Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1509 Recalling the Past

Can't be stiff here, no one can speak. Shen Yan came over with a strong purpose, but there were few British people at the scene; Bauhaus Sanderson was already very powerful, and now it is his turn to play.

Shen Daban was also helpless. Once upon a time, he was among many Chinese tycoon in Xiangjiang; it was definitely a hundred responses, and no one dared to give face. But now, some people dare to directly oppose his opinion.

Huo Yingdong didn't say, after all, the other party had never been polite to him. However, Zheng Yutong, in the process of hair, HSBC was definitely strong. And many Chinese tycoon present, in the process of development and growth, definitely received the help of HSBC Bank. Now for the benefit, it is so uncomfortable. It seems that it is really impossible to talk to the businessman, and it is only yourself that you can suffer.

Shen Yan's relationship with Bao Yugang, Li Chaoren and other Chinese businessmen is not shallow. Bao Yugang went to Xiangjiang in his early years and was preparing to enter the shipping industry, but his funds were insufficient. Shen Yan fancy Bao Yugang's business strategy. At that time, the shipping company used short -term rental to make money. Although the profit is high, there are many air load periods. Bao Yugang broke the tradition and rented the boat directly to customers. In this way, although the profit is less, in the long run, the benefits are even greater.

Shen Yan looked at Bao Yugang's strategy, so he strongly supported Bao Yugang. Bao Yugang received HSBC's funding support and purchased the ships. In less than 20 years, she became the world's ship king. Bao Yugang's success, half by his own efforts, half of HSBC's support.

At the end of the 1970s, after Shen Yan, after HSBC, he strongly supported Chinese businessmen. At that time, HSBC and the Yangtze River Group jointly built a Chinese building, and Li Chaoren left a very good impression on Shen Yan. In the future, Li Chaoren has been given many times.

And in order to get a relationship with Shen Yan, Li Chaoren could not even make money, just to please HSBC. Now seeing myself besieged, where is the indifferent and conscience.

The key battle of Li Chaoren was the business of rebuilding Chinese in 1977. Li Chaoren opened a small plastic factory in Xiangjiang in the 1950s. By the 1960s, he was the plastic flower king of Hong Kong; however, the profit of the manufacturing industry could be compared with financial and real estate. At that time, Li Chaoren was just a small rich man in Xiangjiang. Since the early 1960s, Li Chao's talents gradually started the business of real estate.

In 1972, Li Chaoren's Yangtze River Group was successfully listed, and he gradually became a middle rich man in Hong Kong. However, in the following ten years, Li Chaoren's career only improved steadily, and there was no jump development. In 1977, Li Chaoren realized his life because he did not make money.

Xiangjiang Central is a place where the earth is gold. In the 1970s, Xiangjiang Daxing Civil Engineering, the development speed of Central is changing with each passing day. At that time, HSBC, the Bank of Xiangjiang, bought the China Bank of China. The Chinese trip was a building built in the early 20th century. This building once witnessed the rise of Xiangjiang Chinese businessmen, so it was called the Chinese bank.

The famous Far East Stock Exchange was born in Chinese.

It was the birth of the Far East Exchange that Chinese rich companies such as Li Jiacheng and Li Zhaoji were listed and raised, and it has been developed.

HSBC was the largest company in Xiangjiang at that time. The total market value of his bank accounted for about 10%of the entire Xiangjiang listed company, which was the giant of Xiangjiang.

After HSBC bought a Chinese trip, because the building was too old, he planned to remove and rebuild it. At that time, many real estate companies participated in the bidding and went online with HSBC. It was the dream of every rich man.

Li Chaoren naturally also hopes to win the business of rebuilding the Chinese, but in the face of the aggressive opponents, Li Chaoren did not win. In the end, the plan submitted by Li Chaoren was almost not profitable. The strategy of not making money has successfully attracted HSBC's attention. Shen Yan naturally gave the business of rebuilding the Chinese trip to the Yangtze River Industry.

