Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1506 House Price Questions

First of all, Xiangjiang currently has the most advantageous industrial enterprises; except for the Black Cloud Group, I really can't find others. After all, the size of other enterprises is small on the one hand, and there is no technical content in business. If you do not develop a small and medium -sized light industry enterprise, seek a path; the end result can be predicted.

Closing or the best choice, but if they move to the Huaxia continent collectively; then it may be worse for the British.

Even if you do n’t understand the economy, Yude's heart is very clear, and real estate cannot solve the core issue of a urban development at all. Of course, the financial industry is available, but there is a disadvantage. That is the volatility. If the city's stamina is insufficient, you want to clean up you internationally; it may make you unable to relieve it in a round.

The Hong Kong dollar crisis of that year, if it wasn't for the black cloud group, the tide; These Ude are very clear, although they know that Xiangjiang has a problem;

However, as Bao Zixuan tossed such a great movement in Fucha Ila, Yuide was very worried about the future of Xiangjiang's economy. In recent years, Xiangjiang's economy has maintained high -speed and stable development; it has a direct relationship with Heiyun Group. If it wasn't for the Heiyun Group's growth too fast, the economy could even decline.

After all, the business volume of other enterprises has a trend of atrophy, and it is still very obvious. But Bao Zixuan has never returned, and he is not good at disturbing. It can only be waited, mainly because of my heart; my wife and children are there, and there will be a time limit for business travels.

Shen Yan had long suggested that he wanted to hold a meeting of Xiangjiang Bank. It was just that Yude did not agree. Bao Zixuan did not return, and the significance of the meeting was not great. Xiangjiang bankers met. As the owner of Xiangjiang's largest bank, they did not participate. Then the authority of the meeting will inevitably be questioned.

And the content of the meeting, and the news published, did not get the recognition of the public at all. At this moment, the people of Xiangjiang will choose the latter if they choose between HSBC and the black cloud. Shen Yan also understood this, so he could only wait.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "For real estate, there are many experts here. I have no theoretical basis even if they speak out. If Governor wants to ask me some questions about industrial manufacturing and aerospace Maybe I can answer. "

"But real estate Black Cloud Group has not engaged in development in related fields except the construction office building and plant building."

This is indeed the case, and Heiyun Group really did not engage in real estate development.

However, Bao Zixuan is definitely not at all, after all, Hutchison Whampoa Company; in the field of commercial real estate, it goes further and further.

You De smiled and said, "Don't be humble, boldly say. This is not a job, chatting between friends."

A super rich,

A governor; saying that it was a friend to chat, and I would not believe it. But since Ude has said this portrayal; if nothing means, it is not good.

For why Ude cares about real estate prices; it is actually very simple; in Xiangjiang, the real estate industry is a vane.

In the 1980s, an energy crisis occurred around the world, and the negotiations of Huaying had a huge impact on Xiangjiang. Many British companies in Xiangjiang have withdrawn from capital, and many of Xiangjiang rich are also worried about their safety, so they choose immigrants. As a result, Xiangjiang had a huge economic crisis.

At present, the real estate market in Hong Kong is roughly controlled by five companies. The Yangtze River Industry, Henderson, New World, Hang Lung Real Estate, and Sun Hung Kai. Among them, Hang Lung Real Estate almost gained bankruptcy in this crisis. Before the crisis came, Xiangjiang Real Estate came to a brand new peak, and Hang Lung's real estate owner Chen Zengxi was even more crazy. As a result, the company's debt was full, and in the end, it was almost bankrupt.

You must know that Hang Luo Real Estate is a well -known company in Xiangjiang and one of the absolute large households in the real estate field. If it really goes down, the impact on Xiangjiang is very great. Such a large company almost lay down. Those small companies with no strength are even more difficult to imagine.

And the real estate market is not good, but it will bring a chain reaction. Therefore, for the stability of political situation, of course, we must find a way.

Youde also wanted to let major banks take out money to rescue the market through this banker meeting. These people are super tycoon, if they are willing to contribute; then things will inevitably be relieved.

