The Italian Commodity Tokyo Exhibition, the proud record; it is estimated that in the future, it will be repeatedly commented by major media and economic experts. But these have nothing to do with Bao Zixuan, he has explicitly expressed his statement; in the future, Heiyun Group will not undertake any country's commodity exhibition. This kind of words in public make the whole world feel incredible. After all, through this exhibition, Bao Zixuan can earn at least one billion US dollars; is it that it is better to find a better business than this. The richest man's brain circuit is not the same as normal people; otherwise how can there be such an idea. After all, if you make money, you do n’t do it if you do n’t do it. No one has this courage. Many companies are very happy about this. Hei Cloud Group does not do it, and they can do it. If Bao Zixuan competes with them, the final result can be imagined. But Black Cloud Group does not participate, isn't it their chance! After the introduction of Bao Zixuan, many Italian brands have successfully entered the Japanese market. And with the high economic development in the next few years. Sales should not be bad; but when the 30 years of lost 30 years in the 1990s, it is unknown. But he couldn't control so much, at least the current results were all happy. Now that I promised to eat together, I listened to the arrangement of others. And he also wants to know what the old boy means; it is so mysterious. In a villa in the outskirts of Tokyo, Harada Lily got up early in the morning to prepare; after all, the guests invited today are a bit special and must not be neglected. The most important thing is about his son's future and whether he can be recognized. Xiangjiang has not been implemented in a monogamy, and it is not long in Bao Zixuan's heart that it may not be disgusted with these. And he has a lot of lovers himself, and he will not look down on anyone. The identity of the lover can't see it at all. From the first day of following the man, he knew that it would be this result. But I don't want to do this for a lifetime. Every woman hopes to be bright and upright, and it will appear in front of family, relatives, and friends. If everyone is recognized, even if they do not matter, the child must always have a reasonable and legal identity; the woman is weak, and the mother is steel. Harada Chiba was also a little curious, after all, her mother started preparing early in the morning. Is it necessary to come to an important guest at home, otherwise the explanation is different. But he knew that if his mother wanted to let it know, he would definitely speak. And as he gets older, he also understands what he is. Although his father belongs to the famous family in Japan, he is just an illegitimate child. Therefore, they usually do not deal with anyone. After all, many things are not explained, and asking his father does not know how to answer. Seeing his son coming, Harada Lily said with a smile: "Chiba,

How does Huaxia master? "

When I heard my mother suddenly asked Huaxia, is it a Chinese man who came here today. It is very likely, and it is a very important character. Since the mother did not say clearly, just answer it truthfully!

Harada Chiba said very seriously: "At present, it is not bad. There is no problem with ordinary communication with Huaxia people."

Hearing this, Harada Lily was relieved. His son has been a special director since he was a child and never lied to him. Now that he can communicate normally, I believe it will leave a good impression on Bao Zixuan.

Harada Chiba: "Then you can perform well, don't be nervous, just communicate with the guests normally."

As for Bao Zixuan and Iwasaki Hongyi, the two were in the car at this time. As he walked towards the suburbs, Bao Zixuan seemed to understand what the old boy meant.

However, Iwasaki Hongyi did not guess and analyze the time, but said directly: "Last time you told me, find a woman to have a child, and let his son be Facha Ila in the past; In the basket, it is easy to be put on a pot. "

"Actually, I have a child who has been in private, but for so many years, outsiders do n’t know. After all, my wife’ s identity and family strength make me dare not let them be exposed, which is definitely a disaster. "

"Children are almost 18 years old, but they can only follow their motherhood; after all, the Iwasaki family is too insignificant, and it is too easy to recognize. This time invites you to come here and eat at home. At the same time Reading; living in Fucha Ila does not want to give up him. It is to make it better to live better, so you can only borrow your name. "

"It is estimated that most people around the world know you. My son has always regarded you as an idol. If you can see a real person today, you will be very happy."

"For so many years, I have owed them too much for their mother and son. Now I have the opportunity to compensate, and I want to comfort my heart. But who makes us friends, friends have difficulties, I must ask you for help."

The guess is true. As Iwasaki Hongyi, as the world's top Rich N generation; to raise a lover, there is no problem; at least people have this strength.

It can now be exposed in front of Bao Zixuan, but it is said that he really treats each other as a friend. But he can also reflect from the side. He believes that the first richest man is a gossip.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "In fact, this is normal. I also thought about finding a woman who likes himself and likes himself. I believe life will be very beautiful and happy. At a certain degree; many things can no longer be able to do it. "

"It's really not for the derailment, but sometimes it can't be controlled at that time."

After speaking, they laughed. The language of a scum man made Bao Zixuan say so much. In addition to the embarrassment with a smile, Iwasaki Hongyi really didn't know what to do.

Iwasaki Hongyi: "You say so, so I can't answer. It seems that the realm is not enough, or the charm is not good."

In this way, the two said with a smile and came to the door of the villa.

Seeing the car coming, Harada Lily quickly brought his son out to meet. The richest man in Xiangjiang, Bao Zixuan, the owner of Heiyun Group, came to the house, but not everyone had this honor; if the relationship was general, people would not care about you.

Iwasaki Hongyi smiled and said, "This Harada Lily, my son's mother; this is my son Chiba."

"I don't need to introduce this, Mr. Bao Zixuan in Xiangjiang. It is my very good friend. When you come to Japan, you have to do his best to do it.

When I heard the introduction, Bao Zixuan was speechless for a while. What is my son's mother, but this title is also very suitable. After thinking about it, how can I call when I introduce Salad or Asha to outsiders.

Aisa may be called a wife, but Salad is not yet. But it is impossible to introduce that Aisha is his wife in front of Zhang Youran; if you do n’t say it, it will definitely dispersal.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Madam, Chiba; Hello! You can come to Mr. Iwasaki's house as a guest.

The bodyguard immediately took out the gift, which was the minimum polite issue.

Harada Lily did not refuse, but said with a smile: "You are too polite; Bao Sang can come to shabby, really feel like he is."

At this time, Harada Chiba said in Huaxia: "Hello, Mr. Bao, welcome to visit at home."

When I hear the other party's not particularly skilled Huaxia, but when I think of this age, it is good to be able to speak.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't expect Chiba to speak Huaxia. It seems that we can communicate better between us."

In order to take care of each other, Bao Zixuan deliberately slowed down.

You can't always stay at the door, and the four came to the living room soon. Harada Lily used to prepare in the kitchen. As for Harada Chiba, he chatted with Bao Zixuan.

Iwasaki Hongyi also wants to test his son's knowledge and grasp the situation of Huaxia. The most important thing can increase insights. Not everyone can be so lucky to chat with Bao Zixuan.

Harada Chiba suddenly said, "Mr. Bao, can you ask you a question!"

Hearing this, Iwasaki Hongyi still wanted to say; but Bao Zixuan felt indifferent, so he said with a smile: "Of course it is okay."

"But I do n’t have to be so polite in the future. I am a good friend with your father. Mr. Bao looks too much, just call Uncle Bao.

This title cannot be connected. After all, the nephew of Xiangjiang's richest man is eligible for anyone. And now letting the other party call this way, it shows that Chiba is basically recognized.

This is more affordable than any gift. Perhaps Harada Chiba doesn't know what this name means; Bao Zixuan, this boy, is really interesting and can definitely be deeply intertwined.


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