Bao Zixuan knows more about Shen Yan, and there is indeed a more profound layout at this moment. If it can be implemented in accordance with the plan, it is a huge promotion for Xiangjiang Financial Industry. In addition, HSBC's outlets and brand advantages will inevitably become the biggest beneficiaries.

Even Black Cloud Bank, the outlets and branches at this time did not have HSBC. After all, people have developed for more than a century, and business in many places can be described as deeply rooted; it is not easy for other banks to insert it. This is also the confidence of Shen Yan, a confidence that allows HSBC to return to the top of Xiangjiang.

Even if you know, in terms of asset size; HSBC is far behind HSBC compared to Heiyun Group and even Hutchison Whampoa. But it does not rule out that it can occupy the heights from another aspect. At least the bank influence, Shen Yan didn't want to lose. Previously, in the crisis of the Hong Kong dollar, it harmed the interests of the people of Xiangjiang and caused HSBC to lose some of the coinage rights.

Then Black Cloud Bank relying on technological advantages, especially ATM machines, it has made HSBC's customer scale in Xiangjiang has been surpassed by Black Cloud. In fact, these Shen Yan can be received, and there are reasons to persuade the board of directors.

The return of Xiangjiang, HSBC is not so suitable as a quasi -central bank; then it is reasonable to give up some functions and privileges. If you want to continue to be the boss of Xiangjiang Banking industry, you must do things that all banks are convinced and satisfactory.

In fact, Shen Yan was a little envious of Heiyun Bank and Yuan Tianfan, if he was in his position. It is estimated that the Heiyun Bank has long been the Fragrant Bank of the Fragrant Bank. It ’s just that it’ s useless to think about these, it is even more practical to make HSBC's development and increase and increase influence. Enterprises who are about to leave their lives for a lifetime, and they still retire as the chairman; at least leave the successor to have a long -term development space.

Governor Yude's arrival made the atmosphere weird. After all, everyone knows that it was the stage of testing each other before; now it is finally time to see the true chapter.

What made people unexpected was that Yide even walked directly to Bao Zixuan. What is this operation, even the richest man in the bag. Didn't I see it for a long time, my old guy thought him, but this one could not explain at all. After all, the relationship between the two is not so familiar, is there anything else here.

Just come to find yourself, and the other party is the governor, and the richest man is not easy to refuse. In the future, the industry in Xiangjiang will never discard it, and dare not lose it. It is really impossible to reject the goodwill released by Yide.

Youde said with a smile: "I heard that you are back, and you want to meet you for a long time. But before you worry that you have n’t been in Xiangjiang for so long, there are many things in family and companies, so I’ m just seeing it here. Also save a lot of trouble. "

Unexpectedly, the Governor said that, it made Bao Zixuan a little confused. Is the old boy looking for himself, or something else. But people didn't say it, and they didn't ask much. How to say, the other party is also the Governor of Xiangjiang, where is the identity and status.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I just came back,

Instead, the Governor would have a thought. What happened next time, let the secretary call me directly; don't say anything about disturbances. That would be a little embarrassed. "

If you don't know the purpose of the other party, it is better to go first. It is not necessary to find trouble for yourself. After all, you still have to look at what the other party says, and then answer the corresponding answer. Both Li Zhaoji and Huo Yingdong knew the Middle East; as the Governor of Xiangjiang, Youde could not know.

Then, that is, we must not think of the words that make the black cloud move to Britain. Before the British did too many aspects, but they were rejected by various reasons by their riches. At this stage, it will not be even more. But suddenly so polite, it must be demanded. As an official of an old diplomat, Ude looks very polite; but what is the idea is that he is the most clear.

Youde said with a smile: "It's not a big deal, but just to the future development of Xiangjiang's economy, I want to discuss with you. After all, in the recent period of time, because various factors are superimposed together, the Xiangjiang real estate market fluctuates greatly."

"Although you are not engaged in real estate development, you can help analyze the problem from another angle."

