Before coming to the meeting, Shen Yan's first was Bao Yugang. The relationship between the two is on the one hand, mainly because Bao Yugang has a deeper relationship with HSBC. As HSBC, the first Chinese director; I believe that I will not look at HSBC and indifferent. Although because of the bank law, the Boat King has withdrawn from the HSBC board. But the influence is still there, there are too many people inside HSBC; they are very familiar with them and have a deep friendship.

If even Bao Yugang can't get it, then the final result will not be too good. At present, only he and Sanderson's family are the kid; not to mention weak power, at least no advantage can be seen.

Even if Ude is forcibly intervened through administrative means. Then the final result will not be too good. And let Shen Yan go to Euide, he can't do it; after all, HSBC's historical status does not allow him to do that.

Previously, the public would think that in Xiangjiang, you have to follow HSBC's game rules, otherwise there will be no way to enter the venue; because they supply the ball, the court, the ball certificate -and the opponent's team.

In the 100 years after the Britain occupied Xiangjiang and to the outbreak of the Pacific War, the most important force dominated by Xiangjiang's economy was the financial trade of the Western Ocean Bank of the West in Yihe and Taikoo.

In the 196th and 1970s, Xiangjiang, including port trade, including shipping, shipbuilding, loading and unloading, and insurance, all of which were like teenagers in adolescence.

With the transformation of Xiangjiang from the transfer port to an industrialized city, foreign banks developed by re -re -export trade have also begun to win the fittest and integration. In the fierce acquisition of the merger, several powerful British -funded foreign banks rose, and gradually developed into a comprehensive consortium that monopolized Xiangjiang's economic lifeline.

Among them, the most well -known are British -funded four major ocean banks: Yihe Ocean, Hutchison Whampoa, ancient Ocean and Huidefeng. However, without exception, there is the most important backing behind them: HSBC.

It can be said that before the Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan did not rise, HSBC was the maker of Xiangjiang Rules. He Shen is the Governor of Financial, Xiangjiang. Although he has no name, his rights are not weak at all.

How could such a person be asking for Ude; this old man who has just taken over as Governor for a few years. In Shen Yan's view, the Governor's House has done a good job of serving; as long as there is HSBC, as long as there is HSBC.

Now when I heard Bao Yugang saying this, Shen Yan's heart hanged and finally let go.

To say that among Chinese tycoon, who has the best relationship with Bao Yugang. Maybe Li Chaoren is definitely one, after all, there are many intimate cooperation between the two. Although they are bigger now, the friendship is still there.

Seeing Bao Yugang spoke, and it made sense. Of course, Li Chaoren will follow; at the same time, he is also telling everyone what Double Li means.

Li Chaoren: "Bao Sheng is right,

How to ensure the interests of these small banks; I hope that HSBC and Standard Chartered can give an accurate answer. "

Shen Yan expressed his understanding to Li Chaoren. After all, everyone must survive first before they can talk about other things. Fortunately, he has long been prepared, and he will not let others suffer.

Shen Yan: "Worried about Li Sheng, I already figured out the strategy of responding. Of course, HSBC will not let it go. After all, we are also a company with a responsible company."

"I mean to set up the Xiangjiang Bank Alliance. This alliance is only targeted at the current one. We have any difficulties in our banks; they can be proposed, and then everyone will be solved according to the proportion."

"It is also guaranteed that we will not have the risk of closure. For example, if the Bao's bank has funds, the Xiangjiang Bank Alliance will contribute to help them pass the difficulties."

"If this cannot be trusted by the public, then it means that it does not want to live in Xiangjiang. This kind of customer is not a pity even if it is lost."

Shen Yan's plan is very feasible. But there is another problem, that is, the loan of each bank. Thinking about several other houses to help, then no matter who will give a loan; in the end, it will definitely not be able to collect it. Could it be that everyone should take it together. There seems to be no truth in the world.

Bao Zixuan: "Shen Daban's idea is too simple. In the event of a malicious overdraft of the bank's credit limit, wouldn't it be us to follow the loss. At the same time, how to formulate this ratio is still the big head of HSBC."

