Setting Tao reported Li, if you do n’t even understand this, then do n’t mix it on the market in the future. Therefore, for Bao Zixuan's goodwill, Iwasaki Hongyi looked at it. In fact, the richest man in the bag does not want to express. Instead, to pull Mitsubishi down the Facha Irara, and if you want to invest in a large -scale investment, you must give me a bit of sweetness. Everything you do now is for your own children. Of course, this child can only be born of salad. The children of other women may not be recognized in Fucha Irara. Harada Chiba looked at Iwasaki Hongyi. Although he was young, he also knew that major things needed to ask his father's opinion. The son's approach made him very satisfied. Knowing that advancement and retreat will not be fainted by victory and joy; it is not easy to grasp these. Iwasaki Hongyi: "Mr. Bao is my good friend, and you can call you what you call you. Since you are called Uncle, you must know how to respect." When he heard his father said so, Rharaoki Qianye understood what it meant. Of course, all of this in the kitchen's Harada Lily knew that at this time, she was very excited. There is an uncle like Bao Zixuan, the starting point of his son is naturally much higher than others. Now it seems that my father's love for his son will never be fake. If the other party does not want to admit their mother and son, they will definitely not call Bao Zixuan to come to the house for dinner. The platform has been built, and I only hope that my son can fight for anger. The mother is expensive, this is the truth since ancient times. Whether a lover can go in the early years depends on whether his son is angry. This is the main reason why Harada Lily desperately cultivates his son. Harada Chiba: "Uncle Bao, when I recently watched international news, I learned that the black cloud group was setting up the Internet; but Japan did not have related actions. As the world's top computer expert, do you know what is going on on the Internet!" I really asked the right, after all, Bao Zixuan was a participant in Internet construction. And not only that, the current switch and the underwater fiber; most of them are provided by the Heiyun Group. It can be said that it is definitely an Internet super giant, and none of them. After learning about the importance of computer, Rharai often order foreign newspapers and journals for her son. At present, computer applications are so wide that their son learn more and will never suffer. Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Chiba should still be a high school student! I didn't expect to know the Internet, it was really amazing." "In fact, Black Cloud Group was one of the Internet participants. Global network. Therefore, the concept of the Internet was born. "" Although it is still building,

But the interests have basically been allocated. The Internet has a main root server; it will be built at Stanford University, and there are some corresponding auxiliary roots servers. Among them, Japan has one, of course, Xiangjiang also has a supplementary root server; and the location is at Yulin Institute of Technology. "

"The Internet is a new concept. He can allow people to communicate as quickly as possible. For example, I want to write to you, traditional letters; I can only pass the stamps and send it to each other. After opening the computer, the letter will naturally appear in front of it. And this transmission speed will reach the speed of light. "

"As long as the network signal is stable, it may be less than a second, the receiver can receive it."

"You can also transmit pictures, assume that you travel abroad; take a lot of photos. You can upload it to the Internet so that your mother can see it as soon as possible. You can see your son's dynamics at any time, better than any language expression."

"In fact, there are many unknown secrets about the Internet. If you want to know, you can study in the past, where you can learn what you want to know."

The Internet is just a concept, so Bao Zixuan is not easy to explain too much, and the other party is just a high school student. It's too profound and don't understand.

However, Iwasaki Hiroshi on the side is very curious, the development direction of Heiyun Group; it will definitely have the market, which is beyond doubt. It seems that Mitsubishi wants to keep up with the rhythm and must extend to the Internet direction.

For high school students, it is very novel to hear this answer. And the other party also invited him to study in Yulin Institute of Technology in the past. Isn't this what his mother dreamed of!

Harada Chiba said excitedly: "Uncle Bao, can I really go to Yilin Institute of Technology to study!"

For the founding of Yulin Institute of Technology, the school principal is really difficult to. Even in good universities, a certain compromise will be made for benefits. The little boy in front of him has good knowledge and knowledge. In the past, reading was not a back door.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I want to ask your father. If he wants you to go to other places to study, I can't help you."

The meaning is obvious. If Iwasaki agrees, there will be no problems on the school.

Iwasaki Hongyi said with a smile: "Don't thank you Uncle Bao, but let's talk about it first; you must study well at Yulin Institute of Technology. If you can't get the graduation certificate, I will not give you a good look."

With Bao Zixuan take care of, the son must not have any problems in school. And he doesn't need special care, as long as he can learn the ability, he is better than anything.

Now Yulin Institute of Technology has risen, even if Mitsubishi ’s children also break their heads to go in to study. However, Mitsubishi places are limited. After all, it is not a founding school director, less than Panasonic and Sony. Of course, even if there is only one, there is no problem with Iwasaki Hongyi who wants his son to pass.

But in that case, Mrs. Madam will inevitably know; it is definitely not the result he wants.

Bao Zixuan was also happy about this, and his son was in his hands; I wanted to do anything, and Iwasaki Hongyi did not support it. Moreover, it is good for both parties.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I think there is no problem in Chiba, and obtaining a degree is a trivial matter; just worry that he cannot learn the real ability, and then the parents say that I am mistaken for my children."

At this time, Harada Lily came in and said with a smile: "Being able to study in Yulin Institute of Technology in the past is his blessing. If it is not because of Mr. Bao, Chiba really may not have such an opportunity."

"After arriving in Xiangjiang, you must work hard and don't shame your uncle."

In this way, the relationship was brought closer. Secondly, after coming in, the richest wealthy of Bao has found; the lover of Iwasaki Hongyi is not easy, at least smarter than expected. The most important person silently raises his son so much; this forbearance, usually women can't do it.

Then the son -in -law should not be bad.

Iwasaki Hongyi also knew that Bao Zixuan liked to drink, and deliberately brought out Huaxia wine that has been treasured for many years to entertain the guests. This meal can be said to be full of guests; both the purpose of both sides has achieved.

After lunch, after drinking a cup of tea, Bao Zixuan chose to leave. After all, there is no short time in Japan, and there are too many things to deal with Xiangjiang. So after arranging things here, hurry back. After a while, he would have passed the Middle East.

Aisa has a child and must be around. If you can't even do this, is it a man!

Iwasaki Hongyi did not leave, and there were some things to explain. Both mother and son are also clear, and at this moment they are a family meeting.

Although it cannot be said to be a complete family, except for no name, it is almost the same. Iwasaki Hongyi smiled and said, "Chiba can go to Xiangjiang to study in the past, which is good."

"Sony, Takakura, graduated from Yulin Institute of Technology; I heard that MIT continued to be studied again in the past. If you think, you can also take this road."

"I will buy a small island in Fucha Ila, and I will build it in the future according to my preferences. If Chiba thinks, where can I live. It may even become a Fucha Ira aristocracy, which may have a future than in Japan. "

"In the future, Bao Zixuan's focus will inevitably be placed in Fucha Ila. Where the development is definitely not doubt. But the final decision is still in Chiba. No one can force it."

Hearing this, Harada Lily also looked at his son.

Fortunately, so many years of education has not disappointed it.

Harada Chiba: "Father, I want to complete my studies first. In the past, Fucha Irala needed a huge sacrifice; of course I knew this. Bao Zixuan looked at it, but he couldn't be confused by the appearance. His identity was this identity. People who are so polite to everyone, you can't be busy when you see someone every day. "

"Therefore, I have a lot of my heart, if I feel ability can be competent; at least I will not shame you in Focus Ila, or if I am not taken, then I will pass."

"If you can't do it, it doesn't make any sense at all except to increasing troubles."


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