Everyone is a smart person. When he heard the old man saying this, of course, Bao's richest man understands what it means. This boy must have an illegitimate child, and the expression just couldn't lie at all.

After Iwasaki Hongyi left the exhibition hall in the afternoon, she did not go to the company or go home. Of course, not home may not be accurate. After all, the lover's home also belongs to his home. A villa outside Tokyo is a real estate purchased for lover and son in Hiroshi Iwasaki.

Seeing Iwasaki Hongyi suddenly came over, the woman couldn't believe her eyes. After all, men did not expect that men would come over at this time, and they also brought gifts.

Want to persuade women to past Xiangjiang, even life in the Middle East; we must do some preparations. It happens to catch up with the Italian Commodity Exhibition, and choosing gifts is the simplest thing.

The woman is about 40 years old and looks beautiful. When she was young, she was definitely a big beauty. Even if it is not worse than most people now, I Shi Iwasaki Hongyi is not looking at it.

Women are still respectful, and take out slippers for them; it can be said that the service is meticulous. It is estimated that only here will it feel relaxed.

After Iwasaki Sitting down, the woman said, "You haven't eaten yet! What do you want to eat, I'll prepare!"

Iwasaki Hongyi said with a smile: "I have eaten it, I don't have to be busy. Today I just caught up with my partners and invited me to the Italian Commodity Exhibition in the past. Thinking that you must have no time to pass, I will bring you some clothes. The teacher recommends, I hope you don't be disgusted. "

"Chiba should rest today, why didn't you see him."

The Chiba said what Iwasaki Hiroshi said, named Harada Chiba; with motherhood. This is the sorrow of illegitimate children, and even the surname cannot be known. After all, the Iwasaki family is too famous in Japan. If you really dare to call Iwasaki Chiba, it is estimated that the people around you will think about Mitsubishi. There is no trouble, and I don't want to expose it; therefore, Iwasaki Hongyi decided to let the child with who the mother's surname.

In this regard, the mother and child dare not have any opinions at all. After all, in their opinion, Iwasaki Hongyi is their heaven.

The woman said softly: "I reported some courses for him, and now I am studying Huaxia. Last time you came to say that Huaxia would have developed great development, and he was getting older and older, and it was not a thing to stay in Japan."

"Thinking about studying in Xiangjiang in the past, you are not saying that the chairman of Heiyun Group and the principal of Yulin Institute of Technology; Mr. Bao Zixuan has a good relationship with you! Plus the media reported by the media , I have achieved great achievements. Think about letting Chiba go past Xiangjiang and worry about where it is inconvenient.

Learn the language in advance. "

When I heard a woman understanding so much, Iwasaki Hongyi really didn't know what to say. Yulin Institute of Technology is really a way out. Although for him, even if his son doesn't do anything, he doesn't have to worry about eating and wear. But the son can create his own world, and it is also the pride as his father.

It is said that a woman affects the three generations, and now it seems to make sense. Know what you should do and what your son needs. Such a woman is very rare.

In fact, women also know that in Japan, the son will never be in his early days. Even if his son's father became the chief of the Ishizaki family, the head of the Mitsubishi Group was the same. After all, they have a wife and a son. Her son can only be regarded as a wild species, and there is no chance to be recognized at all. It can be seen from the surname that Iwasaki Hongyi did not dare to violate the family principles.

Only when you go out, you can have a chance. Although he usually takes care of his son and a full -time housewife at home. But it does not mean that there is no idea. She is studying every day; especially for the economic situation, and those things to do those things with the Iwasaki family and Mitsubishi Group.

Shi Hiroshi Iwasaki could not ignore his son even if he was cruel. This is the basic conscience of being a father. Bao Zixuan and Iwasaki Hiroshi cooperated together in the Middle East, but the media reported it.

Coupled with many media, well -known scholars; the Yulin Institute of Technology is positioned as one of the best universities in Asia. Even in the future, it may become the best contestants in the world.

