One day, soon passed. Although Italian merchants are tired, they are very excited. They did not expect that today's sales were even more scary than yesterday. The Japanese are simply crazy, as long as it is the product in the exhibition hall; it is basically bought. Fortunately, the domestic cooperation is very cooperative, and the products can always be transported as soon as possible. Japan is nearly 10,000 kilometers away from Italy; that is, there is a huge number of land -effect aircraft, otherwise it may not be too late. Moreover, the Italians know that there are now shortage of stocks in Japan, and many people in China cooperate with packaging. After all, the more fully prepared them in China; the more convenient the exhibitors are when they pick up the goods. It can be said that the Italians have been rare and efficient this time, and it seems that it was just because the money was not in place. The Italians are lazy and work efficiently; they are famous in the world! And people with irritable temper can easily become dull. The Italians don't like to work too long. The shops will be closed at 6 to 7 in the evening, and even some restaurants will take 3 hours at noon. The most important thing is that the concept of time is not very strong; whether you are going to date or attend the meeting, late is a commonplace. I am willing to work overtime now, and work for more than 10 hours a day. I couldn't imagine it before. It can be said that the richest man in the inclusion of the richest man has created another miracle. Black Cloud Group felt that the 120 people's cashier team was enough. And for convenience, the price of Italian goods is an integer; coupled with the use of banknotes to use banknotes, it should be very fast. But I still can't get busy, after all, there are too many customers who pay for it. No way, only the number of people can be increased. There are more than 200 cashier today; the Japanese are queuing to send money to the Italians. Of course, it is not only the Italian, but also the wave of the richest manner, and it has also made a lot of money! Sumitomo Bank has become one of the settlement banks of this exhibition, which can be described as renamed; after all, cooperation with Heiyun Group was very close. For this exhibition, Sumitomo Yiyi returned from Xiangjiang to Japan for this exhibition; it can be said to attach great importance to it. Of course, Heiyun Bank must have a share, and it still takes advantage of the big head. After all, it is Japan, although there are many security officers; Bao Zixuan is also worried about the problem. After all, you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case you are not! Therefore, the cash received by Heiyun Group will also be temporarily handed over to the Sumitomo Bank for custody. Sumitomo -friendly said with a smile: "Bao Sang has an idea. It seems that returning to Japan this time is really the right choice." Because of the excellent performance in Xiangjiang, the resident Yiyi basically determined a place to return to the headquarters. It has not been announced yet, after all, you have to examine others! The Sumitomo family can stand for four hundred years, and the number of family children will never be small. However, abilities need to be cultivated, so they will inevitably become an important criterion for assessment. Sumitomo Yiyi temporarily returned to Japan,

I just want to overwhelm Bao Zixuan. Before the Black Cloud Group undertaken the Italian Commodity Tokyo Exhibition, everyone felt that Bao Zixuan was unreasonable. As the world's top engineers, doing ordinary investment promotion feels inappropriate.

Heiyun Group claims to be the world's highest -tech industrial enterprise, but has been recognized by engineers and science and engineering people. Why do people recognize you, not because Bao Zixuan has always advertised himself as an engineer. Without the richest wealthy, Heiyun Group will not have such a high popularity.

Professionals are responsible for China Merchants and do not need Bao Zixuan to come forward in person.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Don't say that, the Sumitomo is the same. The Sumitomo Group, or the Sumitomo family; we are the first to be interactive. And we are more familiar with each other. Habit."

"The matter of Fucha Ila, presumably you have heard of it; the future black cloud group and my own center of gravity; basically transfer to there."

"If you have an idea, you can go well in the past."

"Even if there is no now, there will be no ideas after it is difficult to protect. I can only say that at this moment, letting family children pass by will become the nobles of the Fucha Irala. No one dares to guarantee it in the future."

Regarding the relationship between Fucha's female chiefs and Bao Zixuan, Sumitomo is the most clear. But I did not expect that Bao Zixuan would speak directly. I had some scruples before, and now it doesn't matter. At the same time, it also shows that I hope to get everyone's support.