As a well -known person in the banking field, Shen Yan should not make such a low -level mistake. Is it estimated to have a loophole, or what other purpose is.

Shen Yan said with a smile: "Shen Mou will naturally consider the concerns of Bao Sheng. After all, various banks have different operating conditions, and some banks already have a lot of bad loans. In case of unsuccessful support, bankruptcy failure, we must not be able to go bankrupt, we must not be able to go bankrupt. Do this injustice. "

"I mean to set up an alliance to trust the people of Xiangjiang. As long as it is an internal bank of the league, it will inevitably be recognized. At the same time, in the information published to the outside world, you can disclose some alliance's internal reciprocity and mutual assistance plans. So which bank deposit is available; for them, they are the same. "

"In this way, customers will not be attracted by interest, and they will be more convenient and fast. At the same time, members of the alliance can share information. Once you encounter a financial crisis, you can also make a good prediction."

Shen Yan wants to inform the households, and small and medium banks can also trust. At least do not have to worry about the deposit that will not be mentioned and bear economic losses. And just talk about it, I don't want to bear any risks. The name of the name of the establishment of the alliance is actually a shackle to China Bank.

Because only this can allow them to absorb deposits in accordance with the regulations.

Of course, everyone will not be satisfied, and it sounds good; but there is no practical benefit for them.

Although HSBC is strong, it cannot be so unreasonable.

In fact, when I heard that Shen Yan said that the establishment of the alliance, a bank had problems, and other banks helped according to the proportion. Shark gallbladder is still very exciting. After all, it is the largest in the Zheng family. If you can get help, the Zheng family will soon pass the difficulties. But when I heard it next, it turned out that people just said that; I didn't want to put it into action at all, isn't this fun!

Bao Zixuan: "If that's it, but if any problem in the league. We will definitely lose the trust of the reserve households when we see death or not, and there may be greater problems at that time."

"At that time, the entire Xiangjiang banking industry will not be trusted, if it is really the same; it is better to maintain the current state. Do not interfere with each other's business."

Hearing Bao Zixuan said so, the people present finally understood the idea of ​​the richest man. People do not intend to have too much involvement with Xiangjiang.

Perhaps in Xiangjiang, some business will be retained; but it will never be the focus of future planning.

If you think about it, it feels very normal. After all, occupying such a large site in the Middle East will help other regions to develop economy.

Bao Zixuan can leave, and people have strength and site. But they can't do it. No one is thinking about leaving Xiangjiang at present. The banking alliance proposed by Shen Yan can really consider it. There are big banks endorsing it, and the strength of the holding family, and the stores are not doubted.

Huo Yingdong: "Establishing an alliance is a good thing and should be supported. However, there is no unified standard for deposit interest. After all, the situation of each bank is different, and the regulations are too rigid.

"Therefore, I recommend formulating a floating space, which means that deposit interest and loan interest; the price of this space must be implemented, no exception can be."

At present, the two sides are deadlocked, and it is not a way to drag. If HSBC's hands are dead, everyone will follow the unlucky. It is better to take a step back, so there are food.

Huo Yingdong's position in Chinese businessmen is not the first, but it is definitely at the forefront. And this solution is more reasonable. Therefore, it was quickly approved, and the interest of bank deposits was also quickly formulated.

As for Shen Yan's so -called alliance, there is no problem. It's just that the opinion is always unified.

In fact, things are simple. As long as Bao Zixuan fights, Shen Yan will definitely have no drama. Let Shen Yan serve as the chairman, but also the old man with the old man with power, will tilt to HSBC or British banks. But who made the richest man who was not interested at all, even took the initiative to refuse, and his attitude was very determined.

In the end, you can only adopt a compromise method, Xiangjiang Bank Alliance; the establishment of one chairman and two vice presidents. The rights of the two vice presidents are the same as the president.

Of course, Shen Yanli became the first chairman of the Xiangjiang Bank Alliance, as for Huo Yingdong and Bao Yugang, respectively. The head of Bao is very Buddhist. He is not so concerned about Xiangjiang affairs.

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