Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1501 Mother's Ecact

After returning to Xiangjiang, Bao Zixuan turned into a super -dad again. I haven't seen it in half a year, and the child is really fast; now I can sit up. It may be a gene or a child of his own; Although it is so long to leave home, although his wife Zhang Youran will not say much; as a mother, it must not be the case. At least in front of the daughter -in -law, say a few words about his son. Otherwise, it is easy to cause contradictions between husband and wife, and it still has to be towards daughter -in -law. Li Yulin said with a serious expression: "Axuan, your business is getting bigger and bigger now; we also understand many things. But now it is not better than before. You are a family, you have to think about your wife and children. You, you, you As soon as I walk, it is more than half a year, and it is the Soviet Union and the Middle East. Such a dangerous place, what happened in case of something, what do we do. "" Now there are wives and children, don't always run out all day long. Xiangjiang has no business to do it, or everything, you need to do it yourself. "The daughter -in -law didn't say anything. As a mother -in -law's surface work, it must be done well, at least not allowed outsiders to pick out any problems. Li Yulin is definitely a clever person, and it is clear that his son must have something to do in the Middle East. The most important media has also reported, but they are all lace tabloids, and there is no substantial evidence. But the cave is not necessarily the cause! In addition, Xiangjiang Media has not set up a branch in the Middle East, and her daughter -in -law is also a smart woman; she can only choose to believe in her husband, but what is the idea of ​​the heart is probably only clear. Bao Zixuan: "I won't be in the future, mainly because this time is too important. And it is the first time in our cooperation, of course, we must go through in person. Now the road has been rolled out, and other people will be sent in the future." Although she knew that her son was fake, he could take the initiative to comfort her and daughter -in -law; he was still very happy to listen to it. In the evening, Zhang Youran took the child to sleep, and Li Yulin called Bao Zixuan to the room. Many things had long wanted to know, but they could not say in front of their daughter -in -law; it was tantamount to creating contradictions for both husband and wife. When the wealthy Bao saw it, the mother had found something, but just because of her love, he called him to the room. After all, the mother is still very different from his wife. No matter what the situation, she will support her son unconditionally. Li Yulin said very formally: "A Xuan, talk to me, what's going on in the Middle East. How many women do you have now, which step is currently developing." "As a mother, I should not pit myself. Son. But I also hope that I can understand some of my son's information. I don't want to participate in business things, but if there are children outside, as grandma, I should have the right to know. " ,,

Bao Zixuan immediately understands what it means. As long as you are your own child, you will recognize it as a mother. It may be the case in the world, and women must not allow her husband to make mistakes; but for their son, they are basically tolerant. Moreover, Bao Zixuan is so good. Even if he doesn't look for it, many women will take the initiative to lean on them.

I can't control this at all, but we must know if you have a grandson. Although there are currently two children, the granddaughter is not so perfect in Li Yulin's eyes.

Bao Zixuan thought about it: "I have two women in the Middle East, one is the daughter of Prince Saultan, the No. 3 character of Saudi Arabia. It is already pregnant and I am going to be born in 3 months. Therefore, I am at most Xiangjiang. A month, you can cover me at that time. "

"Another one is the female chief of Fucha Ila, who has discussed it well; in the future, our children will become the chief of Fucha Irah. This is why I have spared no effort to help Fucha Irala; Will be so willing. "

"Although Xiangjiang is very good, it is not completely belonging to our Baojia. Fucha Ila is different. Where can I follow our ideas; the construction of my heart is also for the long -term development of the family."

"Of course there are a few lover, and the relationship is not easy to say. But these two have been determined."

His son has a woman outside, of course Li Yulin knows. Even if there is no evidence, it can be guessed. I just did not expect that one was a princess and the other turned out to be the female chief. This is something that I dare not think before, so I followed my son without asking for a name. The most important thing is to have children in 3 months; although happy, it will inevitably worry.

If a son is really born, how to divide the family property. The eldest son is not a cricket, and it is a troublesome in any family.

Children's grandchildren, definitely the heart of grandparents. Although the two granddaughter also likes it, I always feel that I lack something.

Li Yulin: "What are you ready to do, is it different for a lifetime! She is a clever person, but she usually doesn't say it, but she should be clear in her heart."

"Also, children are born now, but this involves the problem of distribution of household property."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan felt okay. The mother was not angry, indicating that this matter would definitely stand on the side of her son.

However, Li Yulin's next words made Baochou wealthy really don't know what to say.

Li Yulin continued: "Since it is about to give birth, you can arrange it. I must look at the grandson and not let the woman chill. There is no name to follow you. As a child's grandma, you can't express it at all."

Listen to the meaning of my mother, want to past the Middle East. Poor parents in the world can do so, it is really no one.

It seems that many times, the blood relationship is really unable to leave. Now I think about looking at my grandson as soon as possible, and no matter what my daughter -in -law thinks, my mother -in -law is doing it enough.

Perhaps seeing his son's thoughts, Li Yulin said with a smile: "You must not let You Ran know, otherwise the family will definitely not be peaceful. Even in a large woman, it is difficult to tolerate such things."

"I am also a woman, but in the face of my son's mistakes; especially such a mistake, it is really resentful."

"But you have to consider it, and the distribution of home production. Although it is still young, it is not a trivial matter."

Bao Zixuan: "I definitely want to pass, you are over; staying alone at home, not very good!"

In fact, Li Yulin also considered this problem, after all, the child is too young. Both father and grandma left; although there was a nanny to take care of a woman to take care of it, it was really not the case. But anyone who wants to look at the grandson cannot stop anyone. How to solve it properly becomes a top priority.

After all, time does not wait for people, children are almost born. If you can't see it, you may not even sleep well.

Li Yulin: "After a while, I used to make a circle of Huaxia continent. It was a shift to see a special plane from the Chinese continent.

"Otherwise, how can the relationship between mother -in -law and mother -in -law get along. These should be simple to you!"

Hearing his mother to see the child, she would do so. The richest man Bao is speechless for a while. Maybe you will have a deeper feeling until you are older!

Bao Zixuan: "Yes, but it was Huaxia in the past, and it was going to the Middle East. Can you do it! I just have concerns about this aspect. After all, the Middle East climate is much worse than Xiangjiang."

Hearing this, Li Yulin said with a smile: "When I was young, I had eaten everything, and now there is no problem. Arrange things, and some things need to be considered and layout in advance. It's a matter of principle. "

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan understood. Mother is also a woman, but the concept still cannot be changed.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "No problem, no one dares to bully your grandson."

No, I can only wait until I have it.

Li Yulin: "I haven't come back for so long, accompany leisurely."

Bao Zixuan returned to the room and saw that the child had fallen asleep. The wife is waiting for him, and he knows what it means from his eyes.

After giving birth to a child, I have never had the same room, just worried that it is not good for the body. Time is also appropriate now, and I don't want my wife to doubt.

After Yun Yu, Bao Zixuan said with Zhang Youran: "I am not at home for so many days, you have worked hard to bring your children."

Zhang Youran said with a smile: "I have any hard work, don't women do this! And there is such a nanny care, and the two mothers will help, so you don't need to worry about me."

It's you, pay attention to safety outside. Trees are great, and many things are not as needed.

Hearing his wife said that, Bao Zixuan really didn't know what to say. It can only be compensated, but it is really not easy to find it.


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