Li Chaoren's vision is very long. He is not just to do a Chinese business; he hopes to go on this boat through this business. In just two years, the Yangtze River Industry has built a new Chinese trip. The new building has a total height of 22 floors, with a total area of ​​240,000 square feet. The exterior wall uses the most advanced technology at that time. In addition, the lights and fire prevention systems of the building are controlled by the computer. The new Chinese trip allowed HSBC to be very satisfied with HSBC and Shen Yan. In the two -year contact, he also had a comprehensive understanding of Li Chaoren.

Shen Yan believes that although Li Chaoren is not the top richest man in Xiangjiang, his vision and ability are unattended. At that time, HSBC's former class was to see Bao Yugang's ability to support Bao Yugang to become the richest man in the Chinese.

Li Chaoren built a Chinese trip. Although he did not make money, he made something more important than money. After another year, Li Chaoren acquired Kowloon Warehouse stocks in the market. At that time, Yihe Western Xing found Shen Yan and asked him to persuade Li Chaoren to stop. Li Chaoren sold her face again at the time. In this way, Li Chaoren was even more favored by Shen Yan.

Therefore, when Li Chaoren has any funding needs, Shen Yan will not hesitate to provide it.

Without Shen Yan, it is impossible for Chinese businessmen to develop so fast. But without Chinese business assistance, HSBC will not have today's scale. However, in the Hong Kong dollar crisis, Shen Yan cooperated with Wall Street in order to achieve HSBC globalization. Make a good card and be beaten.

However, in Shen Yan's heart, I still feel that these Chinese tycies are very unconcerned. In order to get the project, I deliberately pleased me. In my words, I can give up the benefits that can be available at hand. Of course, Shen Yan did not let his friends suffer, at least providing funds, never hesitated.

Now, for the benefit, he ignores HSBC. This group of Xiangjiang merchants is not unknown. If HSBC is in what problems are; then waiting for Shen Yan can only return to the UK for the elderly. After all, because of a series of incidents in recent years, the board of directors has not had so much trust in Shen Yan. It's just that the competition is under great pressure, and he has not found a suitable successor, so he must let Shen Yan continue to sit.

Shen Yan thought about it: "Everyone is the Xiangjiang Tycoon, the richest people. Although I am not from Xiangjiang, I have come to Xiangjiang at the age of 21 and enter HSBC. It is to watch Xiangjiang step by step to become an international metropolis. The feelings of this city will never be worse than anyone. "

"But what is Xiangjiang now, do you not see it! People live in a high -cost environment, and it can be said that if you do n’t work hard for a day, you will have an economic crisis. How can there be any happiness in this kind of urban life."

"People who can save money to the bank are rich people. Even if the interest is lower, it is not important for them. Only to the bank loan. If you want Xiangjiang to develop, you must reduce the cost of funds. "

"During the development process, you have basically been helped by HSBC Bank; HSBC and I have never received too high interest! Improve the cost of funds, not a trivial matter. Therefore, I hope everyone must be cautious, entrepreneurs need to need With a sense of social responsibility, you can't be a matter of mind. "

Shen Yan really has a talent for speeches. It is a pity not to perform. After the emotional cards are finished, start talking about friendship. This caused many tycoons on the scene to be contemplated. After all, Shen Yan said it was indeed true; at the same time, Youde's expression could not deceive people at all.

If you continue to die with Shen Yan, then Yude will develop new policies for the development of the Economic Law of Xiangjiang. The banking industry must be the first to be a brunt.

That's really toasting without eating and punishment, it's okay to find something.

At this time, Bao Yugang suddenly said: "Everyone, reducing deposit interest is also good for everyone. But each bank's situation is different. After all, some banks can only attract customers through high interest. So loud. "

"Reducing interest will inevitably lead to the loss of customers, and a bank loses customer deposits; then even if the family is rich, it is estimated that operation will be very difficult. It must be considered a discount plan, which can drive the economy, reduce the cost of corporate funds, but also guarantee that it can also guarantee The core interests of small and medium banks. "

"After all, we also need to survive. HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank are all century -old companies. They have deep heritage and can be trusted by customers. But if we banks, if we do not use interests to attract customers, why do people believe in you."

It can be said that Bao Yugang's words are still very reasonable; it is incomparable, and the key to the problem is found.

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