Back to Xiangjiang for a week, in addition to going to the company during the period, he stayed at home. Wife and children have not been accompanied for so many days; if people are in Xiangjiang, they do not have home, then it really does not pass. At the same time, two months later, the mother and herself will leave for a while. The most important time coming back is uncertain, so at home, you can't make your wife sad. As a father, it is for granted to accompany daughter. However, this peaceful life was quickly broken. Bao Zixuan returned, and Shen Yan even called a banker to meet; several other bosses passed. If it was Shen Yan, Bao Zixuan really didn't want to ignore him. But Governor Yude has determined to participate, and the Governor's House also called him. If this face is not given, obviously can't say. The main body of Heiyun Group is still in Xiangjiang, and many things cannot be done too casually. And there is no need to offend people in small things, it is obviously worthless. Xiangjiang Banking industry wants to hold a summit, mainly for the last time; the competition in various banks is very fierce, so that HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank are a bit unbearable. Now Xiangjiang is managed by the British, and it must safeguard the interests of British assets. Therefore, I want to call the banking leader to meet. The purpose is already very obvious. I hope everyone will compete fairly without maliciously slandering their opponents. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is intentionally suppressed by China -funded banks; living space for British -funded banks. It's just that you can't speak directly, then everyone's face is not good. However, competition can only think of other ways, and it is impossible to wait for death; the British can do everything, but many people have not touched it. Still at the Peninsula Hotel, it is very famous in itself; and because Bao Zixuan often comes over, becoming more famous. After all, the richest wealth of Bao has basically never been to other places except for business. The same is true of the governor. After all, it was the banking summit and held in the Governor's House; The arrival of Bao Zixuan made Migao-Jia Daoli very happy. I have n’t seen it for so long, and the most important thing wants to invest in Fucha Ila in the past. With the ability of Bao Zixuan and spare no effort, Fucha Ila will definitely develop into one of the most prosperous countries in the world. There may be a chance now, if you start late; it may not even drink soup in the end. And the most important thing for Bao Zixuan to see that the Jiadao family is absolutely interesting. As long as you need support, you will spare no effort. Migao-Jia Daoli said with a smile: "Bao Sheng, this walk is more than half a year. You are not in Xiangjiang, as if the whole city feels lonely." This boy did not say hello to others, is it waiting for himself here; possible. But don't you just find him? The Facha Irah Hotel still wants to let the Jia Daoli family participate; otherwise, it is a troublesome thing to manage it, even if it is built, management is a trouble.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Jia Daoli has passed the award, I am a person who can't stay; it has been used to it for so many years. After a while, I will have passed the Middle East, otherwise we will be together."

This is a direct invitation. If you don't understand, don't do business in the future.

Migao-Jia Daoli said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. The Jiadao family also wants to look at the Middle East where there are places worth investing. And with Bao Sheng, making money is the easiest thing."

Commercial reputation and personal strength are superimposed, which can definitely make people believe. The most important partners made money before, which is more convincing than everything.

Bao Zixuan came to the banquet hall and saw that others had arrived. Everyone has their own circles, chatting together. It can be said that it is clear, and it can be seen from here that the group of Xiangjiang tycoon at this moment.

Father -in -law Zhang Yuliang did not come over, and his bad health was just an excuse; he wanted to give the eldest son a chance.

Seeing Bao Zixuan over, Zhang Jianxin came over immediately. For this cheap brother, the richest man in the Bao really did not have much contact. It is not born of a mother, and the internal personnel of the family are not as united as expected. Most importantly, Zhang Youran is a smart person. If he marrys an ordinary person, he may still think about the cheapness of Zhan Niang's house.

But at this moment, her husband is the richest man in Xiangjiang. If you don't want to suffer; the best way is to keep a distance with his family. And to be honest, in addition to her biological mother's three ladies, the Zhang family has a very general relationship with her.

A family is strong, and resources are limited after all. Under normal circumstances, because of various relationships, big houses have always liked to eat more and more; in this case, others will definitely be dissatisfied.

Therefore, it looks like a family, but the relationship may be worse than ordinary friends; it may be worse.

But now it is different, Bao Zixuan is the richest man in Xiangjiang. Then Zhang Youran naturally became the sister of the Zhang family's heart, even if it is not cheap; when others deal with you, they will also consider this identity carefully.

Zhang Jianxin walked in front of Bao Zixuan and said with a smile: "Brother -in -law, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Seeing this cheap brother, the richest man in the Bao really didn't know what to say. Zhang Youran has clearly expressed his statement, trying to travel with the Zhang family as little as possible. However, it is currently in public, and outsiders must not be seen; his relationship with Zhang family is not as harmonious as he imagined.

Without a smiley face, there is no problem saying that people say that.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It turned out to be a big brother! It's a long time since I saw it, what are you busy recently!"

"I just came back from the outside. Why did I have a meeting suddenly. In the recent period of time, Heiyun Bank is mainly busy with overseas business, and I have not paid special attention to the development of Xiangjiang."

This is really fine. Everyone knows that Black Cloud Bank has successfully won the Italy, the Soviet Union, and the Middle East market; the influence in some countries must definitely exceed HSBC. Moreover, the size of Heiyun Group's assets is too huge, and the management bank is not a strong point for Bao's richest man. It is said that Quanxiangjiang knows that Bao Zixuan likes to be a hand shopkeeper; therefore, it is not known that things here is normal.

Since the acquisition of Nanyang Commercial Bank, Zhang Jianxin has been responsible for Zhang Jianxin. For Xiangjiang Banking industry, there is any wind blowing, he is clear. After all, there is a dad on it, if you suddenly smell it; if you don't know anything, it will inevitably affect his status in the family.

Although he is the eldest son at home, the Zhang family has never had the eldest son inherited. Dad ranks the third child, don't you still control the entire family!

Whether you really don't know, or deliberately say that. Whoever let people's identity be put, even as a big brother; but in front of my brother -in -law, there is no sense of existence.

Zhang Jianxin: "In the past six months, Xiangjiang's banking industry competition is very fierce. At the time, the suggestions you gave to your father vigorously developed the NY market; therefore, the Zhang family was not affected. After all, we did not have a direct competition with each family!"

"At present, the major banks of Xiangjiang have a large number of outlets in Nanyang; therefore, it is relatively smooth development."

"But Xiangjiang's local bank is not so good."

"Especially Zheng's Bank and Bao's Bank, in order to absorb deposits, they use everything. I don't say anything about the interest, and they are still doing various small actions below. Although Zheng Yutong has damaged his reputation because of things some time ago. But thin and dead camels are bigger than horses, and some people are willing to believe in him. "

"As for the charter king, where is the strength of their own strength; seeing high interest, the store only wants to take advantage of it, and will not doubt others."

"This has caused bank operating costs to rise straight, the deposit interest rate increases, and the loan interest rate will naturally increase. Some companies can be described as miserable, and it will cause serious loss of bank customers such as HSBC and Standard Chartered. Of course, there will be some action. Therefore, this summit is there. The reputation of the reputation of the Xiangjiang Bank is the reputation.

"After all, the same interest, China Business Bank can make money; but HSBC itself has a high management cost, and of course there is no profit."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan understood what it meant. This is not possible, I want to force it through administrative means. It seems that Shen Yan is really anxious, otherwise it will never do so.

After all, business things are better to solve in the mall, what it means now. If the handling is not good, you will not be convinced; in the end, it will only make people look down on.

It may also be that there are no other ways, otherwise Shen Da class, who has always been arrogant; even if he is shameless, he will not use the means of violation of business rules!


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