Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1507 Shen Daban's Plan

Seeing that the time is almost the same, all familiar people should talk about. Moreover, Governor Yude and Bao Zixuan had a chance to communicate alone, and it must be implemented in accordance with the plan. Call everyone to meet, just want to complete the plan, not a platform for other people to communicate.

A large round table built temporarily seemed to have no primary and secondary distinctions. After all, there are not many people who have come here, and there are only a few Xiangjiang Bank. And similar to the United States and Japan, there are no invitations.

Xiangjiang Bank Conference mainly refers to British -funded and Chinese banks; other banks still belong to the category of outsiders. Shen Yan may sit in the main position before, but now there is no such courage; the most important thing is not that strength.

When everyone let him be, it is because they can bring benefits to others. But now there is any HSBC, at least in front of Heiyun Bank, it is a crushed role. And this time there are not many people who come here, and they are all super tycies. Perhaps only he belongs to the category of professional managers, and he has no courage to achieve the main position.

At present, those who are eligible to attend the meeting are justified.

Bao Zixuan, HSBC Bank, HSBC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank Baohaus Sanders, Zheng Yutong, Zheng's Bank, Bao Yugang, Yonglong Bank Li Zhaoyi and Li Chaoren, Yongheng Bank Huo Yingdong, Hu Yingxiang, and Dong Da The son, of course, also adds Zhang Jianxin of Nanyang Commercial Bank.

In addition to a Governor of Xiangjiang Yude, there are 12 people in total.

However, the seat is still very particular, at least not to let people jump out.

Governor Yude was sitting in the middle, Shen Yan and Bao Zixuan on the left and right sides. At this time, we still have to look at the scale of the bank, otherwise it is difficult to arrange.

After seeing everyone sitting down, Shen Yan first said: "Thank you for your time to take the time to participate in the Xiangjiang Bank Summit. Although this meeting is organized by the next organization, the core idea; but for the future development of Xiangjiang Banking industry."

"Even if I don't say it, everyone knows. In the recent period, each of the competition is very fierce. Even in order to win the store, there are already some means."

"As a bank practitioner with many years of work experience, I dare not say in other fields. However, Shen is still a little more clear. Because the real estate market is unstable, each bank's funds are not very abundant. Therefore, in order to get funds, It is also inevitable to raise the deposit interest rate. "

The sharp rise in deposit interest rates means that bank operating costs have increased. It may still be able to carry it in the short term, but in the long run, it is money, and it is estimated that it will be very uncomfortable.

For the healthy development of Xiangjiang Banking, I hope that you can control the deposit interest rate. Do not use high interest to attract customers.

Shen Yan will never make an appointment for everyone because of such a big and small thing.

After all, no one is so idle, there must be other things; but now the other party does not say, everyone is not easy to propose.

At this time, everyone seemed to discuss well, all looked at Bao Zixuan.

This makes the rich richest man depressed. After all, the interest of black cloud deposits is not high, at least in a reasonable category. Of course, the loan interest is not very high. But the applicant is not low. Company employees, it is also possible to mortgage. But other customers are not so easy.

Since others look at themselves, they always have to say a few words.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Don't look at me. Shen Dan's class still makes sense. Heiyun just started in the banking field. As long as you are agreed, you will never oppose it."

The boy really refused to take the initiative, which made several Chinese tycoon sitting in his heart. It does not involve their core interests, and no one really wants to offend Shen Yan. Slimming camel is bigger than Ma, and how to say that the other party is also a big class of HSBC. If you are hated by the old boy because of a small matter; then your bank business will inevitably be restricted.

But how can banks survive without high interest to recruit customers. The brand awareness and other aspects; compared with HSBC and Hei Cloud Bank, they are too worse.

At this moment, Zheng Yutong was very unwilling. After all, increasing the interest of the depositors was the first to make Zheng's bank. If you don't give some sweetness, no one is willing to put money on a bank with a good reputation. This is a common sense.

For this reason, he was a little unhappy with Shen Yan, but for the sake of the Zheng family, he didn't care so much. Unexpectedly, Shen Yan really spared no effort, and did not say that he had such a meeting. If all banks agree, the Zheng family must make compromises.

If so, banks will continue to operate, but it will be very difficult.

Zheng Yutong said very seriously: "Although Shen Sheng is indeed an authoritative expert in the banking field, everyone has his own set of business rules. If everything is determined to die, then the market is competitive. Therefore It belongs to the business category, or it is better for the market to test. "

"At the same price, why someone makes money and someone loses money. Consider a variety of factors in business, you can't just stare at such interest. Find the reason from all aspects."

Everyone was incredible when he heard the shark gall. There are many places in the same places that they need to rely on Shen Yan. At this time, it is really anxious to blame the other party.

Hearing Zheng Yutong said, Bao Zixuan suddenly thought of a more famous topic in previous lives.

As we all know, if you owe 100,000 yuan in the bank, the bank will definitely urge you to pay back the money quickly. But if you owe a bank of 100 million, they dare not urge you, and they have to serve delicious and delicious. However, if a bank owes 100 million, such people are very powerful people; if it is not for the large company's weekly need, if it is not for the company's bankruptcy, the amount is too large but also has the ability to loan.

But in the face of a million loans, the company's treatment of her is different. The company first greets him. It will also give gifts, etc. This is a typical VIP treatment. You must also greet your body's state of your body from time to time, let alone make him angry, for fear that it will be too much.

Before that, sharks and gallbladder had so many things, many of them were the bottom of HSBC, or a loan. The Zheng family owed HSBC's loan, but much more than a million. Moreover, the Zheng family's bank can continue to survive, even if Shen Yan asked them to rectify, it would not work.

Because according to Shen Yan's method, Zheng's Bank directly announced that the failure of the closure may be more appropriate.

You must know that the Zheng family's life is not good. Before the acquisition of the bank, it took a lot of bad loans; coupled with rare earth mineral bonds, it was another chicken hair. If it wasn't for his strong financial resources, he would have already lay down.

At present, the Xiangjiang Real Estate market is not dazzling, which makes the new World Real Estate this cash cow also requires the Zheng family's blood transfusion. The only company that makes money is Chow Tai Fook Jewelry.

However, the scale of Zhou Dafu jewelry is not large, and the profit is limited after all.

As for Baozheng Mining Company, although it is profitable now. But all of them are supplemented. The bonds issued last time were in the name of rare earth. Even if you can take out money, Bao Yugang nodded. In this case, the charter king will not do that.

Since someone is in the early age, everyone must not shrink back.

And it is also clear that you want to live a good life in the future. It doesn't matter now. As long as HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank will not fall, the Fragrant Financial Market in the future is not the final say.

Huo Yingdong said very formally: "I think Zheng Sheng is still very reasonable. After all, the cost of each house is different, and the popularity is different. The interest of deposit is the same, so what is the difference between a large bank with a historical popularity."

These small and medium -sized banks must not be competitive. At present, only other methods can be allowed to survive. If you are implemented according to the thoughts of Shen Daban, don't do our business.

It is better to use business means to solve it. What does it mean to meet now? Is it because of letting our banks die and then becoming all HSBC.

Although Zheng Yutong's words are a bit of weight, the influence of the Chinese business district is not great. But Huo Lao is different. At least his words are very strong. The a few of them are not talking about their heads, but at least they will listen.

Sure enough, with Huo Yingdong's statement, several of the others also stated separately. Although the current deposit interest rate is high, if the deposit is not absorbed in large quantities, the life is definitely not good.

There are many tycoon engaged in real estate, and now other industries need to be transfused with real estate companies. Your own bank may be the most convenient way.

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