The recent wave of real estate prices rose from the end of 1975; the government began to build a subway construction plan in 1976, increasing the value of urban land. In 1978, the "residential house plan" was also implemented, which solved the problem of 2.225 million Putong citizen housing. In 1977, Xiangjiang had a population of more than 4.5 million, and in 1979 reached 5 million.

The increase in demand has made the building in short, and the emerging town has gradually formed. With the rapid development of the late 1970s, the Xiangjiang Real Estate market reached a climax in 1981, but the worldwide economic crisis and negotiations on Hua Yingxiangjiang issues have caused Xiangjiang people to have a crisis of confidence. At the end of 1982, Hong Kong's property prices fell 60%from 1981, and the real estate market collapsed in 1983.

Although it has improved at present, it is much different from before.

After all, Xiangjiang people are watching and dare not buy a house. Especially Bao Zixuan tossed such a great movement in Fucha Ila. Media reporting is one aspect, the most important relationship is a bit more related; or the families that can afford the house have a little relationship and channel.

The Heiyun Group is likely to have the development of Fucha Ila in the future, so it is not a good thing for the Xiangjiang economy. In fact, since the 1970s, Xiangjiang Industry has been in the stage of modernization, diversified development and the formation of international financial centers.

Time has come to 80 years; Xiangjiang economy has developed rapidly in the processing industry, foreign trade, and transportation, finance, construction, tourism, etc. Gradually form a industrial city based on the processing industry, dominated by foreign trade, and multiple operations.

The development process of Xiangjiang Industrial has the same characteristics as other countries and regions: export -oriented, industrial and trade symbiotic relationships; light industry dominance; small enterprises account for the majority, strong adaptability, and so on.

These characteristics are determined by Xiangjiang's own small environment. Xiangjiang itself lacks natural resources. Industrial raw materials and semi -manufactured finished products mainly depend on imports; many people, small land, but have a world natural good port; internal markets are limited, most of the products need to be exported. Therefore, the development of industry must depend on foreign trade from the input of raw materials to the output of the product. Without foreign trade, Xiangjiang Industry and the entire economy will suffocate. On the other hand, due to the fewer investment in light industrial instruments, short production cycles, rapid capital turnover, and strong adaptability; so Xiangjiang started the road to develop light industry at the beginning.

It can be said that in addition to the Black Cloud Group, most companies are engaged in light industry production.

However, there is no technical content in the light industry products. And Xiangjiang products are basically the lowest end of the industry, or are founders. European manufacturers have their own popularity; they can even be said to have become luxury goods. Therefore, the brand's added value is very high, and the enterprise has a deeper heritage and precipitation.

However, Xiangjiang is different, all of which are received by labor costs and traffic advantages. If these two advantages are lost, then companies will become very difficult to survive.

Now Southeast Asian countries are rising rapidly, and the labor costs and land costs of the Huaxia continent occupy obvious advantages. If Xiangjiang does not change, or does not go out of a path that suits your development. Then the final result can be imagined, and the decline is inevitable.

If a city wants to develop, it may be possible to rely on the financial industry, but there are great disadvantages. There may not be much problems with a small population. You must know that the financial industry does not need so many practitioners. Although Xiangjiang can be said to be a stock market, it cannot be rely on here; not engaged in specific production labor; it feels a little bit fantastic.

And the overall economy is not good, and the real estate market should not think about how good it will be.

There is no good way Yude at present, but I really want to solve it. Although Xiangjiang's return is inevitable, it was a matter of ten years. He didn't want to cause a serious decline in the economic development of Xiangjiang during his term.

That is the problem of ability, which has a great impact on reputation. But I also know that when a diplomat is born, it is not working on economic development. London asked him to serve as Governor Xiangjiang at this time, more for negotiations with the mainland.

Since you don't understand it yourself, then find a person who knows to help. Thinking about it, no one may be more suitable than Bao Zixuan.

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