Unexpectedly, the first plan was proposed, which was fully denied. The most incredible that Shen Yan was the first to stand up with shark gallbladder, and the old opponent Bao Zixuan felt that everything had nothing to do with himself. Huo Yingdong and Zheng Yutong can almost represent the entire Chinese business group. Now it seems that people are clearly to die with you to the end.

Bao Zixuan's attitude is ambiguous, and it is well understood. People have laid such a large area of ​​land in Fucha Ila, and of course they will operate carefully. The place of Xiangjiang does not say giving up, but at least the center of gravity will be tilted towards the Middle East.

In addition, the interest interest in Heiyun Bank itself is not high, similar to HSBC. At this point, Heiyun is consistent with the interests of HSBC. Both parties are large banks. Customers come to deposit, more convenient because of credibility and business. There are many bank outlets, and it is bound to be the first choice for the people of Xiangjiang.

Since Bao Zixuan did not oppose it, Shen Yan had a confidence in his heart. Several other banks look at the scale, but the strength and outlets are limited after all. If they really suppress and block them, the black cloud is willing to cooperate, and it can be done.

Shen Yan's eyes, Bauhaus Sanderson immediately understood what he said.

Before the two came over, they had reached an offensive and defensive alliance. Other banks are Chinese capital, and the two of them are not united, so they will inevitably end in failure. Although there is also a competitive relationship between the two; it may not prevent it from cooperating in this matter.

Bauhaus Sanderson sorted out his thoughts and said, "The suggestion of Shen Xun's big class is still very good. After all, the increase in deposit interest will indeed reduce bank profits. As the interest of deposit increases, the loan interest will naturally increase accordingly. So we will do so. Banks, what's the difference between high loans? "

"High loan interest is not conducive to the development of small and medium -sized enterprises. After all, the cost of using money increases, and they want to ensure enough profits. They can only be charged. Everyone is a well -known tycoon in Xiangjiang, which is very rich. But there are other small and medium -sized. Does the business owner feel!

"Many developed enterprises are because the financing cost is too high, which leads to decline. Xiangjiang wants to have a good business environment and must turn the funds. If the loan interest is too high, the enterprise and individuals dare not use it; then The final result can be imagined. "

"We are not for a bank's gains and losses and making money. We must consider the economic development of Xiangjiang and future planning."

It can be said that this kid is just saying what is in the heart of Yide, what Xiangjiang looks like in the future, but it is related to the arrangement of Yude's return to London. If it is really the same as Bauhaus Sanderson, then bank deposit interest really controls it.

Although it is Governor Xiangjiang, it is not easy to express too much in business operations. It really doesn't work, after all, the game between the two sides is fierce at this moment. It is not good to offend which side is, and it is easy to be criticized.

If you are in a British company,

Then the Chinese businessmen are definitely uncomfortable. Although the return is inevitable, the British still want to brush a wave of presence; at least they cannot let the world say that they come here to plunder. Many things can be done, but you must not make people pick out any problems.

If it is favored by Chinese businessmen, Shen Yan will definitely go to London. This old boy can definitely do it, and it is already used to it. It is not a lord who is willing to suffer for so many years. That is, Bao Zixuan can suppress him, his governor; in front of him, there is no obvious advantage.

The status of HSBC in the UK and the huge interest chain behind it; Yude can be described as clear. If HSBC's board of directors pressure to Tangning Street, it is estimated that the location of Governor Xiangjiang will definitely not sit in unstable.

Now that both sides can not offend, they can only look at them. Before I came here, I was thinking about helping Shen Yan platform; now it seems that we must not be strong, that is to find trouble for myself.

When I heard the Bauhaus Sandon said, Bao's richest man wanted to laugh. This kid comes to Xiangjiang, and it is definitely not sincere development for Xiangjiang's economic development. Now that it is so righteous; if you are not familiar with, you will really be fooled by the other party.

