In fact, almost everyone saw Bao Zixuan's arrival. It's just that someone has always been around, and it is not easy to come to disturb. Now seeing Li Zhaoji finished talking with him, familiar people must come over to say hello. This time the British convened a meeting, and there was no kindness! In addition, it is Chinese businessmen who can dominate Xiangjiang Capital; at this time, you must not be chaotic, so that the British will take advantage of it.

If Chinese businessmen want to strive for better conditions, they must unite; even Zheng Yutong and Bao Yugang are very clear. But let them bow their heads to Bao Zixuan, and they can't do it.

However, others don't think so, don't bow their heads, but at this moment, Bao Zixuan and Hei Cloud Bank must be united; even if the focus of the wealthy wealth is now in Xiangjiang.

After all, Xiangjiang still has such a large industry, and everyone is familiar with each other, and there is no need to worry about the other party that will harm the interests of Chinese businessmen.

Huo Yingdong came over and said with a smile: "It is still your toss movement, it seems that we are really old. What are the plans in the future, really prepare to increase investment in the Middle East."

To say that Bao Zixuan stood firm in the Middle East, the most uncomfortable heart was Huo Lao. After all, he always hoped that Bao Zixuan could come up. And this kid did it in terms of investment. The investment scale of Heiyun Group and Hutchison Huangpu on the mainland are more investment than other tycies in Xiangjiang.

What is this concept, that is, Bao Zixuan is very optimistic about the economic development of the Chinese mainland. And with the ability of the other party to increase investment in the future; to make the economy be more upper level, it is definitely a little.

But just when it was justified with the Huang Plaza project, it was ready to show his fists; Fucha Ila was so surprised to people. Increasing 2,000 square kilometers of land, still guarding the Persian Bay's throat; ask such a superior geographical location, who will give up easily.

Either a person or a company, even if the strength is strong, it is limited. In the future, the Black Cloud Group will definitely increase the investment efforts of Fucha Ila, and this will be the case. Then the investment scale of other places will inevitably decrease accordingly.

Xiangjiang will definitely return in the future. If the Black Cloud Group compressed the scale of investment; then it is very difficult to develop at a high speed.

Of course, this is just one aspect. Bao Zixuan's influence is too great; if the other tycoon in Xiangjiang used to invest in Fucha Ila in the past, the Xiangjiang economy will even decline.

If this happens, the British will definitely have something to say. Huo Lao still wanted to advise the wealthy wealthy. Although he knew it didn't mean it, he still had to try.

Bao Zixuan: "I hope to have factories in the world, this goal will not change. And in one place, too much investment is not good. Avoid risks, and also gives benefits to others."

"As for Fucha Ila,

In the future, investment will definitely increase investment. If Huo Lao is interested, he has turned around in the past. "

Hearing Bao Zixuan said so, Huo Yingdong certainly understood what it meant. It seems that the other party has decisive, and there is no need to discourage it. If they are dissuaded, they are not happy to make trouble, and they are not very good for each other.

But for Fucha Ila, even if Huo Yingdong is interested, he will not choose to invest at this time. Security is one aspect, and the most important time is inappropriate.

If the Xiangjiang people see that the Huo family goes to invest in other places at this time; then what will I think.

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Since your kid already decided, I don’t say much."

"But this meeting is related to the interests of all Chinese -funded banks; it must not be loose, and you have to take the lead. At present, our strength and scale are not enough to pay attention to foreign banks. I heard that this time it has successfully opened up several national markets. It is really a great achievement. "

In fact, let Heiyun Bank take the leader in the leader of China, and has formed a tacit understanding among Chinese banks. I don't want to make the headbird on the one hand. The most important thing is that the strength is not allowed. Although they have a lot of personal assets, the scale of banks; there is a small gap compared to HSBC and Standard Chartered.

