of high -end fields in the world. General countries cannot afford it at all. But all this is not a problem at all in the face of the rich Japanese.

Because Facha Irara and Oman's relationship with Oman, preparations were prepared in the early stage. After all, things are impatient and must not be caused by small losses. Fortunately, where is the influence of Heiyun Group; plus so many years of cultivation in Japan; there are still some friends who have many strategic partners.

So for Bao Zixuan to host the Italian Commodity Exhibition,

All promised to come over.

It's a good thing to come to Japan, that is, don't sleep hotels. Hei Cloud Group is in Japan, but has a lot of real estate, and this number is still increasing. However, Bao Zixuan has made a clear plan and will stop real estate acquisitions until the end of this year. At the end of next year, some properties began to sell some properties.

Although the foam will not break until the early 1990s, he is not a person who earns the last steel plate.

At night, Chen Yuesheng came to Baozixuan Villa. As the head of the Italian Commodity Tokyo Exhibition, he is very busy now. The most important thing to understand the personality of the boss, so it has not greeted the airport in the past. If you go to the airport, you will feel very leisurely.

I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. What is the personality of the richest man, the subordinates are already very clear.

In this regard, Bao Zixuan does not get angry, as long as it is done well; the task of explaining the task is best not to do it.

Seeing Bao Zixuan, Chen Yuesheng said respectfully: "Boss, I'm sorry, I have not greeted you in the past. Mainly there are some details of the exhibition and some details need to be communicated. After all, I have done this job for the first time."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you know what kind of person I am. I can make the exhibition open, I am very happy. How can the situation go normally now!"

Chen Yuesheng: "The current progress is smooth, and some stars have been invited to participate; of which are mainly Japanese and Italian singers."

"Among them, there are two beauty singers in Japan, namely Nakasen Kami and Nakajima. As for Italy, the exhibitors themselves will be arranged by themselves, but we will leave them for 4 hours."

"At the same time, more than 50 models were invited, of course, mainly Japan and Italy. And we used a large -sized LED screen, and the current test effect is very strong."

Nakasen Mingcai is one of the most popular female singers in Japan in the 1980s. Entertainment. I believe that there are two of them singing, fans will be crazy.

LED screen, this is a must -have for the Black Cloud Exhibition. Although the current cost is very high, the richest man in this package wants influence, and the cost is still aside.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Very good, what is the current response from the Japanese people."

Hearing this, Chen Yuesheng admired Bao Zixuan. I have lived in Japan for many years and worked in Japan for a long time. Why don't the boss know the Japanese personality!

I have worked for a lifetime; I really don't complain at all. Since learning that the Italian luxury brand wants to hold an exhibition in Tokyo, the Japanese people are almost crazy. There is no place for spending money, and now someone has given their costumes and bags to send them the initiative. Almost all Japanese women are looking forward to the exhibition early; believe that sales will not be bad.

Chen Yuesheng said with a smile: "In recent years, the economic growth rate of Japan is amazing, so the people have accumulated a lot of wealth. After the material life is met, the mental life must keep up with. I hope to see it first. "

"I think the sales will not be bad at this exhibition. Italians will be surprised."

In fact, of course, the richest man in Bao knew what achievements could be achieved, but he did not expect that Chen Yuesheng would say that.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Making money is one aspect, the most important thing is to increase corporate influence. Let the world know clearly, as long as you follow us Heiyun Group. Do anything, no matter what kind of business, you can make money."

"How are the other eggs prepared!"

Ferrari is owned by the Black Cloud Group. Of course, it is necessary to feel the courage of the richest man. Five Ferrari sports cars were prepared this time as a gift. Every day, the tickets that are eliminated will be made, and the prize is decided to belong to the prize. In other words, there is a Ferrari sports car every day, which will be delivered as a gift.

If you don't want a sports car, you will get $ 150,000 in cash. Of course, as long as people are not stupid, they will choose sports cars. After all, the official price of a sports car is $ 198,000.

Not only the Ferrari sports car, there are also many gifts to give away; it is to see how much the Black Cloud Group has paid for the exhibition.

Gifts are also adhering to a principle, which can only be produced in Italy. All the products this time are produced in Italy; even Heiyun Electronics will not be sold. Doing things must be pure, at least let people see the professionalism of Heiyun Group.

Chen Yuesheng said with a smile: "This boss can rest assured that everything is ready. But the ticket of 10,000 yen is too expensive."

It is just an exhibition. Tickets cost 10,000 yen; equivalent to $ 60. In the 1980s, it was not low at all.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "If the consumers who are not willing to take out even 10,000 yen are not the customers we need. And this time, it is also a game based on the ticket number lottery."

"If there is no threshold at all, it will attract people with too much consumption power to come over, and it may not be able to receive it at that time. And Italian products are not cheap in itself. If the ticket is too low, it will lower the grade of the exhibition. "

"Now the Japanese are very rich, I believe these don't have to worry too much."

Since the boss said it is okay, just execute it.

After that, the two had communicated with other aspects, and Chen Yuesheng left.

Looking at the lights in Tokyo, the wealthy wealthy was emotional. Where to go in the future, you must think about it. With the increase in the Facha Irara site, it is estimated that other countries will change their attitudes to themselves. Then you need to draw more allies at least at the critical moment; be able to help you speak and stand for you.

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