However, this also reflects from the side that the British are really anxious. Before, they had an absolute advantage in the financial field. That's because Chinese tycoon did not enter the bank -related field, and some small and medium families were fighting with them.

Now their competitors are directly upgraded to Xiangjiang top tycoon. It can be said that the richest part of Xiangjiang is a super family. And it is very influential in Xiangjiang, and the public will never doubt the financial resources of these people. Then the previous brand advantage disappeared instantly.

At the same time, there are no listed banks in the main competitors; HSBC and Standard Chartered have become more passive. After all, the two of them are listed companies, but their operating costs are not low. If the same interest, other banks can make money; but for the two of them, they will become no profit, or even a loss.

Fortunately, the radiation surface is relatively wide, and the number of immigrants in Xiangjiang in the past two years; HSBC and Standard Chartered are not so embarrassed.

But now the trend of immigration has passed, and no one has to remit money overseas. Then the profit of the bank depends on loan interest. While competitors to increase deposit interest, they are also reducing loan interest. To do this is to attract customers, and it is a private bank, and you don't need to report to anyone.

But if HSBC and Standard Chartered do this, the board of directors will inevitably agree. I would rather not do business, but they must not lose money. This is a matter of principle. They are businessmen, not saviors.

Now that both parties say, they are very reasonable, but everyone knows; HSBC wants to reduce the interest of deposit, the purpose is to let customers return. How to say, HSBC has great advantages in the field of Xiangjiang's financial financial field.

Of course, compared with Heiyun Bank, it is worse. However, most of the customers in Heiyun are still internal employees. There are not many foreign merchants, at least foreign companies will not treat Heiyun Bank as the main settlement bank. In other words, HSBC and Standard Chartered still have room for survival.

Foreign merchants in Xiangjiang are still mainly Britain. In recent years, they have evacuated. The two banks were very passive, and they did not plan to evacuate.

To do business, customers are the key. If a company loses customers, then it will inevitably go down. At present, HSBC and Standard Chartered are facing this situation.

If you want to keep Xiangjiang's existing customer group, you don't want to pay, you can only press the small and medium banks. Let them reduce deposit interest, because only in this way can they win the front line.

But now that Chinese businessmen do not agree, they must come up with a solution they dare not refuse.

In fact, the shark gall is also unable to say. In the recent period of time, the Zheng family is definitely a autumn of events. Lost tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, coupled with the downturn in the real estate market. Makes the capital chain very nervous; if there is no fund injection, then some core assets must be abandoned. Survival and abandoning the car are the only choice.

But if so, the Zheng family will inevitably be ruled out by the top family. The name of the five tigers, the superb tycoon, has been called for so many years. If these are deprived, then the shark gall is the same; it may be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Once you can't enter the top rich circle, the information will become closed. There are no good projects, and you will not think of the Zheng family first. It is almost impossible to turn over, but it will definitely be very difficult.

There are so many resources in Xiangjiang, and many people want to see the Zheng family. Then they can take the opportunity to pick up cheap and swallow more benefits.

Sitting is not Zheng Yutong's style and business means, so he wants to increase the interest of deposit; let more customers come to Zheng's bank deposit. As long as you have funds, I believe that the Zheng family can definitely survive this difficulty.

Once the real estate market recovers, the capital gap of the Zheng family is not a big problem. Therefore, the shark bile gambling is not the possibility of success. And he is bold, otherwise he will not be called shark bile.

Although there are no good results with HSBC, there are no other ways at present. You can only take a step at a step. After all, no one wants to see Nuo everyone, and is divided by others.

Fortunately, this time the Chinese businessmen have unified opinions, and they will never shrink back. Be sure to be tough with HSBC and Standard Chartered to the end. If this time retracted, then Shen Yan might have any moths.

Although it is not to squeeze HSBC and Standard Chartered, the British side will not agree after all. However, you can constantly reduce the business scale of foreign banks, as long as you can do this; don't say less, even if you lose some, you can receive it.

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