Such opportunities must be grasped. Although his son's academic performance is good, he may not be admitted to Tokyo or Kyoto University in Japan. Through the relationship between Iwasaki Hongyi, I entered Yulin Institute of Technology; there should be no problem. In this face, Bao Zixuan will definitely give it.

The son's past Xiangjiang must be supported in secret as a father. Doing something casually is stronger than in Japan.

Iwasaki Hongyi: "You and I thought of it, this time it was for this matter. Two days, you are ready; I invite Baozixuan to come to the house for dinner."

"About the arrangements of Chiba must be done well. This is my responsibility of being a father, and I will never escape. Since you want Chiba to study in the past, then things are fixed. In fact, after completing the studies, I also have some also have a studies. consider."

"You should often watch the news. What happened in Fucha Irah in the Middle East must have seen it. At present, Female Emperor Female, the female chief of the Female, has a relationship with Bao Zixuan. It is true that the relationship with you and me. Therefore The successor of the chief of Cha Ira is definitely the descendants of Bao Zixuan. "

"He invited me to invest in the past and will arrange an island to plan and build it for the Iwasaki family. I did not tell anyone about this. I want to build the island. Hope to be a noble. If he can seize the opportunity, or have the ability; the prospect is definitely a brightness. "

"If the qualifications are mediocre, it is also good to be a rich man in the Middle East. All of this depends on himself. This is my father. At present, the only thing that can do for his son."

When I heard Iwasaki Hongyi also wanted his son to study in the past, the two of them would go to Facha Ila in the future. And for this reason, Bao Zixuan asked Bao Zixuan to come to the house for dinner; explaining that his son was recognized in his heart.

Who is Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that the whole world knows. Those who want to invite him to eat, it is estimated that it can be ranked from Tokyo to Osaka. The future patriarch of the Iwasaki family has no advantage in front of others.

It is definitely because of friendship. But the friendship is always limited, paving the way for his sons; he deliberately invited Bao Zixuan to come over. It can be seen that the man in front of him is very serious.

The woman said excitedly: "You talk to me in advance, but it will not be rude at that time."

The reason why I dare to take it home for dinner is that Iwasaki Hongyi does not want any aspect of knowing; the most important thing is to believe in women's craftsmanship.

Japanese professional housewives have done well in cooking, and they are well -trained.

Iwasaki Hongyi: "This matter, you must never say it. Although I have a good relationship with Bao Zixuan, it is normal to know each other with my wife and children. But I can only have one chance, do people still recognize it!"

"Why Bao Zixuan doesn't even want everyone to see everyone, not only the problem of protecting **. The most important thing does not want people to misunderstand, after all, not every partner and friends are suitable for the family to know."

Hearing this, the woman immediately understood what it meant. As long as you can get the help of Bao Zixuan and believe in the future of his son, you must not worry.

After a while, the boy of Chiba returned home and saw his father. Although curious, he still smiled and greeted. Before I was ignorant, she was now a teenage guy. Of course, I know what role I am, and I feel my life now; it is already very good, at least more than too many peers.

As the son of Iwasaki Hiroshi, money is still no shortage. There are guarantees in life and dare not ask too much.

Iwasaki Hongyi: "Chiba; I heard that you are studying Huaxia recently, and you don't know how to learn."

His father asked himself for his schoolwork, and it was really rare. He was still very confident, and even the teacher praised him for his talent in terms of language.

Chiba: "At present, I can communicate normally with the teacher, but the Chinese characters are too complicated and I can't fully grasp it. My mother wants me to study in Xiangjiang in the past, I believe where to wait; with the language and text environment, I can be proficient in grasping."

Ishizaki Hongyi was very happy to hear his son. Is the illegitimate son stronger than the birth of a big house; it is estimated that it can only be explained.

I don't know the richest man in Bao, it is his remarks. Let Iwasaki Hongyi this appreciate, preparing for help is an illegitimate child. Although not in China, it is also very rare. After all, I never thought about it before; of course, this is not a bad thing for Fucha Ila!


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