The Sumitomo family and him still hesitated. After all, I didn't think about it, or I dare not be sure.

Sumitomo: "In this regard, please ask the family. My fiancee now has a huge family forces; I really dare not have other ideas, so I must solicit her opinion."

Many things can only be said; if too much, I feel guilty. The upper pole is not a buying and selling. Since the resident and friend you don't want to, you can't force it.

So Bao Zixuan didn't say anything, which disappointed Sumitomo Yiyi. After all, I talked with Iwasaki Hongyi for a long time in the morning, how to get to myself; suddenly there is nothing to say, is there any hidden feelings here.

Now he has never thought of; Iwasaki Hongyi, the head of the Ishizaki family, the head of the Mitsubishi Group; it has been completely tilted towards the Heiyun Group. At least people are willing to introduce their illegitimate children to Bao Zixuan.

Being able to make competitors, or leaders see; but it takes great courage. Obviously Iwasaki Hongyi has done it; and it is done well. Then Bao Zixuan will definitely choose to believe in him. As for the resident and friend, you will be regarded as an acquaintance at most.

This time I asked the other party to pick up a cheap. The exhibition had been confirmed to be held before Oman picked up. If Oman picks things first, it may not be possible to open the exhibition. Even if you open it, your interests tend to support your partners unconditionally. Obviously Sumitomo Bank, or the Sumitomo family, can not meet the requirements.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since Mr. Sumilians need to consider, I don't ask for a strong demand."

After speaking, there is no following. Sumitomo felt like he seemed to say something wrong, after all, Bao Zixuan could not lie to others. But now it's too late to say anything, and it is basically impossible to recover.

After greeted Bao Zixuan, he went to receive others.

Although not very happy, the richest wealthy Bao will not show it in front of his subordinates. They are right, and their work attitude is good. It is just that some people do not know the lift, but these have nothing to do with their subordinates.

Chen Yuesheng came to Baozixuan Villa and said very seriously: "Boss, today's sales are higher than yesterday. Before you worry about the sales of men's clothing, it seems that it is not necessary at all."

"Most consumers yesterday were women's hospitality and related practitioners. Today, both husband and wife come to consume, making men's clothing sales, but they are not less than women's clothing."

"The entire exhibition revenue was 4.2 billion US dollars, of which a single men's clothing was 1.2 billion US dollars; it absolutely created history."

Hearing this, the richest man Bao was still very pleased. It seems that Japanese women love their husbands very much.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It is said that Japanese women are the most virtuous, and now it seems that it is not false. To investigate clearly, the Japanese consumer psychology. This is a large market, and no company can ignore it."

"There is another point, try to keep the distance with the resident consortium in the future. Since the residents do not know how to lift up, then we have no need to be polite."

When he heard the boss suddenly mentioned the mother -in -law family, Chen Yuesheng immediately understood what it meant. It must be that Sumitomo Yiyi sinned the boss, and pay attention in the future.

Maybe I felt that the resident consortium was amazing; now it is thought, that is. The head of the Japan Branch of Heiyun Group is still very important. At least it will not be much worse than the head of any company. After all, he will be respected everywhere.

Chen Yuesheng: "The boss is assured, I know how to do it in the future. Now they need them, and will gradually reduce the deposit of Sumitomo Bank in the future."

His men are smart, or that it is a lot easier as a boss. As the head of the Japanese branch of the Heiyun Group, Chen Yue Sheng can understand many things.

Bao Zixuan: "You look at it yourself, there are some things that you don't need to report."

The boss said so, obviously he already trusted himself. This is a huge progress, and it has surpassed the vast majority of workers.

As for the exhibitors of Italian manufacturers, they are even more happy. Although it is tired, it seems that at this moment I can't feel it. After closing the museum, I thought about where to go to a drink.

The Italians made money and spent the Japanese bars or clubs in the past; then Japanese women entertained during the day when they came to the exhibition hall. It can be said that this process is very reasonable, and even the wealthy wealthy cannot find a problem.


Drinking a lot, why can't I always control myself!


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