Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1490 Unprecedented Putting

Time came to May 1, 86; International Labor Day. This is a lively day all over the world. Although this day is the opening of the exhibition, it makes it difficult for the Italians to understand; but no one can live with money. No one dares to say anything, after all, it is not easy to come to the exhibition.

The Italians have entered the exhibition hall in advance, and they are very satisfied after seeing the effect; they are even shocked. Italian products should appear on the highest specifications. The effect of the exhibition hall will never humiliate the prestige of Italy.

In fact, on the previous day, the Italians learned the tickets for the exhibition; it took 10,000 yen to worry about it. However, it was learned that the 200,000 tickets on the first day were sold out in an instant, and I really didn't know what to say. You must know that the ticket income of a single day is more than 10 million US dollars, which is not other aspects of income. Watching Heiyun Group has invested a lot, but it is estimated that the tickets have already returned.

As for sales commission, they are made in vain. This is the strength and the control of business opportunities. Italian merchants are relatively conservative, and there are not many products they bring. But after seeing the crazy Japanese people, he immediately asked domestic factories; he immediately sent all the inventory.

The so -called fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field, the wave of Lei Xuan Express is not less profitable. Japan agreed that the express route between Italy was already opened by Lei Xuan Express. There are dozens of sub -effect aircraft and flights every day, to and from Japan and Europe.

The Japanese are very good, that is, it is very orderly, and this time the Black Cloud Group is very fully prepared; there are many intersections, and they have reminded everyone to take public transportation to the exhibition hall as much as possible. Of course, for rich people, there are drivers, and they don't have to worry about parking.

Everyone is mainly coming to shop, so the cumbersome process is basically canceled. But when the performance is the performance, there will still be singers sing. Seeing that they were popular actresses between the two countries, and quickly made the atmosphere warm.

At ten o'clock in the morning, with the opening of the exhibition. The crowd immediately thought of walking around the exhibition hall. In front of it is a row of Ferrari sports cars, and there are people on the scene that this is a gift of the lottery. There are many lucky prizes and the biggest awards every day; it is a Ferrari sports car. This makes people who come to the exhibition feel incredible.

Before that, 10,000 yen tickets were not cheap, and now it seems that it is worth it.

For big brands and well -known designers, of course, special care will be given. Therefore, the model will first put on their clothes, shoes and hats to show consumers the most intuitive display.

The Japanese are still very deastess in the field of architectural design. The entire exhibition hall is very domineering. Otherwise, there will be no such effect, at least other countries exhibition halls do not have such a large atrium.

As for the partners of Heiyun Group, some friends of Bao Zixuan, and well -known people. Will get a gift ticket, and at the same time, it will enter from the VIP channel. Not only is it a matter of identity, the most important thing is to make people feel different.

Sheng Tian Zhaofu took two young people, and the young man was very familiar. Although I haven't seen it for a long time, this young man impressed the first richest man. In order to leave him, he was treated with generous treatment, but people did not agree.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Sheng Tian, ​​hello! I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss it."

That's what he said, but Shengtian Zhaofu is the old rivers and lakes. Of course, he can hear that people are just a guest. However, there are not many people in the world that can make Bao Zixuan say so.

In fact, from the bottom of the heart, Sheng Tian Zhaofu really admired this kid. Before, it was just an ordinary businessman, and the business was bigger. But I did not expect that such a big move in the Middle East. Now even the Strait of Holmz can be controlled.

This is a kind of ability in itself. No matter how big the business is, it seems that it is not as good as the achievement of the establishment of a country. Although Bao Zixuan has not established a new country, he can fully control a place, which is similar to the founding of the country. Perhaps he may be inconvenient, but his descendants will become the chief; it is really enviable.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also clearly needs to have a good relationship with his partners; Fucha Ila's investment requires too many companies to enter. If Sony is willing to pass, it can also strengthen the comprehensive strength of Facha Ila.

Sheng Tianzhao said with a smile: "Bao Sang, there is an old saying in Huaxia that the scholars should be eye -catching for three days. Although we have been far behind the last time, it is far exceeding the three days. But you are too shocking for me; Put the Middle East headquarters in Focus Ila. I believe that our previous cooperation will be closer. "

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan was very happy. The old man really understands the matter; there is a lot of trouble left. After all, this time I want to win the support of Japanese companies. Now Sony states that I believe that several other companies will definitely give face.

Perhaps Bao Zixuan's ability to make money, a company of Hei Cloud Group can fill Fucha Ila. But that's absolutely not desirable, or a country or city. To get the world recognition, we must first have tolerance.

It is a family of Heiyun Group, then other countries; in the process of trade with you, there will be a dyke. I don't even want to do business with you. No one wants the same person to know only people who eat soluble food.

Another point is that because of yourself, products can lead the world. But when that day, I left myself. Later generations are not instruments, what to do if the product is outdated. Is it definitely not possible to wait for death. Therefore, only by allowing more companies to enter can Fucha Ila bring vitality and vitality.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Thank you very much for Mr. Shengtian; it happened that I was going to build Fucha Ila into a world computing center. At that time, Sony can join, which will definitely surprise people."

I heard that Bao Zixuan had new ideas, Sheng Tian Zhaofu was very interested. This boy always surprises people. And the sensitivity to business smell is much stronger than itself.

For example, this time the Italian Commodity Tokyo Exhibition, everyone feels that Bao Zixuan is a bit unreasonable. An engineer owner even started the exhibition. Black Cloud Group had never involved this field before. And the most popular electronic products will not come to the exhibition yet.

Make many people don't understand what this boy means. Is it confused by that Italian woman, otherwise how can they do such inconsistent things. The most important thing is that you can't make any money and lose it.

But when I saw the Japanese people, the passion that was ignited in an instant. Everyone feels incredible, no wonder people can become the richest man; maybe in their heads, they are born with business.

Tickets for 10,000 yen were directly purchased. Now the Ox Party has fired the ticket to 100,000 yen; this is the ability of others. Ticket income can return to the book. Some institutions have estimated that the profit of the Black Cloud Group in this exhibition may even reach one billion US dollars. When the money is so profitable, why I didn't find it before.

Now I said that there is a big move in Fucha Ila, and it must not be let go. Iwasaki Hongyi was introduced to Bao Zixuan. But now I look back; it is because of the close relationship between the two; Mitsubishi has a huge benefits.

Going to the UK to invest in aircraft manufacturing plants, Mitsuchian has strengthened the capacity of large aircraft manufacturing; the most important aircraft sells very well. At least ten times the profit invested by the money. This is just the beginning, and the future of the company is even more difficult to imagine. Through the relationship of Heiyun Group, he got the right to mining oil in Iraq. You know this matter, it has been a sensation throughout Japan. After all, Japanese resources are scarce, and oil is rare.

Before, it could only be purchased from the Middle East, or European and American oil companies. Now that it has been developed directly in the Middle East by itself, this is definitely a great progress. Mitsubishi does a lot of companies think, but has no ability to do things.

It was because of the close cooperation with the boy in front of him, and now Funcha Ila almost belongs to him. Even the Heiyun town has nothing to make it more heart.

Although I don't understand anything, Sony definitely wants to participate. Bao Zixuan is a man who can lead the trend of the times and the trend of technology. Now that you can't do it yourself, it is also a good choice to move forward with the clever people.

It can be said that at this time Sheng Tian Zhaofu had a firm idea in his heart; in fact, not only him, many Japanese businessmen were so.

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