Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1497 Seeking Cooperation

The five -day Italian commodity Tokyo exhibition is over. This time, it made the whole world see the terrorist strength of the Japanese. Although the country is small; but their money is really a lot. In five days, the total value of the goods sold in the exhibition hall alone exceeded $ 12 billion. What is this concept, equivalent to all exhibitors; two years of sales performance. But Bao Zixuan knew that this sales model must not be copied. Even the Italian Commodity Exhibition, he was not ready to continue. Any company can do it, Black Cloud Group tries not to touch it. Leave a legend, just give the latecomers a height that cannot be achieved. In addition, it does not rely on this to make money, and at the same time understands it; the chain will not be said to be at least not so shocking next time. If you continue, it is likely to smash the gold signboard of the Black Cloud Group, which is not necessary at all. To achieve such results, you must celebrate it. At this exhibition alone, the profit of Heiyun Group exceeded $ 1 billion. If it doesn't mean it, it really doesn't say. But so many people, in the past, bars or elsewhere are inconvenient. The most important Japan is not so large and can be used for reception. The exhibition hall was transformed directly into the reception scene. And here is Japan, it is not appropriate to entertain with sushi. Chen Yuesheng did not expect that the boss's brain circuit was really different from him. Previously, the problem of celebrating the venue was also considered, and all of them are now solved; and it can save a lot of costs. In fact, he didn't expect that even if he didn't expect, his men would suggest it. But I didn't dare to think about this, mainly because I was worried that the boss was not satisfied. The profit is very rich, according to the consistent personality of the boss; it must not be too shabby. Holding a celebration meeting directly in the exhibition hall seems to be so important. At 9 o'clock in the evening, all statistics are completed. The Heiyun Group immediately remitted the funds of the manufacturer to the designated account. It can be said that it does not delay for a minute, which makes the atmosphere instantly warm. Chen Yuesheng stood in the center of the stage as the person in charge of the exhibition; he must make a summary. This is also the intention of Bao Zixuan to do it. When it is time to enhance the image of the subordinates, you must not grab it. At this time, he was famous enough, and there was no need to fight. Then doing it will crack down on employees' enthusiasm, and it is not conducive to the overall improvement of the enterprise. Chen Yuesheng said very seriously: "Friends from Italy and all staff members of this exhibition; Hello everyone! I am the person in charge of the exhibition Chen Yuesheng. I am very happy to work with everyone in the past five days.

"In these five days, we have witnessed a business miracle together. Of course, this is mainly due to the hard quality of Italian commodities and can be recognized by the market."

"Before the exhibition matters, I was not very proficient, and I had never experienced work experience in this regard. Therefore, during the exhibition, there are any places that are not in place, and I hope everyone can understand. If you are not afraid of employees to make mistakes, you are afraid that you know your mistakes, you should not. "

"In these 5 days, our turnover exceeds 10 billion US dollars; it is definitely a great achievement. Now it is the time of celebration. I said too much here. Therefore, we will build a toast and congratulate the exhibition."

After speaking, everyone lifted the wine glass and drank it.

Italians, especially designers, do not reject it at all. And in the recent period, it is a bit tired; it should be relaxed at this moment. And they also have the strength to enjoy, after all, they really made a lot of money this time.

The product itself is a luxury category, and the profit is definitely not low. Although some costs are deducted, there are a lot of them in their hands. Therefore, the manufacturers who came over this time were made a lot of money, no dissatisfaction.

The Japanese are too crazy, as long as it is Italian product, they are basically purchased by them. Even if the remaining part is left, the volunteers for help are all happy.

Bao Zixuan is definitely the focus of the field, after all, where is the status of their own. Chen Yuesheng is the person in charge of the exhibition, but everyone knows it; General Manager Chen is more executive role. To put it plainly, it is to work. The richest wealth is the final decision maker, and of course it must have a good relationship with it.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over and said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, hello! I am George Armani, can I talk to you a few words!"

Even if you are not interested in fashion, you know the existence of the man in front of him. Bao Zixuan was no exception, but he did not expect that he would come.

George Armani, born in 1934, Italian fashion designer, founder of luxury brand Armani. Born in Piaqincha, Italy, he studied medicine and photography. He was a men's designer in Cheryti and founded George Armani in 1975.

The product categories of George Armani Group include men's and women's clothing, accessories, watches, glasses, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, household products, as well as restaurants and restaurants.

Later generations have high evaluations of it. After all, this one is like himself. And it is a model of self -study; media reports say that they always keep their work fanatics, rigorous requirements, and things. He once said: "Work is my life, and I have no time to leave others." Some people said that when he was with his fashion, he had a little lonely taste. Fashion may be like air for Armani. If he doesn't, he will suffocate.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Of course, Master Armani's invitation, I don't think anyone will refuse."

George Armani did not plan to come, just let his men deal with the errands. As a top clothing brand, it does not want to appear at cheap exhibitions. Essence

It just thought of the Italian government's strong advocacy, coupled with the Heiyun Group sponsored. Although there is no cooperation between the two companies now, everyone can say in the future! Therefore, the talents were sent to the delegation, but he did not come to Tokyo himself.

But after the sales were reported to the headquarters on the first day, George Armani couldn't sit still. When I first received the data, I felt like the staff wrote wrong and how could it be so high. However, when the bank account receives the payment, and the participating employees in Japan, they continue to ask for delivery.

As a boss, I can't sit still.

A international brand wants to be bigger and stronger; specialty stores must be opened in major international metropolises. Since Japanese business is so easy to do, of course, it cannot be let go. Take a special aircraft directly and bring a large push of Armani products to Tokyo.

Although only three days of exhibitions, Armani dared to dare to doubt any doubts about the consumption power of the Japanese people. Bao Zixuan is young, but the means of doing business is much better than himself. Therefore, thinking about listening to other people's opinions, it can be regarded as an open -minded consultation. After all, there are not many opportunities.

George Armani: "I heard that Mr. Bao has a lot of investments in Japan. I don't know if George Armani can cooperate with Heiyun Group; jointly develop the Asian market."

If you want to make enterprises grow rapidly, you need to find a strong customer cooperation. Although Heiyun Group does not engage in the clothing industry, there are many shopping malls. And with the size of the Black Cloud Group, Bao Zixuan ability; as long as he thinks, any business can be done.

Bao Zixuan thought about it: "Thank you Mr. Arman's recognition. At present, the Heiyun Group has not entered the field of clothing. My other company has a chain mall plan for Hutchison Whampoa, but it is on the mainland and Xiangjiang."

"If you are interested in these two markets, there will be a special person in contacting Armani. As for the Japanese market, Mr. Iwasaki, who is in Tong Mitsubishi Group, is still familiar; if Mr. Armani thinks, Mitsubishi should be willing to cooperate."

In Japan, it is only a two -way dealer in Japan. This kind of business must not be done. Whether it is a manufacturer or a property, neither is in its own hands. Once the product is selling, many companies will be jealous. Although this may not matter for the Black Cloud Group. But other Japanese merchants don't think so. At that time, it must be troublesome. It is better to let go directly, I believe that both parties will remember the love of Black Cloud.

As for the mainland and Xiangjiang, after all, it belongs to its own site. He needs too many brands to enter with Huang Square. Even if Armani is not suitable for the mainland market, there will be no problems in the future.

It is not so easy to cultivate a clothing brand. This time I was a referee and I didn't want to play as athletes; it was not fair to others.

If major Italian brands, want to enter; warmly welcome. Assuming that you don't consider it, the first rich will not be forced.


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