In fact, the purpose of the hometown is very simple. As long as it is the end of his term, there is no problem. As for what kind of rotten stalls take over the successor, it has nothing to do with him. He also wanted to return to London a step closer, if he had no dazzling political achievements in Xiangjiang; but he had no persuasion.

Therefore, when Shen Yan proposed that when the bosses of major banks were convened, Yude did not refuse. It can be said that although the purpose of the two parties is different, they need to solve the problem through a meeting, so that they will meet today.

Bao Zixuan thought about it: "At present, Xiangjiang's economic development is a bit delayed, but this is also an inevitable law of economic development; and it is also a good thing in my opinion. Xiangjiang real estate price has risen five times from 75 to 81."

"The increase in real estate prices will inevitably suppress consumer demand; after all, as house prices rise, buyers' purchase costs increase."

"For most ordinary families, buying real estate should even empty the savings of the two generations. After the purchase of a house, each expenditure must be meticulous before they can be refined. At the same time, in addition to buying a necessity of life, the purchasing power of improving the purchasing power of the items to improve life can be purchased. It will be greatly reduced; the great discount of life quality has also suppressed the consumer demand of residents. A city without consumption, even a city that dares not to consume; what will be the result, you can imagine. "

"High housing prices have promoted high rent and increased the cost of living in residents; if the increase in wages continues to run without winning the increase in house prices, the rent will occupy a larger proportion of residents' living expenses. The significant rise in rent means a decrease in profits and reduced money. "

"Seeing that the real estate market is so popular, you can't keep up with real estate to make money in the industry. Naturally, there will be other ideas in your heart. No one does the industry. How can you support high housing prices."

"At the same time, high housing prices have contributed to the age of young people, and for many young people who work in Xiangjiang without a car without a car, no house, no house, no house, no house, no house to work in Xiangjiang; the vast majority believe that no matter how hard work, it is almost zero to struggle in Xiangjiang to fight in Xiangjiang. . Therefore, forcing young people to leave, a city loses vitality, so the city's distance is not far from collapse. "

"The real estate market is temporarily falling, which is not a bad thing. Although many people think that I do n’t have back pain, after all, there is no development of real estate projects. But this is the fact that a fact that no one can change."

"The future of Xiangjiang cannot rely only on real estate. In that case, after all, bring the entire city into a state of no longer."

Hearing the harm of Bao Zixuan's analysis of the sharp rise in house prices, the people at the scene were very emotional. After all, many of them are engaged in real estate development, and several of them start by real estate.

No wonder Bao Zixuan is not engaged in real estate development projects. It turned out that people had already foreseen harm. However, at this time, Li Chaoren thought of a problem; since he saw the harm, why did the boy spare no effort to invest in Japanese real estate.

Bao Zixuan's other company, Blackstone Fund purchased a large number of properties in Japan. Is there any other unknown secret here, and we really have to investigate.

It sounds very reasonable, but as the governor, you can't let it go. Is it not good for real estate companies to go bankrupt; it is not a good thing for Xiangjiang's economic development.

But now listening to Bao Zixuan's meaning, it is clear that he is unwilling to care. And it is still happy to fall in real estate prices. This is not possible, after all, only one of him thinks so. Even though the Black Cloud Group is strong, it is still necessary to safeguard most interests.

Youde said with a smile: "It is still a good opinion of Bao Sheng. It seems that Xiangjiang wants to develop, and the real estate price should not be too high."

When I heard the Governor said so, this made a few people engaged in real estate business at the scene. After all, Yude can make real estate prices be reasonable through administrative means.

Some people have begun to resent Bao Zixuan in their hearts. Your kid does not do real estate, and don't talk nonsense. Whoever does not know that you can make money in high technology, but you have to have technology.

Not everyone is so much, do you have to let others drink some soup by yourself!

At this time, the richest man in the bag did not know, because some remarks have offended the entire real estate industry of Xiangjiang!

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