At this stage, many tycoons in Xiangjiang are definitely faces and discord, and everyone has their own small nine nine. Before everyone competed for real estate and shipping. However, the situation has changed a lot, because the relationship between the richest wealth of the bag has increased the threshold for banks. The previous tycoon who started by the money house had already withdrawn from the financial field. Now Xiangjiang can continue to operate banks, and it is not a simple role. If there is no strength, you will not be trusted at all. And because in Xiangjiang, the Chinese salary itself is lower than the United Kingdom. Make Chinese -funded enterprises occupy a small advantage in operating costs. Coupled with the relatively flexible work, British capital in many areas has not competition at all. It was just other industries before, but there was no obvious impact on the financial industry. But the situation is different now, many tycoon in Xiangjiang enters the banking field, then it is good for HSBC or Standard Chartered; foreign banks have no advantage at all. Customers believed before because they were relieved. After all, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank are both century -old companies, and the reputation can still be guaranteed. With the rise of Heiyun Bank, and the world knows the horror financial resources of Bao Zixuan; and in the core technology field, Heiyun Bank is really stronger than foreign banks. The storage households naturally know how to choose, so British banks have already seen the crisis. If you do not change, then the final result will never be better. When Li Zhaoji saw Bao Zixuan, he came over. They are basically invested in Iraq, but they are relatively worth; the scale and volume are not large. Just to make a good destiny, after all, the Middle East is not fair. In the event of a war with other countries, their investment will inevitably suffer. If the investment is not large, even if all the losses are lost; it will not affect Li Zhaoji and others. Once Iraq's economy develops, they can not only take the lead, but also enter the field of oil and natural gas. After all, I have supported you before, and now I must give a little benefit. Li Zhaoji said with a smile: "Bao Sheng is really a big deal, but it is estimated that others can not be envious. Many people used to think that the Black Cloud Group undertakes the Italian Commodity Japan Exhibition. Things, Bao Sheng has never disappointed. "" It seems that doing business is really to learn from Bao Sheng. In Fucha Irah, there are those projects to invest. You can think of your brother, follow you, and follow you. It is also good to drink soup. "It really thinks that Bao Zixuan's inheritance of the Italian Commodity Tokyo Exhibition is a person who is not doing business. Basically, it is a so -called expert. Increase popularity by slandering and negating the richest man of the package. At any time, someone will go to the heat. But Xiangjiang Tycoon, or those who understand Bao Zixuan; basically don't think so.

It even feels that the other party will definitely achieve eye -catching results.

Sure enough, they guessed very accurately, at least Bao Zixuan brought surprises to the world again. Authoritative media has done statistics. Through this exhibition, the richest man in the exhibition will account for at least $ 1 billion. What is this concept? It is estimated that many big companies in Xiangjiang can't make so much money a year.

This is strength, don't look at people's young; but doing business is definitely much stronger than them.

Suddenly mentioned Focus Ila, it seems that this is not a secret in the world. Since Li Zhaoji knows, his wife Zhang Youran must know. I just didn't say it, or I didn't know what to say.

But since it is done, it must not be abandoned halfway. Li Zhaoji wants to invest in the past, and this is the same. It can be made into another Xiangjiang. Although it is very difficult, it is not impossible as long as it is done by heart.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Li Sheng said laughed, and he was lucky. At that time, he didn't expect that there would be such a good result, but the situation was forced. Heiyun Group wanted to fully enter Italy. It is not expected that the Japanese will be so crazy for helping Italian SMEs increase sales. "

"As for the past in Focus Irah, there is no problem at all. In the future, Fushara is definitely the most developed region in the world. I can guarantee this. If Li Sheng needs it, you can sell an island to the Li family at a low price."

You can achieve such good results, saying that Bao Zixuan is the illegitimate son of God; now it is found that it may be true. However, the other party did not continue to mention the topic of Italy, and it has been clearly expressed before, and will not continue to undertake any commodity exhibition. Then this topic can be filtered out.

Both sides are busy people, and they are not ready for projects, and it is not necessary to talk about it. But Fucha Ila is definitely going to enter. Even if the card position is in advance, after all, Bao Zixuan has not been promoted by the project.

Now Bao Zixuan said that it can be assigned to a small island of Li family, which can be considered. Although it is very exciting, it cannot be agreed directly. In case the island's location is relatively clear, then he finally suffered.

Fucha Irala is located in the Middle East, and has not stopped around. If you do n’t have absolute grasping, you can invest in the past; it is very dangerous. Now that the other party sincerely invites, it must be expressed.

Li Zhaoji said with a smile: "Bao Sheng said so, then the Li family has to investigate it well. It is not a investigation for precision, and the contract can be signed in the past."

"The island must be kept for me. I know Bao Sheng is going to play a big game."

Attitude must be shown that at least it cannot be refuted. And Bao Zixuan's meaning is very obvious, the island can definitely be built according to the family territory. Xiangjiang has always belonged to the British colony, so it is no stranger to the noble Li Zhaoji.

If the Li family can have their own islands and territories, it has great benefits for family inheritance.

Bao Zixuan just valued this before taking out the island for bait. Xiangjiang's bunny is not short of money. But noble identity will not refuse. Although there is no title, it is also a progress in having a territory.

Last time, the British used to attract Xiangjiang youth talents with a disadvantaged noble girl, but many people hooked. This time you only need to pay for it; I believe that many Chinese tycoon will not refuse.

Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "After a while I have to go to the Middle East, if Li Sheng has time, you can turn around together."

"I believe it will not let you down, after all, where you want to build, you can."

It can be said that at this moment the richest wealth of Bao, domineering side leakage. Publicly showed that the determination to develop Fucha Ila is of course to enhance the confidence of investors.

If you have no confidence, how can other businessmen believe it. And can also reassure the British, Bao Zixuan has already had new goals and ideas.

If Xiangjiang has always belonged to the British management, he must not want the tycoon to leave. Especially Bao Zixuan, after all, this kid's influence is too big.

But now the return is inevitable, so it doesn't matter. Bao Zixuan is willing to toss, it is his own business. As long as it does not harm British interests, go with him!

The most important thing about this kid has been very sensible in the recent period. It is a combined aircraft manufacturing company with a very fast construction speed. Coupled with the increase in orders, it is believed that it is not only the overall manufacturing level of British aircraft; the entire country's economy can be greatly improved.

Now that people have a better choice, they must not stop, and they can't stop it at all. Instead of being unhappy, it is better to let the other person let go of your hands, so that you can also have a good destiny.

Li Zhaoji said with a smile: "Since the invitation of Bao Sheng, of course, I will not miss it. When, inform me in advance, and make arrangements."

"At the same time, you should invest in those areas, and you should also ask Bao Sheng to guide one or two. After all, wherever life is not familiar, you don't know much about the local economy."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan thought; Super Tycons, none of them were fuel -saving lamps. On the surface, it is to make yourself guiding, but you don't want to suffer. After all, I recommend the project that Li family invests in, even if it pays a large price, it must be fully supported.

This guy really does not do a loss of money, but there is no other good way at this moment. Who makes him now need the support of the tycoon.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, as long as Li Shengxin has to be underneath, he will spare no effort. But let's talk about it first, if the project does not make money, you can't blame me."

That's it, but Li Zhaoji was very clear in his heart. With Bao Zixuan's personality, this will never happen!


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