Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1500's Action of Gaul Rooster

On the way home, Iwasaki Hongyi was still a little circled. Unexpectedly, the son was so mature, and it would be so thorough to see the problem. If you can guarantee this, there is no problem where you live. Thinking of the child born by his wife, he made a judgment. However, he gave the Mitsubishi Group and the Iwasaki family to illegitimate children, and he did not have that guts. The most important thing to break the family tradition is not approved inside. It can be changed from an angle to increase the help of Chiba, after all, he can do it himself. As for Bao Zixuan, he did not stay too much in Japan, and it was already half a year since home; he couldn't go, how could he say it could not be passed. However, the topic of the Italian Commodity Exhibition continues to heat up. The most unwilling to say is the French. After all, the Italian Commodity Tokyo Exhibition; the best sales of the goods are nothing more than the clothing field. For this, they are not worse than the Italians. The French people's attention to clothing is the most famous in the world. Coupled with the so -called "Paris style", the world is the same as fashion and popularity. On formal occasions: French people usually wear suits, skirts or dresses. The colors are mostly blue, gray or black, and the texture is mostly pure hair. When attending the celebration ceremony: generally wearing dresses. Men are mostly dressed in sloppy tail clothes or black suit. Most of the ladies wear dress -like monochrome or small dresses. For dressing, the French think that the focus is on whether it is to get the Fa. When choosing hairstyles, handbags, hats, shoes, watches, glasses, they all emphasize to make it consistent with themselves. Therefore, in the hearts of the French people, the design of clothing is matched; they are only stronger than the Italians. If it is before, let French clothing brands and luxury giants. Participating in the so -called commodity exhibition, this kind of activity that listened to is cheap and synonymous, and never care about you. But it was learned that the Italians were not discounted, and the exhibition hall was very high -end. The effect that can be achieved is very amazing. This is the most important thing in the hearts of the French people's feelings; no one who loses to the Italian. This is a matter of principle, and it will even be laughed at the entire world. During World War II, the Italian army's offense was about to surrender, and the seven -to -one military advantage was defeated by the French army. The soldiers who attacked Greece Sanbi were severely lost and almost lost Albania; East Africa and Northern Africa's hundreds of thousands of Italian troops were chased by tens of thousands of British troops. Interesting things. It can be said that the French people may not be able to look at Italy from the deep inside. Now that the other party can surpass them in the luxury goods and clothing industries, this is absolutely unbearable. But the French also knows,

Italy had just cut a wave of leeks in Tokyo; in the past, they would definitely slap their faces. Everyone understands that a country has limited purchasing power in the short term. The Japanese are wealthy and can't stand such steaming.

Seeing that Italians not only made a lot of money, but also to win a huge reputation in the world.

French luxury goods and clothing industries, of course, have to recover one game. And they do have this confidence, at least in the field of clothing, although the number of French brands is not necessarily the largest; but the brand awareness and scale are definitely stronger than Italy.

At this time, the four major families were holding meetings.

The four competitors of Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, and Hermes are not easy to sit together. After all, they did not talk about each other before, but the relationship was really bad. The luxury industry looks at high profits, but customers are limited after all; therefore competition is very fierce. Although stars and rich people don't care about money, the number of rich people is limited after all.

There are still many poor people in this world; the Japanese bonus has not caught up, so it can only imagine methods from other countries.

There are a lot of people who are stupid and willing to consume; they may be the most suitable for selection. The Italians have almost scratched the Japanese. Within or two years, there will be no oil and water to dig.

Since the world's second largest economy does not work, it is directly striving to the world's largest economy; therefore, the French luxury industry has focused on the United States.

But there is also a trouble, all well -known luxury brands; there are shops in the United States, and there are more than one. If the exhibition is successful, if it fails; it will inevitably affect the brand image, and even have a huge impact on the sales of existing stores.

Mark Vuitton; as the head of the family; he just took over from his father, and he wanted to show a different side. He used to appear in major media headlines before, but most of them were small newspaper lace news. As a Louis Vuitton brand Shaobe, coupled with its own handsome and handsome, of course, it will be sought after. Therefore, there is no shortage of girls and friends around him, and the media will naturally characterize him as a playboy.

At this time, Louis Vuitton was still in power as members of the family as the world's most well -known luxury brand. Mark Vuitton believes that at a critical moment, Louis Vuitton certainly wants to stand up and proof of the French luxury goods and clothing industry. Therefore, this meeting was also he convened everyone; there was a feeling of martial arts leader who wanted to issue an order.

Mark Vuitton first said: "Everyone is a predecessor in the industry. It should not be said that I can call everyone. You can see that you have no movement, and you can only call you in the next way. , I have always been in the world's leading position. "

"But who can think that the Italians can achieve great success in the Far East. This has made their influence in Asia that has surpassed the French brand. If you want to save the situation, you must act. Bar!"

In fact, the luxury industry pays attention to brand and heritage; therefore, there is no need to worry, but the Italians have made too much this time in the Far East, and it is even to make the whole world envy.

Getting funds is capable of expanding the size of the enterprise. And I was worried that the Italians would taste the sweetness and make it like this in other countries. In addition, the Louis Vuitton family talked to everyone, indicating that Mark Weden couldn't sit still. Although the external enemy is terrible, it is not enough to be fatal. I am afraid that the internal is self -confused, so all French brands will be affected.

"If you want to be irreplaceable, you must be different." This phrase shows the infinitely possible quotes of women, from the legendary figure of the fashion industry Coco-Chanel. As one of the most popular brands in the world, Chanel has become a long -lasting legend. Wearing a Chanel suit and a Chanel 5 perfume, it is a dream of a fashionable woman for a better life.

However, what is not known to the public is that since its establishment of the Chanel brand, it is not Ms. Chanel or her offspring that controls it, but a very low -key but successful Jewish family -the Wateheimer family. Chanel brand representative, William Witheimer; a family core member.

At this time, several others looked at him. The meaning is obvious that the French brand wants to hold an exhibition abroad. They can't do it, only the Wateheimer family has this strength.

William Witheimer said with a smile: "The Black Cloud Group has clearly stated that it will not hold such a commodity exhibition. Bao Zixuan's attitude is very resolute and there is no room for discussion at all."

"It can be said that no face is, so we can only rely on ourselves."

"Mr. Weden just said that he couldn't sit still, and of course we had to act. And the meaning of everyone, I also know. The Wateheimer family will come forward, but there are only two places to consider."

"First of all, the United States, after all, the economic strength of the United States; and other hardware facilities, consumption power, there is no problem. Of course, another is our deadly opponent -West Germany."

"I have to admit that the economic development of West Germany is indeed much faster than France. And there are many populations in West Germany, and there are no well -known clothing brands in the local area."

West Germany's proposal was quickly rejected. The relationship between Germany and France is unclear in one sentence and two sentences. The two are even more revenge, how can the Germans agree; let the French brands come to make money.

Then only the United States can consider, after all, the popularity of Los Angeles; and economic strength is still worthy of recognition.

Of course, it is temporarily decided, and it is necessary to communicate with Americans and other columns.

In fact, not only the French, many European countries are thinking about how to hold a commodity exhibition in other countries in the past; even the Italians are considering where the next step is appropriate.

Bao Zixuan successfully accelerated the exchanges between countries, but the effect was not very good. As for the French people went to the United States, not only did they pay a lot of money, but more seriously damaged the brand value. It can be described as losing his wife and folding soldiers.

It wasn't until this time that people found that Bao Zixuan would give up. It turned out that people had already expected this result, which to a certain extent made the wealthy wealthy.


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