The basic businesses are all in Xiangjiang, and there are still many cooperation with HSBC. Funding and British funds need to deal with HSBC and Standard Chartered. Even Black Cloud Bank is powerless.

At this stage, Xiangjiang and British are located; or funds between the Commonwealth countries are very frequent. If these are broken, the loss will never be small.

This is also the HSBC Bank, and there is also the reason for the reasons for the face to meet everyone.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't take a long time when I just came back, I would take the lead. Even if I let me do something, I have to know the ins and out!"

Whether this kid is unclear, Huo Yingdong really doesn't know. After all, anyone knows that Heiyun Bank has been handed over to the professional manager responsible for management. Bao Zixuan rarely participate in specific operations. It is not impossible if Yuan Tianfan did not tell the boss. After all, things have just happened, and Bao Zixuan has been in the Middle East.

And it is fighting, unless it is particularly urgent; it will never disturb him.

But it feels impossible, after all, it is related to the direction of bank development; and core competitiveness. Bao Zixuan is decentralizing, and Yuan Tianfan should also report to him.

But since others ask, they always have to answer.

Huo Yingdong thought about it: "At present, the major banks in Xiangjiang are very fierce. In order to attract the storeders, it can be described as the same. Of course, all the black cloud banks have not participated, after all, the business between enterprises; and black Yun's own employee storage business is enough to make your banks first. "

"But we can't do it, in order to develop; only to continue to attract stores to grab resources from HSBC and Standard Chartered. The only advantage is that the operating cost is lower."

"Take the HSBC Bank for example, Shen Yan's salary; it is comparable to the salary of the entire management team of our bank. Therefore, we must have a more advantage in attracting local customers of Xiangjiang."

"Although the status of HSBC Bank has declined, after all, it has been done in Xiangjiang First Bank for so long. There are still a lot of resources, critical moments; the British do not want to see HSBC banking problems or survive."

"Therefore, they want to use other means to interfere with the development and operation of China -funded banks. At present, they have not been said, but the highest deposit and loan interest should be stipulated."

"If the conditions are moderate, it is also good for both parties. After all, the deposit interest rate has greatly improved, and we are also very difficult."

"But now I am worried that HSBC's bank is in the middle. You don't know the character of Shen Yan, it is definitely a master who has not achieved the purpose."

"Recently, you are not in Xiangjiang. HSBC has begun to engage in things, and many business means that do not belong to it, which makes everyone miserable."

Use administrative means to intervene in economic and capital trends. This trick is not very clever, but it will definitely be very effective. Perhaps Shen Yan also saw this before organizing the meeting. "

Bao Zixuan: "Let's take a look at what Shen Yan wants to do first, and things are definitely not that simple. If it is just to reduce interest, there is no need to make such a great movement. Governor's prefecture's order, it is estimated that everyone must follow."

"And this kind of direct intervention of economic development, Shen Yan will not do it. He still pays attention to the image, and has always advertised himself as the most powerful banker in Quanxiangjiang, absolute professionals; the retired grade should not, he should not be able What stains are left for yourself. "

Hearing Bao Zixuan said so, Huo Yingdong also felt makes sense. After all, if you really let everyone reduce interest, issue a file, or make a call, you will take it seriously. No one wants to do it with the Governor's House, and it is not looking for something.

And reducing deposit interest is good for everyone. Bank management costs are already fixed, so the profit will naturally increase accordingly. As for the loan interest rate, it is controlled by yourself.

Still this boy thinks thoroughly, but also knows Shen Yan more.

But there is also a possibility that Bao Zixuan is unwilling to be the head of this head; deliberately saying. After all, the future focus of others will definitely be put in Fucha Ila; Xiangjiang Financial Market does not say that it has nothing to do with it, but it will never be as good as before.

At present, the only way is to wait to see what Shen Yan wants to do. With his age, it is likely to be the last dance in Xiangjiang. As Bao Zixuan said, a person who pays great attention to reputation is not allowed to stain at the last moment of his career.

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